Thursday, April 28, 2022

Gratitude, Thursday, Desires for self improvement

Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you Lord for the good weather, for the sunshine. Thank you for Madigan and his good humor and nature.  Could I be more like my dog, more playful, less heavy, more ready to exercise and go for a walk.  Thank you for my bed Lord. Thank you for a good nights sleep.  Relieve me of the dreams of past abuse and persecution.  Protect me from the arrogant and demanding..  Help me to let go of the past.  Help me to see more beauty in life and free me from the memories of decades of disease and trauma.  Help me to know the lightness of being. Help me pass through the cloud of unknowning.  Thank you for Thursday which is mostly my end of week as Friday is usually a half day or a day of errands.  
Help me be a better doctor. Help me to be less hurt by the hurts that hurt my patients.  Help me to know my limitations.  Help me to order the constant crisis and know that I can only work with what I have and the shortages and the lies are not my doing.  
Help me financially Lord.  Help me pay the evil burden of taxes for unrighteousness causes and mismanagement. Thank you Lord for helping me to know the brutal history of my ancestors in Scotland and Ireland dealing with similar taxation tyranny by a colonial government like Ottawa.  
Help me laugh more at the visittudes of pompous politics.  Help me see the bigger pictures. Remind me that Job said God and Devil were gambling with the people of the world. Help me know there is only one God and all people are grey not black and white. Help me to see others as colourful like the flowers and plants.  Lift my spirits Lord.  After a day of work hearing misery for another decade upon decades help me leave the office in the office and have a life of joy and ful fillment.  Thank you for my dreams of a road trip. Thank you for the entertainment of thinking about trading in my big old harley for a newer smaller harley. Thank you for the joy of my old Vespa.  Thank you for this home. Help me to know how to move it.  Thank you for travel.  
Thank you for walks with the’ black and white gang ‘,all the little dogs and Dave and Peter. Thanks for Emory, Bella, Mylo, Kimmie and Luka. Thank you for the friendship and amusement of dogs.
Thank you for internet and computers and video and zoom.  Thank you for virtual offices and coffee makers
Thank you for my health this week Thank you so very much for my recovery from days of vertigo. Help me overcome my back pain and lose more weight and be more proactive in my life and less a victim of circumstance. Thank you for letting up the restrictions of Covid. Thank you for the local health authorities and protect us from the WHO and the Ottawa public health absurdities.  Thank you for our local government and the efforts they have made.  Enlighten them too.
Thank you for books and blossoms and clean fresh air. Thank you for all your blessings.  Help me me see the glass half full. Help me always to remember you are a loving God and this too will pass. Thank you for this incredible life and all the joys and adventures you have given me.. Help me focus on the day and see the joy and miracle of the present.  Keep my head in the same room as my ass.  Let me love more and fear less.  Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus Christ. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Post Virtigo

Last Friday I rode my Vespa to the West Coast x ray clinic. It was all round an unpleasant experience.  I was texting a doctor on my phone waiting in line and the doctor was doing that Justin Trudeau communication trick. I’d asked why did you say you start a group ‘physicians against censorship’ and when we all joined having that interest you switched the group to physicians discussing censorship.  Like Trudeau she didn’t answer my question. Further she didn’t acknowledge fault. She had essentially opened a fishing store and was only interested in selling Tupperware. Any question Trudeau is asked about his lies and failures is taken by him as an invitation to make more lies rather than ‘answer the fucking question you butt wad!!!!”  Of course these same gaslight celebrity sociopaths will express how ‘concerned ‘ they are with your ‘anger issues’.  I realized I didn’t know this person and that they were attempting to establish a marketting base to doctors and I should focus on my X-ray.
My back hurts.  I’m of an age where this is fairly normal.  It’s mostly because I’ve not delivered the Covid baby that’s now past 9 month.  I also went to a chiropractor who insisted on accessorizing with an X-ray machine saying after she took the X-ray that I’d had an old X-ray. I observed the X-ray technique (I used to do lots of X-rays in my northern and wilderness medicine days) and didn’t like it. I also didn’t like her ‘nocebo’ diagnosis.

Placebo is what we all do to heal.  When some one says ‘you’’re going to get well’ they are praying for you and assisting the natural self healing. The nocebo by contrast is the evil ‘you’re going to die’ ear wig that was made famous by Iago in Shakespeare ‘s Othello.  She was a terrible chiropractor. I’ve had the best and as well trained in manipulation.  So I never went back and have since continued to see excellent chiropractors, Dr. Stan Jung and Dr. Brian Ready at Klein Chiropractic.  I did go to an acupuncturist for the first time in London and it was really helpful. Walking on the cobblestones seemed to contribute. The fact is exercise helps.

But I wanted an X-ray to counteract the nocebo. I was beginning to worry.  Worrying is praying for evil. All shall be well is godly.  Jesus taught do not be afraid.  I was thankful that the clinic doctor just ordered one hearing my history.  

A young guy jumped the cue and went to the desk . I stepped in to object to him jumping the cue. The receptionist shouted at me to stay out and wait in line. Nothing seems to upset me more than false accusations.  I’ve suffered a lot from false accusations and despite my attempt to forgive people in authorities for their error and incompetence I don’t feel compensated only vindicated.  I’ve got to let go of past trauma.  It goes right back to childhood when someone would hit me and I’d cry out and then be told by an authority figures to stop crying out. As a doctor ‘whistle blower’ in Canada who stopped a doctor ‘s killing streak I was punished forever for ‘not being a team player’ and ….it still hurts as I see this happen.  

As it turned out the young guy was just getting a wheel chair for his friend and the receptionist was pleasant and helpful.  The X-ray experience was a factory like experience with a very fine radiologist who told me to undress and I found myself in my underwear and he was ‘ready’ for me but I’d lost a piece of jewelry , a back for a gold earring he then said I didn’t need to take off which confused me because I didn’t think I needed to but then he insisted everything then back tracked and now I was unable to find the back on the floor and the mask I was wearing was fogging my glasses.  There’s a hurry that doesn’t go well with me because I find hurrying at Customs , airports, X-ray exams really overwhelming. It’s all stressful. Of course getting up on the X-ray platform without a stool was difficult and painful. Further turning over was difficult and painful. That’s why I was there.  Then it was over and I could leave carrying my valuables and getting dressed to escape.  I felt old and vulnerable and sad.  It was all too much. I sometimes just want to die. This seemed to be my future , going to tests and doctors visits and I just didn’t want that life.  Please God. But my back hurt and I was having more and more difficulties doing little things like picking up something that dropped without a means of helping myself up.  My back was weak and painful too and didn’t seem rested after sleep but it was made worse by lying on the couch and improved by a long walk and I needed to lose weight

Outside i rode my Vespa home and became immediately light headed. I didn’t feel right and the world didn’t look right. Then suddenly I reeled around. My brain didn’t seem connected to my skull. I had instant nausea and would throw up everything I’ D eaten that day.  Several times I was head down in the porcelain.  Not a happy camper. My world was spinning and when I lay down and was very still it tool 5 to 10 minutes for the room to settle. I had ‘vertigo’. Big time.  I also felt my eyes doing the nystagmus dance and wished I’d a medical student handy to show him this sign.

The next 12 hours were horrible because any movement up or down or sideways started the room spinning but with everything emptied I at least didn’t vomited. i had to walk the dog so he could pee and poop but getting up was really difficult. I had to wait for the room to quit spinning when I sat up then when I stood up then I had to walk with a broad based gait

I’d joke later that years previously my gettting drunk had been training for this time. Also as a sailor I felt those first 12 hours were like being in my sailboat when I’d been in a hurricane.  I walked the dog around the park almost falling several times.  

The next day I could look down and up but if I turned my head in a horrizontal plane the world began to spin,

That first day I’d taken Reactine anti histamine. I had no other symptoms , maybe a mild fever.  1-3% of emergency visits are vertigo.  Obviously the vast majority are benign.   The commonest cause is labrynthitis of the ear.  Menierries syndrome was also common.  Central issues like a mini stroke are way down on the list.  I’d already catastrophised and assumed I was never going to ride my motorcycle again and was now permanently disabled. I’ve always had empathy for my disabled patients but didn’t want to be any more than they did.

When I regain the ability to look up I thanked God. I’d been praying big time and this odd discrete horizontal plane vertigo was classic for the labrytnths healing with one remaining to go. 

It cleared in the next 12 hours. From start to finish I wass 48 hours.  I woke on the next morning and had full function, fatigue and that’s persisted and I think that’d mostly in response to the anxiety.  

I say now it was a ‘flashback to 2 days in my sailboat surviving a hurricane’.  I’m a psychosomatic doctor.  I expect the whole X-ray experience made me vulnerable.  I think we are always self healing and sometimes our defences are down.  I rallied because I am blessed and I prayed.  I didn’t interfere with the healing.  

I rode my Vespa later that day to get the mail.  i was really thankful that I could do the two wheels.  It was difficult to deal with the complexity. Even next day driving the car it was more work and I was tired from a little trip to the clinic and back.  I had to sign off some forms.

Now I’m on light duties for a couple of days. Glad to be working in a chair which is no problem I was able to sit in a chair or lie in one position the whole time, Movement as the issue.  Today I’m so thankful that I can move freely. I’m so thankful not to have vertigo or nausea today. I’d fasted that first day and had lots of juice and water and even coffee.  Now I’m back to eating. I’m really grateful for my life and find things like this a wake up call. When I’m feeling that we’re doing so badly with a politician that’s downright evil and entitled running up massive debt causing inflation and making the price of gas and food outrageously high, it’s not that bad when I have my health.  Being sick taught me I really have to be more grateful and less negative.  

Thank you God for my health today.  

Monday, April 18, 2022

Christ has risen!

Laura and I and Madigan has a wonderful Easter weekend.  We attended St. Barnabus Anglican Church, welcomed by the parish priest Emilie Smith.  We enjoyed  Sathia’s music and the Mary Magdalena, first apostle sermon by Rev. Martha Cameron. The church was busy Easter. We’d left Madigan our dog home and saw the Fritz, Emile’s dog was absent too. After the lockdowns it was a joy to participate in full communion. Hallelujah!

Later Laura and I would have the traditional ham dinner. I’d bought it fully cooked and smoked but it sure tasted the best being heated up on the barbecue and served with potatoes covered in butter and sour cream and creamed cauliflower.

Christ is risen.  God came to earth as a man, the son of God. He was persecuted by the government and synagogue.  One step a head of the crowd and you’re a leader ,two steps ahead and you are a martyr. The story of Jesus is that of obedience and faith.  Jesus son of God always said he followed the will of God the father. At the last on the cross, he cried out ‘My God, my God , why hasn’t thou forsaken me.’  He’d died.  Like the cry of a child for his mother Jesus was speaking to God even when his faith faltered. Alternatively that line is the opening of the Psalm that prophecizes his life and resurrection..  

The idea of ‘sacrificial lamb’ , the perfect sacrifice, the son, the Hebrew story of Abraham ready to sacrifice his son Issac, saved at the bell.   Jesus died for our sins was more meaningful thousands of years ago.  Sacrifice today isn’t particular part of the Disney world.   Today the idea of ‘personal saviour’ howeverremains poignant.  The  change of the day was the ‘servant God’.  Before Jesus ,God was only accessed by the great.  God was part of the hierarchy of church and state.  In the tribal world of polytheism there were hearth gods but in the great religions of Abraham tradition  God was the one and only leader of the world. Access was through state priests.   Earlier the Egyptians had the Pharoh himself as God. Later Medieval leaders would be the lineage representatives of God.  Even the Popes would claimed to represent God by hierarchal lineage after Constantine reformed Christianity in man’s eyes.   

Jesus, the son of God,  this ‘common man’, a ‘carpenter’ with his ‘fisherman friends’ and women of the people like Mary Magdalene, not a priestess or queen, all these simple folk, had known God.  This was a publicity failure of the first order.  How can the brand of government and state survive in face of such heresy. Even killing the competition didn’t wipe out the idea.  King Herod had already beheaded John the Baptist. Now here, Jesus, crucified rises from the dead.  Not only that the pernicious God, Jesus,  said that the Holy Spirit would remain after his death.  By all accounts a programmers nightmare.  

The Synagogue wanted a monopoly.  Even today the church claims the right of censorship.  The state wants no one to have guns but itself.  In the days of Jesus the Roman Army monopolized swords and the people only could carry knives or short swords necessary for their work.  Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey not in a chariot or on a steed.  Humility was celebrated over the arrogance so common with those who believe in the survival of the fittest and do not acknowledge grace.  

Mary Magdalene, the first apostles, found the tomb of Jesus empty and two angels were there instead. “Why do you search for the living among the dead?”  Jesus rose from the dead as he said, on the third day.  Third Day is my favourite Christian rock band. I’d heard of their music when Mel Gibson chose it for the master piece movie of the life of Jesus.

‘He is risen1’ Mary Magdalene told the 11. There had been 12 disciples but Judas betrayed God for money, 40 pieces of silver.  Peter, hearing what Mary said went to the tomb and confirmed it was bare.  Later Jesus met with many even the disciple Thomas who insisted on putting his finger in the wounds of Jesus to confirm he wasn’t just an hallucination.  

The fabric of the universe changed that day.  The story of Jesus inoculated the world.  The rainbow was a promise that God would not again flood his creation but instead he repaired the programming with the viral message of Jesus.  Jesus Christ. God within. God will come again.  Life after death.  Humility and holiness.  Small works not great works. Love.  Love God and love your neighbour as yourself. Blessed are the children who come unto me.  Such a gentle story of the son of God.  God isn’t war and conquering and ‘me first’ but rather the ‘servant god’.  

In the church calendar Easter tide now continues for 50 days of celebration.  The Gospel, the God news.  Christ is risen.  Life eternal.  

Thank you Jesus.!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Goals, Purpose, Meaning, Easter Saturday

Victor Frankl wrote « Man’s Search for Meaning » , an introduction to his specific form of psychotherapy, called « Logotherapy ».  Having survived Auschwitz he concluded that the main motivation of man was the search for meaning.
I consider at different points in my life I’ve had a grand idea for giving meaning to my life. Meaning overlaps with purpose.  A question which we asked was what would you like written on your tomb?  How would you like to be known?  
My friend wanted to be a doctor from a child.  My desire to be a physician occurred much later in life.
First I wanted to be an astronaught.  I’d read all the science fiction of the local library loving the explorer fiction.  I’d equally loved reading all the history tales of Marco Polo, Captain Vancouver and such.  The idea of finding new lands and people excited me. As an early teen I’d range far on my bicycle. In 1966 the original series of Star Trek premiered.  I’d race home after school to watch the next episode.  It was the Cold War early days of the Space Race. I remember watching the early Apollo  flights. They culminated  in Neil Armstrong from Apollo 11 taking the first step on the moon in 1969. « One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, »    
I was forever exploring, Exploration and adventure. I’d bicycle. I’d canoe.  I’d walk through unknown parts of my city.  This gave me meaning.  I’d later drop acid and begin the inward search that lead to psychoanalytic psychotherapy and the whole world of recovery.  I hitchhiked across Canada and later bicycled across Europe.  
So I wanted to be an explorer but really I wanted to be an astronaught. When I did hallucinogens I was drawn to the inner exploration and  adventure and unknown and would become a space cadet.
These thoughts arose out of my adolescent years, the late 60’s and the famed summer of 69, the year of Woodstock.
I was writing poetry and performing it in coffeehouses and playing rudimentary guitar. I wanted to be a ‘Poet » but there wasn’t a job attached to that.  I actually did my first year at university in theatre with the aim of being a playwright. I was a dancer and actor at the time.  I don’t think I ever want to be a rock star though the life style appeared, So many Canadian’s want the lifestyle of the artist as opposed to the meaning and purpose and discipline. I was definitely disciplined.  
I think of my life in nodes, points at which crossroads were apparent.  Decisions that I knew were monumental at the time and looking back were even more so. When I fell in love with my first love  and made love for the first time I knew I could never be a monk or a minister. I’d been raised Christian and being good and having a family were expected, the norm.  ‘All you need is love’ was the Beatles motto of the day.  But while I wanted a partner to accompany me I saw them as being a fellow astronaught who’d loved travelling meeting the families with wife and children accompanying the man. The early communes seeded a solution.  There was such creativity and simple fun in those days.  We fucked like bunnies and got drunk and talked all night long smoking and it was good.  I played chess then too.  
I was in university again when I wanted to be a renaissance man and decided I wanted to do science more than the arts.  I had a calling in the University of Winnipeg Library. I’d begun studying Paramahansa Yoganada.  The whole spiritual awakening path was there. Along with the 8 fold path of Buddhism right livelihood and Jesus as a healer and teacher.
I remember I wanted to be a renaissance man then an intellectual.  I started in Surgery.  I wanted to be a missionary doctor. But then in the city I’d begun to study Public Health and Community Medicine but in the return to the city and pursuit of family and children I began psychiatry having found so much illness the product of choice and psychiatric disease. The accidents I was seeing were so often alcoholism. So much of illness was a consequence of depression and anxiety. The least served were the mentally ill and I wanted to understand insaniety. I loved R. D. Laing, Freud,  and Jung.  I wanted to be a psychotherapist.  While I loved medicine and had been a really good family physician I never set out to be a psycho pharmacologist but like I slid into being a psychiatrist becoming a psychopharmacologist followed from working with head injuries and psychosomatic medicine. 
While I’d been raised in a spiritual home and trained with spiritual leaders and studied the spiritual teachings of all religions I’d become a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and later would be born again with Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. 
In the study of addiction medicine following psychiatry and recovery I found myself back in the quest to know God , to follow His will and understand the existentialist question of my existence.
I was an explorer travelling to different countries and sailing in my 40 foot sailboat down the coast of North America to Mexico and then solo through winter hurricanes from Canada to the Hawaiian Islands.  I was hunting and fishing and exploring the wilderness too, a wilderness doctor, among other things, writing papers in medical journals and writing stories and articles and eventually publishing a poetry book and a book of observations from psychiatric practice. I remain a blogger.  One day after decades of practice and the joy of family and friends, never having had children though I married women who said they wanted family but I’m not sure in retrospect they really did.  I had dogs. One day I was old and again contemplating life and death. The old questions of meaning and purpose and existentialism.  Mostly I was asking, what next?  I had the answers that I set out to find when I entered each of these phases and now I was kind of coasting.  Time was more important. Carpe Diem, Augustine and perspective.

So I wanted 
1. To be an astronaught, explorer
2. To be a poet, writer
3 . To be a renaissance man/intellectual and spiritual
4. I wanted to be a spiritual disciple to follow Jesus 
5. I want to be enlightened

I’ve imagined what I’d do if I stopped doing what I’m doing and I’ve had the following thoughts
1.  Sex change. Or at least live cross dressed, like black like me , and add breasts. I’ve always liked breasts.  I like wearing skirts too. I wore kilts, then sarongs and just generally like a skirt.  I lived in jeans and suits my entire life enjoying jeans for my hobby farm and riding the harley and hunting .  I found the suit with the sports jacket a power combination, the work wear of a physician and intellectual poet.  I loved best living in shorts and sarong in the tropics.  I don’t know that it’s a permanent desire,  I wonder if it’s a matter of sex addiction or just wanting a new identity or a community that’s less dominated by men with many wives and children and a desire to kill and compete. I’ve accepted long ago that I was a lover not a fighter and I really like the LGBT community.  I have had to defend myself from men and women and feel too old for that and the politics.  I think a transwoman is less a ‘threat’ to these terrribly stunted insecure folk who often suffer megalomania. They like positions in government and law.  They’re very controlling. And afraid. 
2. I’ve thought of travelling to the south away from the winter cold and snow.  I’ve thought of motorcycling down to the tip of South America.  I’ve thought of living again in Mexico. I’ve thought of taking my RV, one of them, to Arizona or Baja.  I loved Costa Rica.  I want to live in the warmth and wear as little clothes as possible.  
3, I want to write. 
I have some book projects
I still write poems
I still blog
I’d like to write a novel
I’d like to write a kind of memoir
I have some ideas about psychiatry I’d like to share in a book form.  
I’m not focused or driven. I ‘ve considered doing university courses in creative writing. I was involved with the Canadian Authors Assoviation and loved the people and time but family emergency and the demands of work interfered. I’ve lived through Covid and been thoroughly depleted often feeling all I can do is work and eat and sleep.  The despair is palpable. I’ve realized too that the government is the problem, like my nurse friend who came back from Africa tired of caring for children who were then recruited to terrorist organizations.  My existential crisis was somewhat resolved by a month of travel and art galleries and museums and the pleasure of Laura’s company.  Instead of giving I was taking in the incredible creativity of man kind and lifted by the wonders of men and women.  I was moved by the beauty.  
I’m working in this structured setting as a psychiatrist because like James Taylor’s bartender song « i like 4 walls around me. ».  My friends with children don’t realize how contained their lives are by that and that by contrast I’ve been ultra conservative given the incredible freedom of choice I’ve felt. I live my life for my dog and a few friends. My friend Laura is the most important in my life but while I felt the women I married wanted me and needed me the joy of my relationship with Laura is that we enjoy each other 
I’m  a community consultant psychopharmacologist and addiction medicine specialist and it’s okay.  I’m moseying along,  My aim is to work virtual from the south in November but continue to live and work here. For now. I’m rather blessed.  I’ve a great dog and Laura as friend. Any problem I have is me.  Like my black friend Milton said, looking in the mirror, « i was looking at the problem’.  
I am struggling to adapt to being older.  So many friends and family have died. There seems to be a limited time but there may not be.  The idea of time and being old seems often from without and within.  I don’t feel particularly old.  I imagine I look old only when I see old people like me and imagine I must look something like them.  

Seven Cardinal Sins or Capital Vices

Seven heavenly virtues
Chastity (versus lust)
Faith (versus idolatry)
Good Works (versus greed)
Concord (versus discord)
Sobriety (versus indulgence)
Patience (versus wrath)
Humility (versus pride) 

I like the serenity prayer
I like carpe Diem, just for today
I like the idea of faith and mystery
I like the idea of character versus personality
I like the idea of ‘spiritual progress’ not perfection.

Each day I feel I’m getting better but older.  

I’m been impatient a lot of my life and struggle with ‘thy will be done not my will’

Comparison is a problem….the intellectual utopian solutions that never take into account others and that peoplee are like cats especially when herded. 

It’s Easter weekend and the North Shore Round Up is happening too.  Hazy day but not too cold.  No snow or rain.  There’s even some blue sky. Hallelujah!

It’s Holy Saturday, not nearly as exciting as Good Friday or Easter Sunday. We saw the incredibly funny sacrilegious musical, Book of Mormon  in London. It seems Jesus was visiting America on Saturday.  This could be called Mormon Saturday if we wanted concord over discord.  

My issue these days is wondering if the whole idea of rejecting the flesh goes against creation which celebrated Adam in the garden finding and naming things. That’s where moderation comes in.  Addiction is idolatry. But all those rules that controlling types and parental types make up, probably like the good public health rules get polluted with pride.  I wonder if God might ask,  what did you do with your vacation on earth I gave you?  How would he feel if  I said I sat navel gazing.  The gospel according to Bif might have something to say to that as well as Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  It’s easy to be a middle class Canadian Christian living a life of ‘quiet desperation’ but what’s wrong with hedonism and epicurianism anyway. Most people are celebrating the religion of aetheism and the gluttony of consumerism. Laura and I and Madigan are enjoying baguettes with bacon this morning. I’ve bought a ham for Easter dinner. There’s no way Jesus was vegetarian.   

Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday

The Cross. Crucifixion. Even as a child the idea horrified me. I guess at some level it taught me beware of the earthly authorities.  Also maybe don’t be too good.  And even if you are good there are bad men in church and state that will punish you.  In spite of all that Jesus had faith in the Heavenly Father. He suffered the pain and shame but never lost faith. God within God will come again.  When all else is gone there is God.  
I see the crucifixion as a preparation for death.  Staked on a cross like a bug on a card  Helpless. Suffering. In pain.  Thirsty.  I’ve comforted the dying. I trained with Elizabeth Kubla Ross.  Often all I could do was be present as we waited.  Death comes.  Time is not relentless. I’ve seen the spirit leave the body. I’ve felt the presence depart.
Today God died.  The immanent god died.  Mortality.  This realm. This dimension. But Jesus said, “Do not be afraid.”  
At Golgotha, place of the skulls, Calvary, Jesus hung on the cross 6 hours.  In the last 3 hours darkness covered the land.  He is said to have quoted Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why hath Thou forsaken me.”
Who knows for sure.  It’s faith and belief.  The story is a parable. Life is a lesson.  This too shall pass.
Good Friday is a day of death.  The resurrection is the story.  That’s the part the aetheists can’t wrap their wee brains around.  Death is death.  
But Pascal said it was a wager.
Physicists say aeitheist are unscientific and closed minded.  Faith and belief and hope.
The story spoiler is the resurrection of Jesus.  That’s to come.  The great psychiatric book was Denial of Death.  Am I prepared for death?  Can I prepare for death?  The time of life is short but the time of death seems to expand.  This consumer society doesn’t focus much on death.  Yet there are death taxes and the whole funeral industry is big bucks.  Tombs and mausoleums.
Jesus taught that we come unto God as ‘little children’.  Little children don’t dwell on death. They have curiosity but they move along.  We are to live in the present where God resides.  Carpe Diem.  Yet today we all reflect on death and government and church and institutions who kill god and err big time.  We reflect on King Herod and Pontias Pilote and Caiaphas.  I especially like Simon of Cyrene.
The characters of the story are all about Jesus.  
I love the song, “were you there when they crucified my Lord.”  
I love the paintings of the crucixion.  I love looking at the face of Jesus and imagining what he was thinking.  Loving and forgiving and finally asking ‘why hast thou forsaken me’ of God.  As Peter denied knowing him.  
It’s a metaphor for my life and my life is a metaphor for Friday.  The Hologram smashed to splinters still shows the scene in every fragrament.  
All he said was Love God and Love your neighbour as yourself. He said more but that’s what he said was the key, that which summed it up  He called himself the Son of Man and was called the Son of God.  As I am a child of God as you are a child of God.  Creator and creation.  Sacred. Miraculous. 

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Palm Sunday

God is omniscient.  Following Brother Lawrence, practice of the prescence of God, we know that it is only our human mind that creates the linearity of time. It is a matter of perception, an individual in the interconnected sea of consciousness. Time and Interdimensional reality are constructs. 
Today is Palm Sunday.  I hold within me the history of Jesus.  I hold the Hero’s tale of Joseph Campbell. I hold the paradox of love conquering all.  The Christian story begins in Bethlehem with Mother Mary and Joseph.  Jesus later taught and performed miracles. The Holy Week is the time of the cross.  The death and resurrection.  
The song goes ‘were you there when they crucified my Lord.”  Dr. Carl Jung interpreted dreams as the dreamer being all persons and aspects of the dream. I’m Jesus. I’m Herod. I’m the mother of God. I’m Judas.  I’m the soldier that stabbed Jesus in the side.  I’m the good thief.  In every aspect I am he.  God is all and God is good all the time.  Forgiveness saves.  I was taught by Jesus to love my enemy .  That of course didn’t mean to let him kill me. I don’t allow a child or a sick person to hurt me in their delusions. Yet I understand their sickness and try not to live in the world but rather understand as Jesus did. This too shall pass.  The real life persists beyond the temporal existence of individual life.  The world of solids is the antechamber to heaven.  I will die and resurrect as Jesus died and resurrected.  
Palm Sunday, today, within, Jesus entered the holy city of Jerusalem. He was greeted with chants, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”   “”Hosanna in the highest!” This was the revelation of Jesus as the Messiah.  The one who comes again.  The anointed one. The fulfillment of the ancient prophecy.  The people threw palms at the feet of Jesus in celebration. 
Hosanna! Pray, save us! Hosanna. Praise. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Psychiatry, definition

Psychiatry is the study and practice of healing the mind.  By contrast neurology is the study and practice of healing the brain.
Despite the attempt of many to reduce psychiatry to the limits of their minds, psychiatry remains four dimensional: biological, psychological, sociological and spiritual.

The biological basis of psychiatry is all that relates to the physical aspects..  Neurology, of course, the neurosciences, and neurochemistry, psychopharmacology, anatomy, and neurotransmitters, hormones, and vascular and immunological process. This includes all the lab offers the the imaging associated.  Some would reduce psychiatry to this dimension alone making it a kind of weak sister to neurology. Naturally I disagree, 

The psychological basis of psychiatry is more about the understanding of the processes of reinforcement, behaviour, insight, reflection, thinking, emotions, intelligence, and reflection.  It refers mostly to the individual.  Psychologists would argue that they now ‘own’ psychology when indeed psychologists began as the assistants to psychiatrists in general and the ‘turf’ wars today are academic.  These fields are clearly overlapping especially in the clinical realm. 

The sociological basis of psychiatry is the interactions of the individual and the group, the stresses of interaction in family, work and play.  Sociology, anthropology, history, art, war, politics and group behaviour in general are all part of this dimension and more. 

The spiritual basis of psychiatry refers to the aspects of self reflection, the very nature of self, the idea of purpose and meaning and relationship of the gestalt, one and whole,  the whole basis of philosophy and religion and the essence of life and death.  All aspects of awareness, time, perception and existence are the realm of psychiatry. 

Friday, April 8, 2022

Burnaby, at home with Laura and Madigan

Laura came over so Madigan and I have adult supervision.  She’s younger than I am but older than Madigan. Most think she’s the best behaved.  She’s not a humper like Madigan and I’m accused of being eccentric. I like to think of it as original.  I love that my friend Anne was kicked out of her church for questioning the priest.  I’ve been accused of not tolerating fools well unless they’re my patients. The reformer is the enemy of anyone who benefits from the status quo. I love reading Bonhoeffer. These are strange times.  
When we arrived back from Europe we were thrown into work with so many requests and a full roster.I’m still working through the less pressing list. I remember colleagues who wouldn’t take holidays saying that it was too much work in the weeks before leaving practice and too much when they returned.  
I was mentally and spiritually refreshed when I returned. Touring galleries and museums is it’s own form of art therapy. So much beauty and genius.  I felt my soul was expanded.
Normally forest therapy suffices. I’m looking forward to camping soon. Our friend Kevin and Anna with the ‘meerkats’ are out hunting and fishing every weekend.  Loved that the kids were even swimming. When I was young I swam with ice on the lake.  Today, no thank you. I’m more the hot tub kind of guy. I was just bitching to Laura that ‘jets’ in the local hot tub have been off since the beginning of Covid.  The suffering. I can still use the hot tub. Maybe will later.
Next weekend in Easter.  Other years that’s been a big time with the North Shore Round Up and Easter Sunday at Christ Church Cathedral with the brass.  Now I don’t even know. The camper is still in repairs and insurance issues so it’s not like we have to head out this early.  I haven’t even got the insurance on the Harley.  Being away in Europe for last month moved back the schedule. I was glad to pay the taxes. It’s always reassuring Anil’s taking care of that.  Loved that I got a bit back into the swing of work, showing up and suiting up . 
 The first week back I still restricted contact because they said they could still do a random covid test and if I was positive after travel I’d have to report everyone I had contact with.  I didn’t agree with this. Maybe relevant in the past but not a week before lifting restrictions.  So I isolated but now no more excuse. I can be a gadfly if I want. Meanwhile patients are complaining of social phobia now. If you don’t use it you lose it.  
Laura’s happy to be home and doesn’t feel we have to do anything.  ‘We just spent a month in Europe.!” She said.
I’ve just got this pressure of the weekends and time off, desire to live the fullest.  Change. I’m going to barbecue for her.  Haven’t barbecued or made a good dinner since I was away.  We stopped at MacDonald’s on way back from her getting the oil changed in her SMART Car.  Madigan loves his burger patty’s.  Gilbert used to jones when he saw the Golden Arches.
Back in the mundane.  
I should be writing books. I could be bear hunting. I’m bitching about my back.  It hurts. Chronic psychosomatic pain.  Somatic depression. I’m thankful I’ll get an X-ray and confirm its all in my head and then I can get back to physical therapy. I’d like to hang upside down like a bat.  I’ll eventually get back in the woods. Ride around with Madigan on the ATV. Look for little birds to shoot and eat.  I would shoot a dear for sustenance but haven’t the same predilection for bear.  
Spoke with friend and we’re both missing our native friend.  So much loss when one gets older.  I must work on aging gracefully. I really felt a lot of grief last winter. Now I realize I’m part flower. It’s the flower DNA that was suffering. With the return of the sun I’ve stopped wilting. Wanting to be in Arizona or Mexico next winter to get replenished.  
Right now the sun is out and there’s blue sky. Time to walk Madigan.  

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Burnaby Lake Park

What a joy it is to wake  in Burnaby with the sun and blue skies showing through clouds.  I wanted to see what birds were at Burnaby Lake right now. I’ve seen robins are back.  Some new sparrows are showing up in the trees near me. Madigan, my cockapoo loves to walk.  Post covid I do need the exercise.  Aerobic exercise is certainly the principle means to ward off ill health and dementia with aging.  I used to run but now walking the dog is the pace I enjoy.

Roots in Brunette River by Burnaby Lake, Caribou Place 

Beginning of Burnaby Lake by dam near stables

I have my Nikon P1000, to date, the ultimate birder camera for me.  I ‘ve also my iPhone 13, the camera and telephoto itself sufficient for most bird pictures.
I couldn’t have walked 15 minutes before I had to open my jacket and put my togue in my pocket. It’s already spring warm.  Lots of joggers passed me.  I love the women in the skin tight space brigade leggings and tight little jackets. The guys have the same skin like leggings but more often vests.  
I associate the jogging clothing  with Sci fi astronaughts, an impervious layer of flexible skin imitating bullet and tear resistant light weight silk like material couples with a helmet and 180 degrees of glass visibility.  I envied this clothing when I was a teen reading adventure space stories .I still love the Captain Kirk era Star Trek costumes.  
Now all these folk are  just running past me.  No space ships handy. Young people.  Some old. Some fat. I admire them. I’m among the fewer in number dog walkers. We’re all dressed in variations on North Face jackets, wind proof water proof, certainly not form fitting, definitely still haute couture for the outdoors dog walking set.  The dogs are a wide variety from German shepherds to corgis. Most are friendly like Madigan who thoroughly enjoys the social occasions. A delightful miniature collie does a circle when she sees him.
Her owner, a happy man in his 30’s says , »She always dances in a circle when she sees a dog she likes. I’m thinking of getting her a ballet tutu to wear. ». We laugh and pass going different directions.

I don’t know what this is? ?Skunk Cabbage

Even before covid I was reclusive. People are friendly walking dogs and on the trails. It would be easy to befriend folk and then my social circle would increase but I’m reticent about that. I’ve lost too many friends in too few years. I know I should replace them. But they took 20 plus years to love.  I’m slow to begin again. I know I’ve probably a decade or more to go but it’s lonely and my own fault I don’t call up those who reach out and begin that long slow journey of trust again.

I love the signs of spring. The cherry blossom trees are blooming. I have already taken pictures of the white daffodil.  
It’s 8 am and the morning light is rich in shadows on Burnaby Lake. I’ve seen nothing of interest at the damn but like the wood ducks and Canada geese at the entrance to the lake. I am blessed to get  a shot of geese flying off to the North.  It’s apparent that the excess of ducks in the winter months have thinned by so many flying on to their own favourite lakes in the interior and north now that the thaw is on.  

Red ringed black bird

Madigan, cockapoo

I don’t see the squirrels that are usually along here.  When we do get to the ducks by the Piper entrance there are the coots, teals, mallards, wood ducks and geese.  I delight in shooting a few pictures. The reward for this morning’s jaunt with a camera is a group of ducks perched in the tree. Perhaps they do this each night. Whatever it makes for a good picture.  Madigan is happy with the outing.

Green winged teal 

I’m home an hour and a half later, quite exercised. I admire a couple of older female friends my age who tell me they walk their dogs 2 hours every day.  I was walking 2-4 hours on holidays visiting museums and galleries but I’m definitely going to have to up my game because I’ve been doing a series of half hour walks when I really need to get more exercise if I want to continue to enjoy my sloth and gluttony as I do.  

Madigan is very pleased that he’s begun the day on such an up note. The studies say that waking as close to dawn and exercise before 10 am is best for depth and quality of sleep and overall reducing anxiety and improving mood. I’ve been a month away from work and it’s hard to face the onslaught of anger, depression, anxiety and even despair.  Lots of folk stewing rather than doing. Also sadly increasingly numbers of older folk in the city afraid to go outside because of the lawlessness in communities with increasing government corruption, increasing taxation.  People are paying for administrative talkorgies and committee porn but little actual to show.   This smug sociopathic government overeach is  the new world order Fascist Neo communism.

I actually caught myself on my walk having negative thoughts about the verbally abusive sociopath I spoke briefly with. Here it is a perfect morning. I’m walking the dog. I’m in Burnaby Lake Park and my mind which should be on glory and gratitude for God and life has had a psychotic break and slipped gear into a flashback from days ago at work. Then I’m while writing about my glorious walk with God and ducks and Madigan and what happened I’m sidelined into thinking about the criminal politicians masturbating in Ottawa.  I really do need a proctologist to help keep  my head out of my ass. Get your head in the same room as your ass is. Carpe Diem. 

 Thank God for the glory and beauty of nature. Thank you for the physical capacity to walk. Thank you for the crazy delightful companion. Thank you for the City workers and government who maintain this park and the police services that ensure that it’s safe here.  Thank you for the sunshine though it’s cloudy now. Thank you for my home and the expresso machine and Saltspring Island coffee. Thank you for my camera and photography and the fun of something so joyful and simple. Thank you for the Richard Channing’s Bird book of BC.  Thanks for all my friend who enjoy my bird pictures and Rob and Graeme and others who help with identification.  Hallelujah! What a wonderful day to be alive. Thank you Jesus.  Thank you Creator. Thank you Yahweh. Thank you God of Gods.  Hallelujah!  Love Burnaby Lake Park!