Sunday, October 22, 2023

Canyon Alpine RV Park , Boston Bar July 2023)

I left Roger‘s Creek on the Duffy Lake road early in the morning. I‘d woke at 5 30 and took Madigan for a walk among the sleeping campground.  I didn‘t feel like lifting my jacks till 7 because they‘ve been rather noisy in the past. Thank to Kelvin of Travco they were quiet and I could have left at 6.  I sometimes think delays are so God can prepare a better day for me.  

I‘ve wondered about stoicism and Epicureanism.  I read the stoic biography of Emperor Marcus Aurelius and know that most religious teachers were stoical leaning.  Paramahansa Yoganada, the world is maya and attachment to this world keeps us from Samadhi, the ultimate experience. Buddha, Desire is the base of all suffering.  Kierkegaard, Life is suffering unto death. Physicians, life is best in moderation but not purely stoical.  The epicureans by contrast separated lust from love and encouraged the more refined experiences.  If God is the great giver and I don‘t accept the ice cream of creation then perhaps I‘m just a pouting child. However if I accept pig slops then that is what God thinks I want so I get more of what I attend to.  Stoicism and mysticism say to God , not this, but you.  I don‘t want your bangles I want you. Hence the Monk who sold his Ferrari.  There comes a time when the pleasures of the world wane and one wants truly to know God. I want the great kahuna. I want to Grok existence. George Harrison sings my Sweet Lord.  Christians want to know the ‚‘sweet Jesu‘.  Our hearts open to experience the highest 

The seven deadly sins are an amazing selection. We love to judge others by their choice of sin while denying our own preferences.  Lust gets short shrift in the church with much sermonizing and condemnation of the gays and prostitutes while pride and avarice are almost celebration along with gluttony.  Envy is sometimes knocked. I haves smorgasbord of sins and cycle through them judging others when I‘ve got a hold on the worst of mine.  

Avarice and envy  is institutionalize in Canada with the growing communism socialism.   Capitalist‘s had pride to deal with like all of us.  

I just wonder what God thinks about all this. I‘m a fan of Creation Theology which takes us back to the Garden and says the snake and the apple aren‘t about sex and fruit but rather about obedience.  God said don‘t touch that tree. Human‘s disobeyed.  That was the beginning of free will versus Automism .  AI is the issue to day.  God gave man choice and we had freedom while today most seem to choose addiction and tyranny over freedom.  Freedom is the saying no to even the good things. It doesn‘t need to be permanent but temporarily fasting is healthy at least.

What is God‘s will for me. What is the meaning of existence. What would I best do today How can I best serve my fellow man.

Jesus said Love God and Love your neighbour as yourself.  Self love is self caring.

I‘ve spent the night in this wonderful camp ground with full service sites. I plugged into electricity and after a night of self dependence I was comforted by the relatively unlimited nature of the full service. Water supply too. I‘ve been limited to batteries and tanks. I‘m usually good for a few days off grid. I‘m back with cellular and wifi too.  Terrific. This place is a 5 star hotel of a RV camp.  It‘s tucked right in the forest so one feels psychically connected to the evergreens .  I loved my calming fitful sleep.  I barbecued Hot Dogs and Madigan who has no concept of stoicism was disappointed we weren‘t having another night of steaks.  I like to mix it up.  A weekend of camping makes me more grateful when I‘m home just as going from off grid to on grid gives me simple joy.  

Laura and I came up to this RV park a decade or more ago. I‘d leave my RV here so we just had to drive up with the truck and quad. Laura love the peace and calm of this forest cathedral while I loved going on the quad over to the mountain to the next valley.  There was a road a half mile north of here.  There were endless trails leading off from it. I never shot anything but saw several bear.  A truck road lead into The Valley south of here and hunters and campers came up there.  I even met a conservation officer back there.  She was pretty and officicious.  I was armed to the teeth as usual ready for war.  A pleasant encounter.  

They‘ve really fixed up the office and area to make it a bit of a cafe visiting place where folks can mingle.  I liked it, reminded me of the Mexican villas. They‘ve put a golf putting place in and really are caring for the place.  It’s always been a nice place with big spaces and great hook ups.  Now it has even more character. I loved throwing ball for Madigan
In the off leash park. Back in the camper, more reading. I‘m supposed to be writing my own novels.  I excuse myself but saying reading is research.  I do like to read.  

It was so hot yesterday I really enjoyed the new Air Conditioning.  I could even boil water for tea and not heat up the place with the air conditioner on.  I don‘t doubt God wants me to have air conditioning.  I just questioning whether God wants me to have more ice cream, or rob a bank, or have a hooker.  Is masturbation okay alone or better with people?  My mind goes to such places.  I expect all the monks and holy men had defective minds like mine.  I expect others have a ‚me want, take mentation and don‘t think beyond that.  Must be nice. I got the neurotic mind. 

I don‘t so much think of a punishing God but rather that if I eat bad food I‘ll be sick. The idea of spiritual laws like physical laws.  I liked C.S. Lewis‘ ‚Surprised by Joy.  

I‘ve had a truly joyful weekend doing the Duffy Lake Loop. I‘ve done this many times and it‘s always been a joy. It‘s a joy to return top Canyon Alpine RV Park and experience the peace and calm here.  I‘m going to stow my clutter and head home .  The sooner I head out the more likely I‘ll see the least delay at the Langley Bottleneck.   The construction work on this Lillooet Boston Bar stretch was monumental.  The amazing crews are restoring a road after some of the mountain came down so that for a stretch it was pilot lead single lane.  Amazing to see the construction crews and equipment doing a monumental job.  

It certainly was scenic to follow the Frazer and Thompson Rivers with all the history of discovery.   

Thank you Jesus.

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