Sunday, August 1, 2010

Caramel Frappuccino

"I'd like something cold," she said. We'd sat down at the outdoor tables of the Chapters Bookstore Starbuck Coffee across from Sears in downtown Vancouver. The 2010 Gay Parade was still going but stragglers like us were heading back to the city from the deep Westend Festivities. The young would be dancing all night. I was glad to find a table outdoors where Gilbert, my cockatoo could curl up in the shade. The sun had come out. I was carrying my summer motorcycle jacket over my arm.

We'd just been through a shoe store finding Laura some retro Roman Empire sandals in celebration of the new American Empire. I'd seen Gilbert's eyes light up on our entrance into the shoe store, only barely staving off mass destruction. There's a saying 'fox in a henhouse' and I wasn't about to add to it "puppy in a shoestore." He squirmed in disappointment. He's about 25 lbs of jolly. Laura comes alive shopping. I wither. Carrying Gilbert it's even more exhausting. I'm glad to leave a little weight from my wallet on the counter. Drachmas for sandals. Maybe I'll get to wear a short sword like Brad Pitt. It would help with the crowds. I'll be a terror with a cane.

"What's cold and delicious?" I asked the too young and beautiful Asian female baristas.

"Do you like caramel."

"Yes, she does," I answered.

"Caramel Frappuccino is my favorite." she said.

I paid her some ridiculous sum of money, anything beyond 25c for a beverage was a ridiculous sum of money in my father's day. Summer takes me back to being a kid again. 10c soda drinks and banana splits for less than a buck.

They really were pretty when she'd finished. Great mounds of whip cream on top of the golden brown fluid. Mmmmm, good, they shouted.

"Could I get a small glass of cold water for my dog?" I asked.

"Sure," she said.

And I walked back to Laura with a glass of water for Gilbert and 2 caramel frappuccinos for us adults. Gilbert loved his water.

"I just love these. What are they called, " asked Laura. "Suzanne used to bring these to the office in the summer."

"Caramel Frappuccinos."

"I think I'll be able to remember that myself. Usually I just ask for coffee. I thought saying Grande was a big move foreword for me." she said.

The crowds coming back from the Gay Parade were increasing. Lots of rainbow fans, bags and boas. A lot of beautiful people passing.

These caramel frappuccinos are really good.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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