Saturday, February 18, 2012

Val Lougheed, Motivational Humor Speaker

I attended the Pacific Coast Brain Injury Conference. It was excellent. These are the brief notes I took for one of the presentations. I was thoroughly impressed by Val and her presentation, her slides, the material and how it connected with my work.  The conference was a great success. These are just 'notes' I took on my iphone but I know what they mean and the references and those working in this field would too.

Val Lougheed
Michael Sullivan McGill 2006
Patrick Wall and Ronald Melzach gate theory pain research
Scn9a g &m2007 mar 24
Glial cells sc american
Poppy Seeds Calgary synthetic
Survivors feel unsafe in their body  -Herman
Trauma can permanently change the limbic system
Trauma is a biological problem
Trauma brings with it dissociation
Fight flight or freeze
Amygdaloid implicit memory roschild 2000
Hippocampus explicit memory
My life is dominated now by safety, survival, trust
My system is on high alert
My world is black and white - trust - love
Don't trust - hate
Candace pert - psychoimmunoendocrine
Pedro - crawling - complete recovery - autopsy - massive destruction
Paul Bach y Rita - neuroplasticity
Merzenich - acetylcholine
- focused thinking eg line dancing
- cognitive retraining
Recovery happens for rest of life
Optic genetics
Emotions and disease are connected - sternberg - cortisol can reduce healing
Quantum connection the living matrix - Braden 2007
Photons and DNA -
Reorganization of self - creating need for change -
It takes a village
- flexible, creative, adaptable, learn from experience
- criombez 2003
Healing - focus on person inside

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