Saturday, July 3, 2021

Air Conditioning

The air conditioning is now working inside if I keep the doors closed. Yesterday, rather stupidly, I might say, I wanted air conditioning and a breeze.  I thought my air conditioning needed servicing while I turned on fans.  Too late in the day when I was exhausted I remembered how the air conditioning in the car worked best with the windows closed. Maybe I was so hot I couldn’t think.  My office in the garage was over a 100 and my living room was in the 90’s.  Once I closed everything up the air conditioning has a chance to work.  Temperature dropped to 80’s and I had a cool night’s sleep.  This morning the air conditioning is working fine.
I’m astonished by the blast of heat when I open the door. It’s only 830.  At 645 I walked Madigan and by our return at 730 it was already clammy.  I have to lock up the place while we take off for a few days to camp by a stream.  My neighbours are so good and the security system is so good and I’ve taken all my valuables to the storage locker. My time of concern is hunting season.  Now all that matters is my lap top and IPad and they go with me.
A friend was at a northern resort which reminded me of sailing in those islands. That had me missing the SV Giri. Living aboard and sailing every occasion I never had to deal with ‘heat’ like on land. The wind and sail was the air conditioning. The only really hot time was that utterly miserable couple of days I spent in the tropical sea in the doldrums.  I’ve not had to worry about water but even hydrated that kind of heat can thoroughly suck the life out of one. It was a bit like that yesterday. Humid heat.  I had a couple of days of that in Saipan and but the eat in Mexico was mostly dry heat. A different experience.  I remember there thinking how could people have lived through the summer days without air conditioning. In Spain I certainly understood the siesta time and it was necessary in Mexico.  
Now I’m excited to be camping tomorrow.  My life is fairly good now.  It’s been a lot of times struggling.  Government has been appalling in its individual abuses and now collectively the country is being raped by the anti Canada liberals. I see the Lenin Stalin Malitov Trotsky mind in Ottawa doing a parody of those bad boys. Moaists, Fascists, Communists, Marxists.  Such a group of aetheist posers.  I’m weary of the news.  War and rumours of war.   The vaccinations are being done still.  Promises of freedom from masks and travel by fall.  
I am looking forward to using my dinghy.  I love the water. Fishing it will be. But it’s been another boat preparation time.  I’ll take the Vespa too.  I really enjoy the Vespa 300 touring.
Madigan has been a wonderful companion.  He’s settling down, not so puppy brained in the heat.
I’m reading a lot and enjoying it.  Histories and detective novels.  
I fluctuate with present contentment and wanting to change my identity and leave this worn life behind.  Talking with others who like me are aging and retiring I learn of their youthful identities. The mothers and fathers are stabilized by children and grandchildren but the single are as ambivalent as I. So many want to travel.  I remember all the guides I knew and how the women were more interested in sexual encounters on their vacations than the men.  Yet they continue to play innocent and claim they are victims.  I am so saddened by the years of ‘victim’ culture I’ve been quite literally forced to ensure while being denied any such status.  Special status.  Now I’m to blame . I explained to a person who was complaining of the same that those who are takers will blame and cut you off and claim victimship just as ‘bad debtors’ do.  Love and energy are like money and those who are generous and kind are destroyed by those who take and call the generous ‘marks’.  The whole culture of ‘reciprocity’ is beyond the developmental stage of the politicians and consumer class.  Karma is beyond the grasp of the elite. The whole idea of the ‘sins of the fathers and mothers’ is as obtuse to them as ‘prisoner’s dilemna’.  There are no free lunch. I look more and more to be aware of my own deficits of character in a world where ‘character’ is no longer valued . We are a consumer Kardasian society with hedonism and ‘girls just want to have fun’ dominating the ‘me first’ and ‘free stuff’ discussion.  I’m dark.  I want to fly like a bird, levitate like an angel.  Know God.

I pray for peace and love.  

I am grateful for this heat and summer and especially the sun. Thank you for Madigan and vehicles, roads and campgrounds and vacations.  Thank you for all your blessings.

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