Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Bonita Mesa RV Camp, Yuma

I slept in only getting up at 9 am.  The sun was up and the air was dry.  Lovely.  Groggily I walked Madigan praying in my mind to the off leash desert area. Madigan met three other little dogs and pooped.  I cleaned it up with a doggy bag dropped it in the bin by the gate back into the compound.  
 I made instant oatmeal with milk and honey, having it with Greek blueberry yoghurt and espresso coffee.Thus fortified I headed out to T mobile following the directions the tech had given me the evening before. I input everything into my truck gps destination finder.
A lovely young sales girl who spoke Spanish and English like so many do here had impressive false eyelashes and a very pretty face. She was totally professional as I explained my problem with the Telus easy roam.  Days I’d not been able to call out and concluded I needed a back up especially after getting instant access to the T Mobile tech service which a weekend and two seriously days lapsed before I spoke with a Telus human who was excellent.  I gather there’d been an AI revolt because all I’d been able to reach were the Borg or Hal or some combination of them.  Hearing the voice of a Telus Human I concluded the humans won this round. I’d encountered a similar problem unable to get tech support in 2018.  
Having a back up phone was an obvious solution especially as my satellite phone was refusing to work in Yuma giving me a message that something was needed doing now I was no longer in Canada. I remembered having the phone overseas and encountering a similar problem with Iridium.
T Mobile was great.  I bought the latest version of the Apple IPhone SE half the price of my skookum Apple 15 max pro.  This phone works in my camper whereas my other phone has intermittent coverage in the camper. This phone also seems to work on WiFi too.  I was so happy to be able to phone patients and pharmacies again and return calls on my voice mail.
After the T Mobile stop with new phone and a pay as I go plan I left Madigan in the truck with water and the ceiling roof open. I was on a mission and the local Walmart had just the little electric espresso machine I wanted.  I used a stove top expresso machine camping but I’m not moving anywhere for a month or more so don’t have to worry about stowing weekend to weekend. It sits proudly now on the counter beside the little electric kettle. The Ethiopian Yergicheff espresso never tasted better. Tonight I had lemon and ginger tea like I loved in Paris.  
I also found a really fine chair that has lounging and sitting up position so I could actually work with it or sun tan. I love it.  I’d left the old one at home and now have a new army green one I tried out for comfort. It passed with A plus’s. I also git new cleans sheets and pillow cases thinking of Laura joining me in a couple of days.  It’s been a stowing nightmare and I believe I have sheets and pillow cases in the bedroom cupboards but it’s easier to buy some new ones.
On the way home I gave a guy on the side of the road my old TV.  I’ts only a few years old and working with all the tech but the new one has a crispier view, is half the weight and interfaces with all the other tech and the satellite.  I asked the guy if he wanted one and he said sure with enthusiasm glad to get the gift which would likely sell for 20 to 40 dollars if he didn’t keep and use himself. My new one was only a $150 about , the Best Buy Insignia Smart TV which was all set up for Prime and Apple and Netflix the services I had back home and now have here. 
Last night I watched this series’s along the line of Sons of anarchy but this was CIA agents who were saving the world like 007 but after a party in Vegas with girl sex boy sex sex and more sex, a camel and LSD and gratuitous violence.  I kept watching and realised it was a mind pollutant but I’ve been eating fast food for a few days and the tv pixels really made great viewing. The audio was really clear too which helped with the growing deafness.
I want to go to Mexico to get hearing aids and back ups and more glasses. I want to have my teeth cleaned . Dr. Lovely is the greatest dentist in the world in New Westminster but I always get sick after teeth cleaning and generally fear dental work since Covid. Here the heat and dryness and the ability to lie in the sun on my new lounge chair makes the option okay.  Besides Laura’s the type of girl that thinks being taken to a dentist on vacation is a better date than dinner out.  I actually think the attraction for her is Madigan and sunshine as well as time away from angry patients .  I do enjoy her company and sm so looking forward to seeing her in only two sleeps.  I tell Madigan Laura’s coming and now he’s smiling in his sleep

I guess blogging is journaling. It helps memory and is calming and reviewing 

The Jets from the Marine Base have flown over several times. In Vancouver I had the trains frequently.  These are infrequent but spectacular.  

I was reading about Yuma and reminded of the greatest of great western movies 3:10 to Yuma.  Wrote Laura and said we should have a tv movie night and watch it. She hasn’t seen it and is game.

Time to crawl into bed.  I’m having great dreams but still waking around 3 am.  I get back to sleep again but it can take time,  I feel the hot and dry is healing.  I bought carrots to chomp on watching tv . Carrots are good for the lungs and stop me from bread and peanut butter , chocolates and such. My low back still hurts and I’m eating Robaxin and entrophen.  It’s not the sciatica I had last year but I may have time for manipulation or massage or acupuncture.  I mostly need to exercise more with the Foundation Exercies Gary recommended,  I’ve just driven 4 days so am doing pretty good. 

Now that I’ve solved the cell connection problem and I’m going to get caught up on patients and pharmacists calls I hope to be less harried.  I saw that I’ve 10 days holidays over Christmas with Laura and looking forward to that a whole lot.  Unwinding and relaxing.  I’ll be glad to be off the clock.  I’m really blessed .  

God is good all of the time. Thank you Jesus.  

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