Saturday, July 24, 2021

Super Straight

“I just learned I was Super Straight”, my friend told me.
“Did you take it as a compliment?” I asked.
“I sure did,” he replied, a father of four and very successful man’s man. Truly a salt of the earth character with incredible heart, mind, and soul. He was adored by his wife and loved and admired by his successful sons and daughters.

Evolutionary biology would say that the survival of the fittest favoured the ‘straight’ for their ‘reproductive’ superiority.  Certainly the super straight represent a virile and fertile part of the spectrum of sexual preference.

Dr Dorothea Bea out of Berkeley wrote a paper, ‘Macho Men and Fluffy Women’ reporting on the spread of sexual preference.  Many researches have shown similar findings with varying distributions depending upon times, culture, religion or politics.  

In a great American movie the wealthy older attractive man asks the younger beautiful woman, ‘would you have sex with me’.  She says, no. He replies ‘would you have sex with me for a million dollars?”  She says “I’d have to think about it.”  He says , “If you would have sex with me for a million dollars, would you have sex with me for a dollar.”  “What do you take me for? The woman’s exclaims.  “That’s already been decided , I’m just dickering for price.”

In some sociological  research it was interestingly found that some 10 % of heterosexual men and women would rather die than have sex with the same sex.  Naturally these folk, recently called ‘super straight” thought that was ‘reasonable’. What they found surprising though was that an equal portion of gay people, roughly 10 % of homosexuals and 10% of lesbians would rather die than have heterosexual sex.

The interesting middle group of some 30%, the so called swing vote, would have sex with either/or depending on benefit.  Indeed 10 % were frankly bisexual and often had 2 or more long term relationships with either sex.

There were many factors that influenced the distribution.  When being gay can lead to imprisonment or worse being thrown to your death from high buildings the per cent of gay people in the community shrinks to something like 3% whereas post Stonewall the percentage of outwardly active gay people in America rose to the politically repeated 10% figure. 

In the New York Museum of Sex there was an exhibit of the almost ubiquity of sexual variation in the animal kingdom. Birds were the worst and did everything and more. Certainly chimpanzees, man’s supposed closest relative, enjoy sex and don’t seem to differentiate pleasure and reproduction.  The idea following that pleasure preceded knowledge of reproduction until much later mixing of tribes and animal husbandry.  

While heterosexuals are the overwhelming, not surprising,  majority, what is harder to explain for evolutionary biologists is the persistence of the ‘Super gay’ group.  Sociobiology states that social behaviour follow biology but the only actual explanation of purpose for homosexuality has been that it takes a community to raise a child and strict homosexuals contributions to the group have been definitely seen in areas of religion, law, education and politics. The bisexual contribution was never at doubt no one really caring what one did in early days as long as reproduction persisted. The question has been that 10% of homosexuals and 10% of lesbians that abhorred heterosexuality. Why do they persist across all boundaries from an evolutionary or sociobiological basis.  This remains to be explored when the politics of mob violence allow for reflection and consideration.  

Studies of testersone show that the greater the testosterone the less discrimination.  ‘Any port in the storm’ is the adage that pertains. All over the world emergency rooms continue to see male teens with their reproductive parts stuck in vacuums and long necked bottles.   In a study of an adolescent with a testosterone produciing tumour the UBC psychiatric researcher  found that the boy got an erection to anything circular but  did not get an erection when shown a straight line.

It is common for long term male criminals to define themselves as ‘straight’ despite having regular oral receptive sex and frequently sodomizing inmates. 

“I never took it myself. I just used them because there were no women. I’m not gay like those guys,” I remember one lifer proudly bragging.  It is equally true that the number of homosexual acts increases exponentially where there are no women, hence in war, the north, in the Wild West of cowboy era, prisons and mining town and for women female prison’s and nunneries. 

The Nazi gassed gay ‘sissy’ homosexuals with the same alacrity and efficiency they gassed Jews,.  In the classic book, “Pink Swastika” , it was noted that the SS attracted these hyper testosterone relatively indiscriminate males  and that this was acceptable in the Nazi Socialist regime.  Like International Socialism, Communism, Nazism was a chauvinist regime. Women were considered inferior.  Hence the gays gassed were the ‘feminine’ ones, ‘sissy’s ‘ or ‘bottom’s’ as opposed to the ‘macho tops’.  Even now in the socialism of American among the LGBT community the term for the mother, most feminine of all, is often a disdainful “breeder’ or ‘birthing parent’ to marginalize the ‘mother child bond’.  Biology was  a threat to the 19th intellectuals.  Kate Lister in her delightful book Curious History of Sex reports that even Freud referred to women as the ‘dark continent’.  Lister went on to say that was appropriate ‘since he was clearly lost and afraid of the natives.”  Marx and Engles were afraid of the family even as Marx was having sex with his housemaid in the wife and mother of his children’s home.  

The actual research on sex, sexual preference,  sexuality and gender are all very modern topics.  ‘Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex, by Alice Dreger tells some marvellous stories of 19th century ignorance of even female anatomy.  It was only in the last couple of years that the human genome was unravelled and clarity regarding the primary genetic program of X and Y chromosomes established. The biological male and female sex is well established with XY for males and XX for females. Rare variations like XXY Klinefelters Syndrome and XO Turner’s syndrome do exist but are exceedingly rare and thought primarily as a mutation.  Despite the romantic notion of mutations  and mutants in the minds of science fiction fans, they simply very rarely survive. Nature abhors deviance making suspect Darwinian theories as they apply to human. No explanation yet can have an ape playing Mozart in the time already known to be fixed for human life.  That we descend from aliens that arrived sometime in the past, the Aquarian, idea is vastly superior to evolution on this planet.  There just isn’t time but the idea of multiple earths with multiple supreme rulers and our own significant insignificance is too much for most ego driven sociologists wanting a name for themselves as great as their prophet Darwin.  As my friend said, today there are only maggots crawling off the dead bodies of Freud, Marx and Darwin.  

Given human ancestry  stretches back  hundreds of thousands of years it’s only in the last 80,000 years that Homo Sapiens, our group, have been defined with any certainly . It’s even now being found that we interbred with Neanderthals, Cro Magnons and Homo Erectus.  No doubt the ‘super testosterone’ folk and the ladies who liked that sort had a lot to do with adding the genetic variation brought with interbreeding between tribes.  It is always to be remembered, especially when feminists are waxing poetic like the Aryans once did about race, there are quite a large number of women who are attracted to serial killers, murderers and rapists.  They make these politically and socially incorrect men their pen pals and pray for their release that they might reproduce in Harlequin Romance ecstasy. Eva Brawn and Stalin’s wife who suicided are not much discussed in modern leftist circles that also exclude the mother of Alexander, Cleopatra, Queen Judith and Celtic Beadocia from their religion of the historic ‘oppressed women’ and ‘opresecd’ the maggot of social Darwinism.

Until the Industrial Age the larger the family usually the greater power. The Oldest law of the world is the” Law of the Fish: there are big fish and little fish and little fish must be fast and numerous.”  Hunter gatherers, herding and later agriculturalists were faced with numbers being limited by famine, war and disease.  Infant mortality was a major issue until the last century.  Studies of the AMish do show that women are healthier and live longer the more children they have until the magic number of 12 . No benefit is seen with the 13 child.  Having the first child before the age of 30 is associated with massive reduction in later age cancers and other life threatening illness. 

 Given the value of the children to the British Empire, as soldiers and administrators , the great phrase of Victorian England arose, “lie back and think of England’.  This referred to a mother’s telling her skitterish, even squeamish daughter ,asking what if I don’t like sex, that it was her ‘duty’ to have sex not for the man but for the nation.

Bishop Spong showed that even earlier the catholic clergy were invested in ‘missionary position’ , in medieval times, hundreds of years before the British empire arose.  Bishop Spong accessed the historic writings of the Roman Bishops to the young village priests. They encouraged them   question the young farm wives  in confession if they are doing anything ‘other than missionary position’. The writing reads more like a Monty Python comedy sketch as these biologically knowledgeable farm wives coyly asked the celibate priests ‘like what’ .The young priests shared this with the older distant bishops and asked them ‘like what’.  The writing is clearly all obtuse in fear of giving anyone ideas. 

The fact was that ‘sodomy’ was not so much a taboo from God as an interference with holy reproduction.  Indeed sodomy was found to be one of the commonest birth control practices of catholic women in poverty.  By contrast Asian women had large families and this increased the wealth of the parents even when they no longer could afford to support more children, as the asians were able to ‘sell’ their daughters without the shame attributed to such practices today.  In Canada where the Liberal chauvinist PM Trudeau claims politically to be feminist women are not even allowed to profit from pregnancy .They are encouraged to abort and the abortus which gave rise early to stem cells like in communist China was taken by the chauvinists of the state for personal profit. In Eastern Europe ‘surrogate motherhood’ is a booming business to allow young women of poverty to pay for university education.  The lie of feminism’ my body my own’ even extends to women’s sale of  breast milk being illegal. As well demonstrated today there is a lot of political virtue signalling but continued political evidence of the advantages of the elite versus the rest. As feminist sociologist Jane Ursell pointed out a single adult could support another adult and two children own a house, a car and a garage in the 50’s on one income while today two women can still barely pay the rent especially in cities like Vancouver where rent is akin to the Irish potato famine days and landlords evicted the peasant unable to pay to turn their real estate to greater profit. Criminals around the world wealthy by the corru[ption allowed the elite in their countries are flocking to this city to enjoy the privileges of resources. 

Today the one child policy celebrated most in the chauvinist communist china.  It  reached it’s peak in Canada when  Morgentaller the famous hatchet man abortionist under Communist PM Pierre Trudeau was aborting mainly catholic and Christian children with industrial Germanic efficiency.  Today PM Trudeau has reversed the 60’s claim of overpopulation and is actively replacing the abhorrent Christian population with Islamic Immigrants.  This has made the child ,who once was the tool of prosperity of parents specifically the mother, and communities the world over,  less a ‘tool’ and more a ‘pet’  Histloric female power was with the woman through her sons and daughter as remains evident in Hindu family based communities , predominantly matriarchal society. The destruction of the mother and child of modern feminism is consistent with Marx and Engles who abhorred and the family and saw it as a threat to their Aetheist God ‘STATE” which Lenin defined euphemistically as ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’.  

The elite regardless of race, culture tend to at least three children. When women are educated to the university level they tend further to limit their own reproductive tendency to three children The 18th century Maltheusean ideas of ‘overpopulation’ are indeed being countered by reproductive checks unimagined by the sexually obsessed men and women of merely a hundred or two hundred years agog

Homosexually interfered with reproduction but not if the monarch or his friend obliged the lady’s need to reproduce a king. Recent DNA studies of children of divorce show that 40% are not the marital father’s . This indicates that men and women are most likely equally duplicitous regarding sex despite the lie of Maxism feminism (which hijacked the suffragette and women’s liberation movements, meritocracies that celebrated men and opened opportunities for women in face of changing times — see Who stole feminism by Dr Hoff Summers.  In contrast to a BC College of Physicans and Surgeons administrative doctor who chant ‘women don’t lie about Sex’ .  Surprisingly she was never was certified as medically insane and indeed such preposterous assertions have entered the mythology of women’s studies which are now considered no more relevant to the university than seats of astrology might be.   

Women and men lie about sex and likely equally regardless of race religion or culture. A classic sexual medicine study showed that women indeed were most affected by ‘social acceptability’. .  When asked if they had ever performed fellatio they responded totally different to the librarian like brunette researcher with hair in a bun to the California blond bombshell a mere month later. Researchers wondering if they might have influenced the reserach switched researchers with no change in results. “Social acceptability’ now is essential in all studies of female sexuality given that women who have the obvious biological propensity for pregnancy have greater need for the group than men whose answers remained the same regardless of the interviewer.  

Studies of sexually transmitted Herpes showed that nuns had the least frequency and the wives of travelling salesmen the most.  Pregnancy historically limited opportunity if not only physically but emotionally. Transsexual studies have shown that testosterone is the driver of sexual unions and is present in men and women. Libido, sexual desire, is hormonal and while women have been sexually available throughout their cycle their age and time of cycle can estrus can’t critically affect their libido as anyone knows who has seen a cat ‘in heat’.    Of course alcohol affects both men and women with regards to sex and it’s thought that it’s benefit through history has been its contribution to reproduction if for no other reason.

The point is that today, so many of the scientifically uneducated make statements about sexuality and gender expression with no understanding of history, evolutionary biology, the importance of children and the significance of the family.  The courts are mired in the 19th century and while religions are well meaning and often offer the best for the most their arguments are hopelessly outdated as no better writing shows it the quite hilarious letter’ Why can’t I own a Canadian?’ 

The ‘alpha’ male was defined as such for his reproductive strength as a super straight warrior as likely as a great ape was to sodomize a young male and impregnate a young female.  The ‘beta’ male of pre industrial era was a little fish.  Today however there is a shift as Industrial Age and digital age weapons removed the muscular requirement for success. Social studies of history have shown that rather than the ‘big man’ of the hunter gatherer era leadership when his ‘woman’ , often the ‘healer and shaman’ was the influence ,with shepherding and agricultural era the ‘big man’ was increasingly aligned with the ‘old wise counsel’,.  In Fields of Blood , Religion and History of Violence, Karen Armstrong studied relationships of religion and politics.  It is clear that political motives were primary for war and that religious leaders who did not support them when the decision was made did not tend to survive long.  In hunter gather days there really was little separation of religion and state but as the tribes grew and nations grew specialization and separation of powers evolved.  One of the ironies of history was that Europe saw the greatest peace movement before the 60’s, in the years immediate to WWII

This history of the ‘sissy’ or ‘queen’ or the feminized male, who was gassed by the Nazi socialists, commonly acquired far more ridicule and abuse than the female equivalent ‘tomboy’ is seen in the rise of issues of transsexualism. The M-F usually loses social status while acquiring status in the female world.  By contrast F-M’s often acquire social status especially as the muscle of today leader is no longer on the arms and legs but between the ears.  The ‘bottom’ in the gay community is less ‘powerful’ than the ‘top’ by contrast. In the few true matriarchies studied in the Polynesian islands the woman commonly had two or three metro sexual partners. In the matriarchy seen with the Iroquois Nation the chief was chosen as a ‘macho man’ but his choice was made by the women elders who controlled the principle food supplied brought by women and children gathering as compared to the third of the food supply hunted by the men. The women controlled the decision of when to go to war and the war chief was a young man usually 20 or younger while the peace chief was an older man over 40.  Variations of these themes have been noted in reality despite the mythology often euphemistically referred to by the 19th century political ‘scientist’ . His or her speculations were as whimsical at best considering the reductionism and speculation of Marx.

Given the rapid evolution and devolution of modern societies, in response to the ‘law of accelerating returns’ nothing can really be said with the certainty once available in slow changing times. .  Buckminister Fuller the American genius and other’s like Burke have studied the vast rates of change that have come with technological change. Moore’s law that the number of transmitters on a microchip doubled every two years was an empirical observation in the Information Age that underlined Kurzwell future predictions. These are all in contrast to the 19th century age of ‘scarcity’ .  The rise of aetheism and hopelessness in the 19th century contrasts with todays realizations of infinite possibilities as seen with the Hubble telescope and the observations of astronauts.  Not so long ago the sky was thought a roof poked with light holes. 

 Europe was thought overpopulated in the time of 15 th century , the time of Columbus , yet the development of wheat in shorter period of time in agricultural departments like the University of Manitoba resulted in Canada being the ‘breadbasket of the world’  The extension of food supplies beyond the golden triangle are a fascinated discussion of brilliant anthropologists Guns, Germs and Steel book and Harri’s equally interesting Homo Sapiens.  Billions more are being able to eat with the new advances in food production..  Europe advanced production a dozen times over Asian food production where rice farming went unchanged for hundreds of years. 

Buckminister Fuller saw no limitations to the expansion of human kind except clearly the limits of the leadership.  As science offers answers to endless questions the legal and political systems remain mired in the limits of 19th century thinking if not earlier.  In Muslim countries where science once was extraordinary the political religious totalitarianism tries to turn back the clock to 16th century. ISIS indeed was the replica of early pure Muslim thinking at such variance with the modern Muslim world as evidenced by Dubai.  Like the totalitarianims of aetheist communist countries reward most is to administrators least to  innovators.  While no one flocks to these parts of the world the US as centre of entrepreneurial genius and greatest celebrator and reward of innovation can’t keep the immigrants out.  The majority of American millionaires are made in their own lifetime. 

Given the clash of cultures and Kurzwell’s laws ,anything said about what is ‘right or wrong’ , the ‘morality of sexuality’ and ‘gender’ might well be ‘fashion’ as the world turns. A study of the taboos of the Old Testament such as that against eating pork simply showed that pre fridgeration pork was most likely to go off and also carried a brain parasite transmittable to humans that caused insaniety.  Much of human behaviour before computers, allowed for multi factorial analysis on a large scale was observational empiricism.  Today gay lifestyle is associated with greatly reduced longevity but then being a soldier was associated with greatest risk to mortality. Young people continue to ask are we here for a ‘good time or a long time’.  Quality of life in Canada for Seniors whose systemic abuse was shown in the Covid crisis when the State’s robust promotion of euthanasia for the old was lock stepped with the State’s overt reduction in the quality of life support for the old. Nursing home deaths were as linked to biological factors as poverty poor administration and other sociological factors controlled by the State.  The high success of Dr. Bonnie Henry of BC Canada and Health Minister Adrian Dix was such a constrast to the lack of scientific judgment of Governor Comoro, now called the nursing home killer for his administrative failure.

The fact I see is that ‘no one knows’.  The future is a fog right now.

The whole idea of ‘freedom and determinism’ or ‘free choice and fate’ is in the centre of all this with the patholization of different behaviour.  When ‘missionary position’ heterosexuality was the best for state and large families for war and agriculture ,deviance was either addressed morally or medically. Today this clash occurs with sexual variation no longer considered pathology however the proponents of their own change continue to demand the community pay for their care with the insistence that their behaviour is ‘determined ‘’ and not choice. So in the bioethics of this ongoing debate in Canada a man can have his genitalia changed to female and have hormones and maybe breast augmentation but anything further is suspect because ‘cosmetic surgery’ to change one from an ‘ugly’ woman , determined and fated, to a ‘beautiful woman’ is ‘’choice’.  

It’s also influenced by access to resources so no one even bats an eye when a wealthy elite like a rock and roll star changes their skin colour and race and makes changes of gender or invests in space ships to become future martians however the issue of scarcity arrives when the financial and administrative world cannot cope with the accelerating demands of the wealthy let alone the poor who now watch Kardasian family fairytales and wonder when it will be their turn to play since they now know thanks to media when uncensored that Veblen who coined the term ‘conspicuous consumption’ was right. The communist leadership despite there virtue signalling have untold wealth like Imelda had shoes and Bernie Saunders has mansions.  Of course Trump has the gold tower and the Prince of Saudi’s has untold wealth.  Buddha was a prince himself once and had his enjoyment of all the women and men and exotic privilege of his regal state.  He chose a vow of poverty. We know that the rich and privileged visitted Epstein Island as one of many ‘flesh spots’ for the elite, political, religious, economic, or whatever.  There are Big Fish and Little Fish. Trungpa says that the west cannot know bliss because it’s mind is lost in ‘spiritual consumerism’. Thoreau in Walden Pond showed that more did not mean merrier.  Yet it would be nice to ‘renounce’ luxury than not ever know it. 

 Yet there are 8 billion people on the planet and never before in history have so many had so much and there have been so few poor as a percentage as there is today. The potential is awesome however the rate key limiting factor is perhaps the decreased value of a spaceship if everyone has a spaceship.  It’s not a matter of amount but ‘relative amount’ that drives the disparity in the world.  

The Super Straight therefore are less concerned with their neighbours as the ‘relative success’ of their neighbours.  With increasing single people who are not bound to the monastic vows of poverty there are increasing challenges and change that is happening with lightening speed today.  

Obviously it’s above my pay grade.

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