Thursday, April 28, 2022

Gratitude, Thursday, Desires for self improvement

Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you Lord for the good weather, for the sunshine. Thank you for Madigan and his good humor and nature.  Could I be more like my dog, more playful, less heavy, more ready to exercise and go for a walk.  Thank you for my bed Lord. Thank you for a good nights sleep.  Relieve me of the dreams of past abuse and persecution.  Protect me from the arrogant and demanding..  Help me to let go of the past.  Help me to see more beauty in life and free me from the memories of decades of disease and trauma.  Help me to know the lightness of being. Help me pass through the cloud of unknowning.  Thank you for Thursday which is mostly my end of week as Friday is usually a half day or a day of errands.  
Help me be a better doctor. Help me to be less hurt by the hurts that hurt my patients.  Help me to know my limitations.  Help me to order the constant crisis and know that I can only work with what I have and the shortages and the lies are not my doing.  
Help me financially Lord.  Help me pay the evil burden of taxes for unrighteousness causes and mismanagement. Thank you Lord for helping me to know the brutal history of my ancestors in Scotland and Ireland dealing with similar taxation tyranny by a colonial government like Ottawa.  
Help me laugh more at the visittudes of pompous politics.  Help me see the bigger pictures. Remind me that Job said God and Devil were gambling with the people of the world. Help me know there is only one God and all people are grey not black and white. Help me to see others as colourful like the flowers and plants.  Lift my spirits Lord.  After a day of work hearing misery for another decade upon decades help me leave the office in the office and have a life of joy and ful fillment.  Thank you for my dreams of a road trip. Thank you for the entertainment of thinking about trading in my big old harley for a newer smaller harley. Thank you for the joy of my old Vespa.  Thank you for this home. Help me to know how to move it.  Thank you for travel.  
Thank you for walks with the’ black and white gang ‘,all the little dogs and Dave and Peter. Thanks for Emory, Bella, Mylo, Kimmie and Luka. Thank you for the friendship and amusement of dogs.
Thank you for internet and computers and video and zoom.  Thank you for virtual offices and coffee makers
Thank you for my health this week Thank you so very much for my recovery from days of vertigo. Help me overcome my back pain and lose more weight and be more proactive in my life and less a victim of circumstance. Thank you for letting up the restrictions of Covid. Thank you for the local health authorities and protect us from the WHO and the Ottawa public health absurdities.  Thank you for our local government and the efforts they have made.  Enlighten them too.
Thank you for books and blossoms and clean fresh air. Thank you for all your blessings.  Help me me see the glass half full. Help me always to remember you are a loving God and this too will pass. Thank you for this incredible life and all the joys and adventures you have given me.. Help me focus on the day and see the joy and miracle of the present.  Keep my head in the same room as my ass.  Let me love more and fear less.  Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus Christ. 

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