Thursday, November 24, 2022

Yuma, Arizona, USA, Last day

I am thankful that this is my last day of work in Yuma.  It was a great idea and a wonderful month to plan for.  Work has gone very well thanks to the clinic.  One was unable to figure out money transfer which is sad given money is their job but despite my passing on messages from the transfer app saying the sender’s institutions was the problem they didn’t solve this.  I was delighted the other clinic had no difficulty. These days solving problems at a distance dealing with institutions and AI continue to be irritations but everything but the one loose link was solveable.
I was delighted that I was able to get the car serviced and feel ready for the drive back.
I certainly hadn’t planned to have sciatica and it’s interfering my activity.  Chronic pain, low to middle level, with intermittent excruciating pain. I took 3 ibuprofen 4 times a day for a week at least along with a whopping load of Robaxin and nightly Flexeril and ketorolac, waking most nights till these last few with pain.  The pool being cold helped the pain and I’ve learned the benefit of cold immersion . I plan to get a belt to take cold packs and try wearing that some of the drive home.
I love Mexico I was able to go four times getting the ketorolac meds for a few dollars, buying christmas gifts. I liked the turquoise jewelry and the leather purses.  The later were a third or more less than in Canada. 
It was a disappointment that the Rover baby sitter failed to show up and was so irresponsible which such a bad attitude that I was without a baby sitter so couldn’t go to the historic sites in Yuma like the jail or museum. However Madigan was welcome everywhere in Mexico and had a great time.  I loved getting the unisex glasses.  I enjoyed the process and that they were also a third the cost.  
I’ve worked and paid for the trip and kept solvent and able to pay the terrible taxes.  I was away from the news and media mostly and had a lot of ‘my’ time with Madigan.  
I lived au femme and found that clothing and presentation became natural.  No negative experiences but able to face my own predjudices and stigma.  It lost it’s novelty and helped me understand aspects of myself and remember well the days of theatre and costume.  I’m weary of the ‘corporate hierarchy atitudes’.  The only attraction of retirement is the capacity to distance myself from that overly parental pontificating war model.  I have had great dreams and a certain playfulness.  
I’m embracing my aging more gracefully accepting the possibilities. 
Being away I’m looking forward to returning. I’ve had that experience at 3 weeks which I get when I’m restored and want to return home.
I had that magnificent dream of being in a storage room with all my possessions and memories and an appreciation for all I’ve accomplished .  I was happy with my achievements and cared little how I feel others especially the authorities disparage and their abuse stays with one bccause of their own trauma.  I have struggled to forgive and pray for others
My spiritual journey has been ODAAT. I’m able to more quickly catch myself and change my trajectory of negative selective traumatic memory, self people, fear and resentment. I’m enjoying meditation daily and thought exercise is painful I’m reaping the rewards.  
I have made a mess and clutter here in this hotel room in only weeks and tonight with tidy and stow.  I’ve used most of what I brought and know I could next time lighten the loaf with one less laptop and a third less clothing,  I never used the camping gear so didn’t need the duffel and tent. I might use them on the way back but the weather, night chill and rain make it less than likely,.
I do look forward to coming back
Thank you God for these achievements the blessings Thank you for your protections., Thank you for your love and care,
Lord Jesus Christ let me know you more deeply. Help me  to fulfill your desires.  
Thy will be done,


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