Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Morning gratitude

Thank you God for this day. Guide me in all my endeavours. Thank you for caring for Madigan. Thank you for the good night of sleep and positive dreams. Thank you for the warmth. Thank you for the electric heater and furnace. Thank you for indoor plumbing and running water. Thank you for clothing. Thank you for tooth paste .  Thank you for teeth and sight and senses. Thank you for my legs. Thank you for meditation and prayer. Thank you for your reassurance.

I awake this day faced with all manner of positivity. Thank you for the template for the day. Thank you for the memories and hopes and dreams. Thank you that the weather is better this morning than yesterday’s storms.  Thank you for coffee and yoghurt. 
Thank you for my sailboat. Thank you for my home and my camper and my truck and car and motorcycle. 
Thank you for my friend Laura.  Thank you for her visiting this weekend.  Thank you for the banks and managers and hairdressers and the events planned for the weekend.  
Thank you for leisure’s. Thank you the clinic.
Thank you for nephews and my sister in law and cousins.
Thank you for my fond memories of family.
Thank you for all your blessings

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