Saturday, July 17, 2021

Gender and Sex

Gender is a multi dimensional. Sex by contrast is principally binary with rare deviation.  Male or female.  Gender is primarily subjective while sex is naturally objective.  
Historically and definitely biblically and politically, gender was a relative ‘non entity’.  Sex was the overriding consideration.  The Sex Role was essentially binary.  We are no longer living in anthropolologically in a tribal, hunter gatherer time, or a pastoral time, or an agricultural time or even an Industrial Age. We are a digital information era with components of the previous eras interwoven into our being.
Boys were boys and girls were girls in the original tribal societies.  There were Neanderthalls, Cro Magnons, Homo erectus and even Homo sapiens. They were mixing and fighting and matching like any Darwinian Party. We see this go on today.  Lord of the Flies was a delightful book that didn’t sugar coat ‘history’ but rather like Kurts and the “Horror, the Horror” loved ‘Diversity’.  
Our local prime minister not known to be the brightest light on the shelf commonly virtue signals with the marketing phrase of the day.  Diversity.  But no one is welcoming ‘cannibals’ into the party. Yet in tribal society strangers were ‘anything goes,’. The great anthropologist, Diamond has described our best experience of what tribal societies were like in his classic book Traditional Societies. They were fearful places. When in doubt you killed it or ran from it.  This was a people who had to figure out first hand which berries and mushrooms were safe.  Diversity existed but it wasn’t welcome,  There was just too much of it and most of it was dangerous.  “All my relations’ is a native prayer locally. In tribal society to associate you hand to confirm ‘similiarity’ and ‘normalness’ and ‘relationship’. Who was your aunt?  Even today the Campbell’s who betrayed and killed the MacDonalds in their sleep are remembered just as we are careful which ‘red’ berry we eat.  
Always the majority has been heterosexual or omnisexual.  No one even in Africa today seems to care much about lesbianism. Masturbation wasn’’t part of public discussion for perhaps a houndred or two hundred thousand years. People were mostly focused on survival.  We can go to a zoo and witness the sexual behaviour of the chimpanzee our nearest neighbour. Over time there were taboos. Mostly developed based on proto public health considerations,  A delightful British medical doctor very old school went through the early parts of Old Testament and noted that the majority of recommendations were just sound public health just as the proverbs are good political and business advice.  Don’t eat pork is a safe bet when it spoils easiest in hot climates as well as carrying a brain parasite that spreads pig to man.  Each tribe also had haircuts and clothing and circumcision. North American Natives were primarily a tribal society not so different from ‘gangs’ around the world. The ‘patches’ of the motorcycle gangs and the tattoos of others were ‘inclusive’ and ‘exclusive’ symbols. 
In recent elegant studies of the Almish farming society the scientists showed that women live longest who have the most children.  So much confusion these days has been a product of the fantasy life of 18th and 19th century intellectuals.  A Jewish psychiatrist who survived Auschwitz liked to say to great consternation of his friends’ we keep encountering the maggots that are crawling off the dead bodies of Marx, Freud and Darwin.”  He saw the binary thinking of feminism as such an example. Melonie summed up Freud in her song, ‘if it’s longer than it’s wide its penile, if it’s wider than it’s long it’s vaginal’.  Freud focussed on Sex and Aggression. There’s tremendous reductionism in academia.  Marx basically focussed on ‘oppression’, first the Beujeosie and the Proletariat, then later Men and Women and today the Marxist Corporation Black Lives Matter, Black and White.  Unfortunately for Luddite maggots computers arrived and were able to do ‘mutlti factorial analysis’ and truly scientific studies followed.
So it turns out women collectively lived longest if they have 12 children.  No benefit is seen with the 13 .  We already knew that having the first child before the age of 30 resulted in protection of women’s cancers that occurred after 50.  However social economically being a single mother before 21 is the greatest predictor of female poverty in America.  
In Tribal times ‘if you bleed you can breed’ was the normal,  Pedophiles are so vulgar and perverse because they like sex with prebuscent childrn.  Pedophiles are universally hated because they damage boys and girls who have not developpped sufficiently to take a male phallus into their vagina or anus.  Parents go to a lot of work to raise children and all it takes is to have a pedophile ‘jump the gun’.  So girls ‘married”, ie left home and joined an older male’s home starting at age 11.  There wasn’t a lot of time to reflect on ‘gender identity’ when you are instantly treated as a female and having children is ‘celebrated’
By the time of the agricultural society the family who had the most children created the most workers and most warriors. The village was dependent on humans for work. There were few early machines.  Humans did the work and the more the merrier. 
“Lie back and think of England” is the famous statement of the Victorian era mother to her daughter anxious before the wedding about whether she will like sex,  The empire needed soldiers.
There was no old age pension. Children provided wealth. Even in Asia as sad as it seems today parents could sell their children for profit.
“Overpopulation’ is one of the social constructs that’s come and gone through history. It’s also central to the death culture of communism, the religion of aetheism, which collected fetus for longevity studies, needing stem cells and other components of the abortus for their ‘utopian world’.  When I saw women from former communist USSR they had had hundreds of abortions because the state covered the cost whereas they could not afford condoms and birth control pills used elsewhere. The rhythm method and anal and oral sex were common in South American. Homosexuality was an alternative and men commonly did not see sex with men, gender based sex as an issue. They saw themselves as ‘oversexed’. In the elite as long as one produced the first male child to carry on the estate and name what one did elsewhere didn’t matter as long as it was discrete.  Discussions with South American women about their promiscuity and it was interesting considering the long standing knowledge of animal husbandry that they actually sought to get pregnant with a very intelligent or upper class individual to improve the ‘line’.  As a doctor who has repeatedly refused to have sex with women ,waiting naked in my call rooms, sometimes strangers, sometimes acquaintances I long ago rejected the myth of the irrelevant Luddite courts which saw women as the ‘weak Sex’ and ‘man as the aggressor’.  40% of DNA from divorces show the father was not the father. Unfortunately the judges are not uncommonly illiterate in a scientific world and basing their decisions on lucrative positions hundreds of years out of date and culturally utterly offensive.  
Ivan Illich wrote the classic Gender in which he pointed out that in French society there were essentially ‘pink’ and ‘blue’ tasks through medieval age to present but that no French men considered. ‘Women inferior’ in the typical ‘Hollywood’ fashion,.  France was a sophisticated Celtic society with the power resting in the couple more often than solely the male as was seen in patriarchal Greece and Italy. Egypt and Cleopatra and Scotland and Boudicca and Judith of France and countless other real examples of history challenge the reductionist dichotomy of ‘political’ ‘sports’ thinking , the paranoid position from a psychiatric perspective ‘I and them”. EE Cummings the great American poet summarized this as ‘those people’.  Buber called them the ‘other’.  
The trinity arose in the realization that the dichotomy even 1-0 has a middle space.  The failure of communist socialism is that Marx never progressed beyond dichotomy.  Meanwhile the Union movement actually grew out of the Fabian realization of the Trinity of society.  The Upper class, Middle Class and Lower Class.  Indian and other societies have made even more divisions but fundamentally the trinity says there is 1 and there is another and then there’s that transitional state of 1 and the other.

Gender is no different. Sex rarely is anything but X and Y chromosomes with the rare Klinefelters XXY syndrome or the Turner’s X0.  
By contrast there is a wide variety of gender expression and difference from Macho men to Pretty Boys.  Berkeley social scientists wrote the early paper Macho men and fluffy women showing the spread from men who would rather die than vary from the societal construct of masculinity and men who would rather die than have homosexual sex. Indeed there are equal number of women in this category and yet there’s a ‘middle group’ , the so called ‘bisexual’ .  The simplest study was asking how much money it would take for you to have sex with another. Among gay (homosexual)  men and heterosexual men some 10 % are ‘never’.  The women are less restrictive but again 10% . Interestingly there is this middle group the bisexual 30% of society that really don’t have a great deal of qualm and are often opportunistic about sexual behaviour, swinging with the group or with prophet.  So much for Marxist dichotomy and biblical black and white. Morality is not ‘either or’. The Ethical Slut is an eye opening read abut the variety of sexual expression in the elite and luxurious of today’s society where reproduction is not the sole requirement of sexuality.

Today is a science fiction society.  

Obviously it would be great if one were to ‘fit’ in the ‘mainstream’ of society in the safety of that ‘tried and true’ and often ‘socially conservative’. Majority. Yet with 50 % divorce rate the ‘Father knows best’ and white picket fence reality is as much a fantasy world as the Marxist or biblical constructs.

Asian families stay together.  Hindus live together. This close proximity of parents and children’s simply means that the past has greater control of the future and indeed the whole of development is associated with the young having greater contact with parents for the greatest survivor success.  Reptiles lay their eggs and leave. Birds kick the children out of the nest as soon as they can fly. Lower class children often left home and fended for themselves.  In the east there is a trend of the children ‘owing’ the parents and Filipino nurses and Chinese clerk are commonly sending money back to their parents overseas from jobs here.  

Marx and Engles wanted to destroy the family as it was a threat to their god of the STATE, a mythical mental construct.  However the fall of communist countries universally follows with the family based revolution.  Lenin killed the Czar and his family because the Czar had killed his brother. The Revenge motives of families runs through history as strong as blood.  Grandmothers pass on the resentments to the children.  As said above even hundreds of years later the Campbells are associated with the label ‘untrustworthy’.  These are family based associations.  Alliances depend on loyalty and shared goals with race not necessarily being so important.  

The first unit is the family. The mother child bond of Paul Simon Song and later the Mother - Child - Father Trinity and then the Family with blood and siblings.  The next construct is the ‘tribe’ . Allegiance of many today from Africa and even north and South American is to the ‘tribe’.  Nations are collections of tribes and countries grew in regions and ultimately WWI reflected the war of nations.  Today’s world is to some extent’ transnational’. Allegiance is to the new constructs of associations ‘Union”, Professions.  Black and white lawyers have more allegiance to each other than they do to their original tribe,  Corporate association and even just career groupings make up the new ‘tribal constructs’ of the modern world.  Post hunter gather, post agricultural and post industrial association is this ‘network’ that even includes formally secret societies, like Masons, or Orange Men or the Religious affiliation, My friend said that his mother didn’t care if his wife was black as long as she was catholic. 

When we have first Alien contact, meeting intelligent bugs from another galaxy we can consider ourselves ‘earthlings’ but right now we all are and as we take the time to get to know our dolphins and whales and gophers we can appreciate the various forms of intelligence and interests in the world where trees themselves have more intelligent life than judges politicians and the next door neighbour.  Given the deficits of education that come from modern universities focussed on marketing and myth I’ve often, like Mark Twain,  found my dog more intelligent.  

Right now my dog is going through the ‘humper’ phase,I remember a former dog who humped the sides of the other boy dogs till one day this lovely Pointer presented and he had his ‘eureka’ moment.   He never went back to humping legs but was a holy terror around females.

Teen age boys routinely show up in emergency departments with their penis stuck in bottles or vacuum cleaner posts.  A hole is a hole.  The key feature today is the ‘privacy’. In a religious community the children are never alone. The opportunity for sexual experimentation simply doesn’t arise.  Little girls are taught early not to rub themselves when guests are over and right now I’m trying to discourage my male puppy from humping girls legs. If it feels good do it.  Well the parents and family have historically guided children’s development.  Children , as Lord of the Flies, correctly depicted can be holy tyrants, They’re trying now to discourage ‘bullying’ in the school. Children like ‘sameness’ and are commonly afraid of and abusive of difference

If you try to put your penis in the boy’s mouth in the soccer match you’re going to get ‘shamed’,  Velvet Rage is a great book about the anger that follows the constant shaming of gay people for their orientation.

That may well be all that the 30 percent in the middle group need to focus on the opposite sex.  Given the value of children to society making family profitable was associated with reward and taboo. Pope John Paul even described sex in marriages as a ‘sacrament’.

The whole issue of ‘whose children’ they are is a separate issues and monogamy and adultery and all these variations within family simply cannot be understood or even related in the stupid dichotomy of Marxist reasoning.  They’re not ‘feminist’ or ‘masculinist’. They’re community and family and all about ‘ownerneship’ and ‘responsibility’ and ‘accountability’ in the society where pedophiles and slave traders and cannibals were not only on Epstein’s Island.  

It’s painful to listen to discussion of the individual in a world of ‘all my relations’.

In the time of Columbus there was concern about ‘overpopulation’ and ‘scarcity’ but the advances of science and development of better forms of agriculture far surpassed the Asian equivalent development. The ‘breadbasket of the world’ breakthrough in ‘wheat production’ at the University of Manitoba and Saskatchewan allowed for the feeding of billions more than the earth had been capable of only a couple of hundred years ago, Harari’s Homo Sapiens and Diamonds Guns and Steel both show that the scientific agricultural developments were central to the military conquering of the world.  

Buckminster Fuller, the American genius and developer of the geodesic dome, showed that there simply was no ‘scarcity’ and that the planet could indeed support billions more.  

The limits on resources are political and legal and bankers, The need for these luddites to retain power for themselves and their families is the rate limiting step,.  The Communists have indeed killed have whatever group they’ve taken over.  Pol Pot killed millions half the country of Cambodia.  The USSR killed a hundred million like Mao and the communist Chinese. They enriched themselves primarily through theft and dictatorship,.  

The development of corporations was the essential ingredient for advance of society. The Dutch Company that developed Malaysia and the East India company were the precursors to the modern banking systems today that without corruption allow through stocks and bonds the gathering of wealth to expand from the earth to other habitable worlds. 

We are at the same time as Columbus with so many petitioning the Queen to give her money to the poor and reward the courtiers of her day rather than invest in ships.  

The communist chinese ‘one child’ policy, killed billions so that the communist elite could be rich. But England had Australia..  Buckminister Fuller showed better ways of living and more profitable use of the world so that billions could succeed . We have seen in mere decades advances in science that are truly mind boggling.

So what if Joe wants to be Jane and Jane wants to be Joe.  We’ve already said flat chested Jane can have big breasts and Joe can not go bald but have hair transplants.

So the matter of gender and gender reassignment and the celebration of the ‘other’ becomes a variety of issues of true diversity. Justin Trudeau claims to be a feminist but he hates women even more than his cold fish Marxist father. There are no Communist female learners the likes of Queen Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher or Indira Ghandi.  Marxism believes in perpetual war. It was like Mohammeds ideology a world conquering strategy that was very successful against the chivalry feudal society that had last for hundreds of years.

1. If you want cosmetic surgery and hormones and dresses or slacks why not pay for it yourself. Unbelievable numbers do just this.  It’s extremely popular today and science fiction.  It was described in the science fiction books I read as a kid when surgeries were not yet developed to allow half of what is available today,. STudying ‘bio ethics’ is a wealth of information about how far we’ve come with cyborg advances .I remember being with a doctor with a mechanical heart. Certainly I was forever impressed with a young dot com millionaire who had a sex change that I as a doctor hadn’t realized till she told me she’d once been a man,  
If we are ‘being natural’ diabetics would die at 20 and all of the medical advances today in treatment of cancers and infectious disease would be considered ‘ungodly’. Most of them once were,

2.  Today Trudea refuses to allow women ‘their body their own’, he won’t allow them to use their uterus to produce life for couples who would like to reproduce in vitro. My patients are paying $80000 to female students in East Europe to have their children for them because we have a clown as Prime Minister with literally no scientific education and arrogance the likes of 1776.

3.  The issue is ‘did god make a mistake about my gender.?  No,

4. Does God make mistakes?  No

5.  Is there immense variety and subsequent manly perception about the value of something or someone or for that matter ‘mosquitoes’.  We know very little. We have been changing the world and ourselves forever.  We are in flux and flow.

6.  There are two major types of people , those who are afraid and those who are less afraid and those in between. The fear mongerers have tended to produce armies.  Great art has by contrast come out of the minds of those who have great faith.  Da Vinci paid for his food and shelter working for the military but on his own he drew pictures of helicopters.

7.  The advances in surgery and hormonal treatments have helped others immensely with injury and disease.  

8. Should society pay if I want breasts,  Should society pay if I want a space ship.  Should society pay for me if I’m unwilling to learn a trade and want to be a writer and work in comfort like Marx and Neitze spouting bullshit like I do ?  Marx was the greatest Kafetch the Jewish Nation ever produced.?  Is the Jewish nation the ‘chosen nation/“. Is there one God or were the Druids right about diversity?  What do Jesus and Buddha have in common?  

9.  The issue is not whether there are ‘a priori’ and ‘belief’ and ‘faith positions’ but there are even ‘pragmatic’ considerations . The question of ‘are we here for a good time or a long time.’  East is east and west is west.  The idea of ‘reincarnation’ and that a person has the ‘right to sucide’ is different from the C onstantian Christian idea that ‘reincarnation doesn’t exist’.  Do we maintain our identity or like the buddhists become a part of the collective post life soup? These underly any view we have on gender.

10 I personally believe all roads lead to Rome or heaven and that some are easier and faster, I also believe that the Bible didn’t know ‘infinity’ a Cartesian concept that required the development of the “O’ a purely intellectual concept as critical to perception and the idea of the ‘vacuum’.  I believe that the Bible and other treaties of the past referred to ‘time as’. ‘A long time’. That’s what the translations of a couple of thousand years ago did, So clearly if you make a mistake you might ‘ go to hell for a long time” but it’s not a dichotomy

11. In terms of most issues today I’m considered scandalous because I take a rather blasé middle of the road positions Climate change - ‘give me money wer’e all going to die tomorrow’. Is about what that says.  Sex change’ Give me money to have a sex change’ .  Race - ‘give me money’

12. You can understand most everything in the political world as some variation on ‘give me money or give me time’.  That’s what marketing is. My way or the highway.  Dichotomized, Either or but I believe in String Theory and Quantum states and the multidimension reality and countless , infinite options of varying degrees of ease or cost.  I believe I’d like to have breasts. My friend says that a ‘penis is a nice thing but it’s unfortunately attached to man’.  I loved the ‘hand’ the being in the horror comedy of the 60’s that was a disembodied hand.  Sex dolls are being made and likely in a short time they will be a satisfactory as my massager is given that the masseuse financially can’t compete with this $40 device.

I really think that the way the discussions are being ‘framed ‘ is the problem of politic or  is the politics.  Buy my brand. Buy my ‘free stuff’.  “Me first’.  


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