I arrived late for the St. Barnabus Anglican Service. It had been a toss up if I was going to be able to be there at all. I’d finally bought a new right sized mattress and a leather couch from the Brick. I’d asked they deliver Sunday afternoon as I’d be in church Sunday morning. Last night the automatic notice said they’d arrive between 830 and 11. I also had a meeting of the Western Canada Doctors in Recovery. I’d also been attending the North Shore Round Up this weekend and their spiritual speaker was usually Sunday morning.

I wanted my couch. I’d called the Junk folk and had the one destroyed by cat and dog removed last week. I’d been in a camp chair this week. I’m so spoiled. I like to lie on the couch and watch tv 7 to 9 , my relaxation before reading for bed. The destroyed couch was leaking innards and uncomfortable for my back. Dr. Ready the chiropracter had fit me in on Thursday because he was going away for the weekend. I was thankful for the few days of relief and had been walking a lot. I’ve taken Madigan to his favourite off leash dog park each day. It’s also a favourite of other small dog owners. He now barks when we drive by.
I enjoyed the WDIR meeting and figured those I knew as Christian would have church services at 11. Because St. Barnabus is shared on Sunday with the United church our service is at 10. I enjoyed the meeting knowing I’d need to leave if the couch arrived. It arrived at 10 15.
I love moving guys. I worked as a mover in London a half century ago. I actually moved a piano up three flights of stairs. Now I watched as the three guys took my king mattress which I had replaced the California King Matrees when I wanted a Queen mattress which fit the bed frame. In Covid I just sucked up errors others made glad for what I got. Madigan had made a cave beside the bed under the overhanging King. Now I have space around the mattress. Changing the sheets won’t be a nightmare. I’ll even have room in the closet and drawers now accessible for clothing.
I love the couch. It’s genuine leather and a power recliner. The minute the movers left I reclined on it. I’ve put the bed cover on the mattress and put a lock on the bed room door. Madigan likes to chew on toys on the bed damaging sheets and pillow and comforters . He’s three now. The last three year of puppy have been an experience. He is why I can’t have ‘nice ‘ things.’ The day he tore up the goose down comforter was most memorable. He was so proud he’d slayed big bird. The cat and he like to scratch the couch. The cat has died and I’ve not replaced him . He loved to scratch leather. Madigan still will bury a bone in the couch so I’m getting a cover . He’s outgrown his worst behaviours but frankly I don’t trust him. I’m hopeful I’ll find a couch cover at Walmart or I’ll just get another mexican blanket. He’s banned from the bedroom when I’m away. That’s when he’s gets up to most mischief. As for the couch I plan to watch him like a hawk. It’s a really nice couch ..
My frienda are bear hunting April 1.. I’m supposed to be studying advanced towing so I can pull my big toy hauler. I could just load the camper on the truck and take guns and dog out to the woods for a week. I’m not that much of a fan of bear meat . I would like driving about on the quad with Madigan. I can take the Starlink and computer and continue to work virtual so I’d have some time away to justify loading the camper on the truck. I used to do that for a few days whereas now its a lot of work and being able to have a longer weekend or spread hunting over two weekends is better.
Today the sunny weather makes that all appealing but when it’s raining and cold I’d just as soon be home . I’m not enjoying rain and cold , not that I ever did.
The oysters here at the Boathouse were delicious . Now the clam chowder has arrived . We loved the walk along the sea wall. The flowers in bloom are beautiful. Harbinger of the Tulip festival I will attend this month . Rituals.
My Oxford course on Rituals and Religions begins soon. I’ve begun reading the book and looking forward to study and learning
The opposite of addiction is connection was the topic of WDIR. The NSRoud Up theme was community. The disease of alcoholism and addiction so negatively affect the brain reward pathways that we become anxious and depressed listening to the delusional thinking, last night’s speaker called ‘alcalogic’. A good term.
Here I am in the sunshine another Easter Day, My dog has finished his burger and wants my attention. He doesn’t like fish so the oysters and clam chowder both would be wasted on him. I’m loving the spring sunshine. This clam chowder is delicious.
Boathouse New Westminster is becoming again a true favourite for dining.
Christ has risen. Hallelujah. I enjoyed seeing Priest Emily and talking with Helen and Margaret. God is good all of the time. Thank you Jesus.