Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Yuma, Tues, day 19 since leaving vancouver

I am grateful today. I slept through the night without waking and having to take ketorolac, flexeril; and voltaren to get back to sleep.
I had a noumenistic dream last night. It was triggered by a request to assist a colleague. I had this dream I was in a high rise university tower and was greeted by full time staff and researchers. It might have been at UBC..  I was delighted to meet a revered psychiatrist from my early years of residency. It might have been Dr. Harry Prosen or Dr. Hurwitz. I said to the colleague « Now there goes years of wisdom ».  Then I was invited to a lunch where they served huge white sauce covered salmon steaks. I was delighted by the delicious meal and thought fondly of catching salmon and eating it barbecued on the back of my SV Giri.  Asked what I was thinking and I said , I was thinking how I was just catching and eating my own salmon out there and I pointed out the window to the Pacific.  I felt badly that I’d said I was just doing it and it was years before covid but Covid had affected my sense of time so that what seemed a year or two ago was more often a decade.  I talked with several colleagues and worried I was making faux pas, not being exact in my speech and being too involved in myself and the salmon steaks. I just felt so at home and welcome and one of.  I realized how much I feel like the song Desperado.  I then didn’t know if the fellow I was to supervise was as much a spy or at least by putting us together we were less alone. I wanted to but was a bit paranoid being betrayed so often.
It was a good dream.  I felt I could think about it. I woke and peed and went back to sleep feeling positive. I didn’t need to take medication to sleep.  It’s the feeling of belonging I miss. 
I loved my day in Los Aldogones . I found some progesterona.  GNC didn’t have any DHEA but I can get Laura what she wanted further along in the US.  GNC usually has it. I did get a bottle from the Vitamin store.  Cheap. It’s prescription in Vancouver. 
Tury’s Drugstore - www.pharmacyturys.com was helpful.  I bought more ketorolac. $5 for 50 pills.  
I bought another Elton John glasses at Soloptical . 2 hours and $200 ,  I’m now outfitted in glasses and came south with only 1 pair unable to find the other pair I had and worried I’d lose the one pair which I needed for driving. 
I worry about coming through the 10 lane free way in the LA foothills. I’ll be going back that way and hope it won’t be raining. I’ve the Siskiyou mountain pass to get over too though I think I can bypass by not taking I5 and taking I20 instead.  
Get your head in the same room your ass is bill!
Thank you God for
A apples , I bought some yesterday and had one. It was so tasty. From a store call Sprouts
B. Billy.  I’ve been call myself this again,  I’d been calling her amber but when I say my name is William and I’m wearing a dress it’s easy to say but I go by ‘billy’, the childhood name. The name I had when life was less heavy.
C. Car - I love my Mini Cooper racing green and it’s served so well.
D. Dog - I love madigan my cockapoo companion
E.  Evie. -I enjoy seeing Laura’s grandaughter pictures on FB in the back seat, her mom driving her to school
F Fun - I’m having fun this trip, a bit carefree.  
G.  God -I pray and meditate each day and enjoy the peace and serenity
H - Hay. - family
I. - I guess I’m loving myself more and this makes it easier to love you
J - Justice _ i love hearing tales of fairnes
K - Kingdom, God’s kingdom
L - love - it’s a bit cliche but love is the essence of God and the universe,, the glue
M - Mom, I miss you and celebrate your laughter
N - November. I really am enjoying this November of heat and sun and work
O - the Other - I’m enjoying learning Spanish again and reflecting on the otherness of Mexicans and Americans and women
P - Pulchritue - the beauty of people, the landscape
Q. - questioning mind 
R - Ron. I miss you and celebrate you in heaven
S - Sky. I love the endless sky here like in Winnipeg like in th mind of the Pacific Ocean
T - Ten - I love digits and computers
U - University - I love learning and the institutions of learning
V -  Voltage - I love energy and electricity
W - Women - I love women
X. - X-rays and medical investigations
Y. - Yuma - I’m loving my time here.
Z. - zebras though I have yet to know one

Thank you God for all your gifts . May I know you better today and do thy will.

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