Sunday, August 9, 2009


To do the work on the boat almost everything had to be removed and put in storage. This was especially true for electronics because of the welding. Now that the boat is back in the water, all the cushions and electronics and off loaded 'boat stuff' had to be taken back to the boat. The truck with tonneau cover managed everything but the bed cushion which ended up on top. This all had to be tied down. Tying down is a skill. Any error and there's accidents on the highway. Sailing and travelling and motorcycling I'm routinely doing tie down. It's something easily taken for granted. It's one of the many things my father taught me.

The other part about living which isn't summed up by anthropologists is that humans are haulers. All of this 'stuff' had to be hauled from storage locker to truck and then down the dock to the boat. We may be hunter's and gatherers but we're more importantly haulers. Being a hunter and working as I do to hunt down microscopic disease, I can appreciate the traditional 'male' as a 'hunter'. I enjoyed last week having it pointed out that women's shopping is really a form of 'gathering'. These 'cavemen' and 'cavewomen' qualities transpose but still persist. I go to the store, wanting to kill my purchase, and bring it home as efficiently as possible. Meanwhile my female companion, Laura, is forever picking and selecting and meandering about looking for the best sale and best product. The dynamic between us becomes readily understandable thinking of us as cave people in the modern world.

The work only begins with the kill or the purchase. What follows is getting whatever it is home. That's the hauling part and it really seems half my life is hauling. It's about time that someone came up with an inexpensive anti grav device that I could take wherever with me. We'd have one too if people wouldn't waste resources on war.

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