Sunday, October 22, 2023

Weekend with Laura and Madigan in lust

Laura came for the weekend arriving at the door while I was still working in the office. Madigan was beside himself.  Barking and circling till I came to let her in.  I was delighted to see her smiling her. It has been a month and Madigan was not pleased. More she’d been with his nemesis, Molly, her sister’s dog. I’m convinced the smells overwhelmed him as long as the long absence.  

For two days and overnights despite long walks and constant admonisions from us both he was sneakily preparing to grab her arm and hump her. At night he was uncontested. The incestuous little demon was humping her leg in the bed while biting my comforter. She pushed him off dozens of times while I slept but when I woke I sent him out too. I put him in a room and he barked.  We have neighbours. 

He snarled at me and appeared about to bite when I dragged him out of the room. Morning came and we were both exhausted by he had all the energy in the world with crazy eyes.  If you didn’t know ‘dog in love’ you’d think he was rabid. We kept fluctuating from thinking he was mad or bad. Several times we thought of taking him to the vet. However he’d been this way before when Laura returned from parting but it only went on a night.  

The next night I leashed him to my wrist and slept on the couch. Laura had a good night’s sleep and in the morning he was like he normally was, over his manic psychotic, panic state.All the shallow breathing and low growling was gone and the werewolf was back to dog.  We has a lovely sunday as a family.  I’d barbecued steak Saturday night and pork chops Sunday night. 

We watched Babylon the movie with Brad Pitt and Robbie enjoying it immensely. We also watched NCIS Hawai episodes and had walks together with the dog. We visitted the ducks and geese a good hour walk. He was fine on the walks and meal times but the minute we were sitting reading he was werewolf and was repeatedly jumping on Laura when I left the room or turned my back. She’d fend him off but he really was a perfect rendition of the rapists , he’d grab her arm with his forepaws and mount her leg or side.

“I remember Shinto going through a phase like this and then that adorable pointer presented and he thereafter was only interested in dogs. Gilbert had an intense love and lust affair with poor Aim but grew out of it at a year.  I think Madigan is delayed because of the isolation of Covid and lack of socialization. Even Stuart went through a phase but he had lots of play time with other little dogs.  Madigan has had his little girlfriend, Peter’s Luka and others but they’ve always been supervised.”

“I’m wondering about neutering him.  If those keeps on. The problem is un-neutered its hard to get him in day care. Un-neutered males are attacked by the neutered males and create problems in dog spas.”  

“I don’t know.

He’s also had a horrible time with his matted coat and bad encounters with groomers till Dr Beiranacki took him in and Sabrina shaved him with some anesthetic assistance. He was really confused after that. It probably didn’t help I spanked him when he started getting up on the table. Top dog stuff. He even marketed the doorway something he’d not done in a year.  

Then yesterday he was back to normal. I wondered if Molly’s smell remained on Laura.  All in all it was an ordeal but Sunday was great.  That night we were able to sleep in the bed and he slept at the bottom of the bed as normal

Laura headed out in her smart little red smart car and we waved her good bye looking forward to her return next weekend for the Abbotsford Tradex RV show.  Our routines are coming again with spring.  Everything is getting better with spring.  It’s been a hard winter with toilet plugged and weeks of weekends having it worked on, the terrible freezing and snow and ice.  On the weekend it was raining but nice rain. The sun is up in the morning and at the end of the day there’s still sun.

“We are going to live another year if we survive Februrary’.  Laura said.

We’re making it.  I’m digging myself out of the costs of repairs and all the dues and extra payments and horrible inflation and taxes. My heating costs doubled like the driving costs.  So many patients depressed and angry and with constant Trudeau’s lies, corruption and ineptness there seemed no light on the horizon.

Meanwhile the men and my meetings and the doctors in my group and even church have kept me hopeful.  Now Laura and I are back together.

I find when she’s here I’m comfortable au drab.  Canada is an anti male castrated country with all the toxic masculinity and dead beat dads propaganda and the lying radical feminists but the vast majority aren’t aligned with that communist credo.  I hate the constant threats and with anxiety don’t fight anymore. Whenever I’ve stood up to the injustice of the government I’ve been punished financially and personally for years after. I win battles but at what costs. Even defending abused patients takes its toll as the industry’s of  corruption  is so entrenched. It’s soul destroying to see the evil rewarded and promoted in this country with such weak leadership and crime so celebrated.  

Meanwhile I’m plugging away.  Inflation has eaten a third of all Canadian savings as our country plunges into third world economics.  I see Elon Musk as hopeful. His exposed of the lies and corruption of the FBI and Hillary Clinton campaign and abuse of TWitter is so refreshing. The abscess is exposed and might well be lanced. They continue to ondear the pedophilia ring that infiltrated the FBI like it did the Vatican.  Trudeau seems central.  He prances about like a male Kardasian taking selfies and lying and gaslighting.

I’m facing another week of work.  I already miss Laura.  Madigan is in the other room wailing with mournful yowls.  I had to go and comfort him twice.

Laura and I talk of the relief we’ll feel when I have my camper repaired and we can head out into the woods.  We’ve had such joy in the camper by the rivers and lakes barbecuing and enjoying the wood smoke and pines smells. The sky is so clear at night and the stars such a wonder. We read and Madigan gets to run about off leashing sniffing everything. I’ll get the 4x4 out too and drive about back woods taking pictures carrying a gun for target practice if anything.  We have that ahead of us.

I think of a sex change and there’s little appeal in the association of the clubbing and clothing and make up.  I like women’s clothes as lighter than male attire but I’ve bougjt ht some new duds that are as comfortable. When Laura’s present I’m into a long line of fine memories and times together remembering the old Jewish saying. a man without a woman is not a man. I miss my mensch mentors.  I miss the older men who have guided me in recent years. They’ve died and I don’t do grief well.  Women and men friends dying and aging facing me.  Antonioo’s funeral was this weekend and I didn’t go because I hadn’t RRSVP’d and instead saw Dr. Ready the chiropracter. He’s been amazing.  I’m walking without pain now.  We walked over an hour After the first time in months I was able to extend my walking to over a half hour. I’d been down to less than a block when the pain would strike. Now I’m experineing stretches of relief.  Time and stretches and spring coming and Dr. Ready all helping.

I am if truth be told coming out of a depression.  Uplifted I feel manly and want to go out and climb mountains and hunt and fish but depressed I want to lie at home or at most isolate.  

I’m thankful.  I haven’t had time yet to get to a show I’m looking forwards to. I’m drifting country from the city and my hope is to travel with camper and truck . I saw the museums and art galleries last year and imagine I’d love another trip to NYto see the Museum of Art and Met.  For now I’m looking forward to spruce trees and the call of the loon.  

Thank you Jesus.  

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