Friday, January 6, 2023

Social Intelligence

I confess I loath Justin Trudeau. He’s intellectually vapid.  I expect if his parents weren’t so rich he’d be lucky to have a high school diploma. He is simply put, stupid.  Sadly like most ignorant people he has no grasp of the depth of his disability which makes his arrogance even more offensive  His smug smirk is viscerally repugnant.  A party boy.  As a director I’d cast him as the pool boy.

I was Mr. Popularity in high school but realized that being popular meant you normally lacked substance and authenticity except in unusual times.

I don’t think Trudeau’s IQ is anything to write home about.  He’s all show and facade.  He’s an actor and an elite. The elite are groomed and trained to appear intelligent. 

Chrétien by contrast was intelligent. He had book smarts and street smarts. Harper was really intelligent too.  Amazingly accomplished bright loving man with truly superior intelligence.  Trump was intelligent to like both Clintons and old man George Bush. Trump’s intelligence was less academic and more street smart,  Conrad Black said Canadian parents want their children to grow up to be breurocrats whereas American parents want their children to be entrepreneurs.  Trump wouldn’t succeed in Canada where the shadow of colonialism prefers the servant to the king to the sales man.  American’s love and admire the salesman, the merchant, the trader.  Trump was loved by half of American’s especially the women. Canadian don’t even know that.  Hillary wont the educated women vote but Trump won the moms and the older women vote.  Those are the Canadians who don’t vote for Trudeau.  He gets the white urban girls for sure but the wise old women don’t vote for him,  

Hillary lost the election not because she was a woman but because she wasn’t the ‘right’ woman.  Margaret Thatcher and Merkel were winning women.  Indeed Trump won the election because he was a great quaterback but his campaign manager, Kelly Anne Conway was the first winning female campaign manager who won an American election, She was life Obama , the first black president. She was America’s first winning female coach. Personally I’d have liked to see her or Melania as President but Trump’s genius was in his social skill and intelligence of picking the amazing people around him. Biden has done this too.  The loyalty that he inspires is like the kind of Loyalty Mulroney inspired in those around him. Definitely a feature of social intelligence.   

George Bush Junior was socially smart but not in the league the men I’ve mentioned like Canada’s Martin or Europe’s Merkel.  I say Trudeau is just stupid. Not in the IQ or EQ league.  Kind of a Kim Jong level of brain capacity. Slow RAM, limited hard drive.  Half or less than the processing speed of Obama.  

Obviously Biden was ‘smart’ when he was younger. Truly a big brain but today probably dementing, “doddering Joe”.  I  still think he is  more intelligent than Trudeau. If you take away the make up and pretty face and remove Trudeau’s ar wig voice , feeding him his lines, telling him what to say, this political puppet shameless mascot, dim wit would show up at the village idiot he is.  All show, glitter and mirrors but a hollow man, no substance,  Stupid. 

I’m smart, not in the league of any of the aforementioned, certainly not.  But on my worst day I have more computing power than Trudeau on his best day. I’m a Lamborghini to his Lada.  I’m a Harley Davidson compared to Trudeau’s skate board,  I’m not a jumbo jet like Chrétien or Harper. I’m not jet fighter like Trump or Netanyahu’s.  I’m not a rocket like Kennedy or Reagan , Thatcher or Merkel.  Most of us can fly circles about Trudeau which makes his arrogance and ignorance so disappointing,  The stupid don’t know they’re stupid. It’s kind of like body odour,    

So why is he Prime Minister of Canada and I’m just ‘critic’.  How come the great athletes are playing sports and I’m on the couch shouting at the teams on the screen,

I’ve emotional intelligence.  Goldberg clearly showed that the left brain computer intelligence was a different kind of smarts than right brain and heart kind of intelligence.  I know a mentally challenged friend who can hardly hold spit in their mouth but is a steady worker and a ‘good guy’.  No arrogance, no smugness, no elite superiority.  Just a dumb good guy, a bit of a goof.  I like him. I liked hanging out with a group of Trisomy 21 at my church  , Down’s Syndrome patients that weren’t ever going to get to the waiting room of Mensa, I loved their company. They loved singing but were generally god awful, not that I was much better. They loved food. They loved sex and were sensual.  Poor boundaries but human, physical, loving life.  I  wouldn’t ask them to balance the budget or plot a navigation trajectory around the sun.  Great to hang out with and go for a walk.  Loving.  I might trust my dog with them more than I’d trust my dog with Trudeau.  

Trudeau doesn’t impress me as having much emotional intelligence,  A lot of psychopaths and sociopaths are noted for their ‘camoufflage’. They can act human feign empathy, but they’re ultimately lizard like,  narcissistic. All leaders need to be narcissistic like judges need to be, like commanders in chief,  They can’t be wi shy washy. The trouble with politics is you make enemies. You need to be tough skinned.   Harper and Chrétien wanted to be liked. We all do but Trudeau is a weak man and he’ needs’ to be liked.  He’s narcissistic in an immature way not like the mature narcissism of Henry Ford who encouraged to give away his fortune said. Then my workers wouldn’t get paid and there’d be no cars.  He knew the silliness of the childish altruism.  Robert Hare in the movie Corporations discussed altruism as it pertains to this essentially psychopathic political company. There are democrat and liberal corporations and conservatives Republican corporations.  

Trudeau loves his children. He loves his  mother in a concerning way, not surprising because of her life of addiction and dependency.  Both Trudeau’s  parents scored high on  narcissism.  Pierre, cold elite intellectual fish that he was, was still more present for Justin than Maggie’s whose grasp on reality has been marginal at best.    The world was  lucky that there was no social media when she was younger or we’d have had millions of selfies of Margaret, Margaret in Morocco. Margaret in Cuba. She’s have created a CBC Kardasian franchise. She’s truly vapid.  With Justin the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.   She was beautiful and sexy.  Sophie, Trudeau’s wife, complaining she needs 3 nannies while her and her husband live the high life and Canadians suffer is so like Maggie, off the drugs.    They say some men marry their mother.  The family is full of tragedy.  Normally that can ‘build character’ whereas with Trudeau it caused the opposite.   The most unethical Prime Minister in Canada, he will never be called a man of character. Liberal  JohnTurner of great character.   Trudeau by contrast is spiritually bankrupt.

That said, I personally don’t think he’s a psychopath but rather see him as a sociopath. “Steal a little and they put you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king’ (Voltaire paraphrased by Bob Dylan,)   Trudeau  is not the cold chameleon intellectual psychopath but rather a stupid domestic common sociopath.  He has empathy for the elite,  He  loves his children.  He loves his wife, a pampered vapid elitist. Like the French Marie Antoinette you can hear her say  ‘let them eat cake’ to the Alberta’s peasant middle class now joining the food lines.  

Trudeaus’ well groomed and if you met Prince Andrew or Justin Trudeau you’d see what private elite schools teach.  My friend who went to Upper Canada College said so much of his education was about how to ‘treat the help’.   He has that feigned sincerity and practiccs looking into a person’s eyes, forcefully  appearing to listen, He’s the quintessial Flashman of George Macdonald,  But He’s human.   He’s got family and friends and like Trump he cares for them.  He doesn’t care for them like a Churchill or a Kennedy.   He’s just  not a psychopath.  A sociopath, maybe, but not as most people understand that. He’s a white collar criminal.  He was judge by the high court of parliament.  Blue collar would be doing time for equivalent transgressions.  In Canada’s parliament the conduct for politicians is the lowest in the land, In the states a Congressman is said to be able to get away with anything except bring caught in bed with a live woman or a dead boy.  Trudeau has been judged by a jury of his peers, repeatedly below the lowest bar possible.  He’s utterly shameless and so lacking in character, literally immune to criticism.  Obama and he have both used the actor trick of cayenne pepper on the fingers to rub the eyes bring on crocodile tears.  Politicians are performers.    He’s part of a gang with all the gang attributes and relationships. The mafia were good to the family and their community. They even supported the church.  He’s not like a Hell’s Angel.  His gang doesn’t wear leather and tattoos.  He’s part of that Laurentian gang,  They wear designer suits, skin softener and cologne,  He’s an elite who pissed on the middle class truckers and business man and ike Hillary, part of the Washington swamp gang,  called half of America ‘deplorables’.  Trudeau outright called French Canadians superiors to English Canadians and is more racist and sexist than any he smears with those epithets, 

Trudeau doesn’t think people outside Toronto and Montreal are worthy. He disdains the West, He’s ‘elite’ and fiddles like Nero while Rome burns,  He’s not alone, He has his gang and that’s critical. Psychopaths are more loners, 

Trudeau has ‘social intelligence’. Not like Gandhi. Not like Kennedy.  Not like Attaturk.  But still compared to me on the social intelligence scale he’s a genius,  I’m politically incorrect, a loner, contrary and difficult.  Dr. Jordan Peterson,  Canada’s most famous and leading psychologist described Trudeau developmentally as 14.  I’d fixed him as a teen, a flying boy.  Not man enough to hold the adult position he has, immature in so many ways, a clown, a mascot and a fool. Yet he is as socially intelligent as Hitler or Lenin or Bill Clinton,   American Democrats said they wouldn’t trust Trump with the nuclear codes, ignoring the brilliance and solidity of his partner Pence,  I don’t trust Biden with nuclear codes because I suspect he’d forget what the number or phone was on a bad day. He’s got a lot of lapses and rambles incessantly.  Meanwhile I wouldn’t trust Trudeau with a weapon of any kind, certainly not a gun.  Probably he’d be safe with a spork.

I , however, could not get elected Prime Minister of Canada or President of the United States, Trudeau and Trump and Obama have the highest social Intelligence scores in their respective countries.  They are  like all celebrities.  They have a following and they remain popular. I was popular as a teen. My aunt insists I ‘peaked’ at 11. “You were such a nice boy then’.   As a teen I was a popular ‘rebel’. I was expelled from high school for saying Fuck Up.  I use the word aggressively.  ‘What a fuck up. this is a cluster fuck, Fuck off”.  I’ve a ‘trucker’s mouth’.  Trudeau won’t even talk with the working man.  I worked in construction and admired the working men of my family the rancher uncles and grandfather.  My brother and father didn’t swear.  My mom fed me soap when I was young,  It’d didn’t work, I still have a potty mouth.   The men in my family sweated when they worked Trudeau and his Laurentide Gang  obviously only sweat in the gym. His encounter with the word fuck was with a student when he was fired as a high school teacher, black faced and stoned, his fanily paying millions to keep a girl from testifying. Everyone is getting ‘gag orders ‘ in Canada under Trudeau, even Commedias. His father was notorious for getting the attorney general to get his children off.  Trudeau just fired the female attorney general.  Fuck her. He didn’t say he’d grab her pussy,. He was too smooth for that, Like Bill Clinton he abused women but he didn’t call the Attorney General a pussy when he fired her for not joining his corruption.  Doesn’t she know that Trudeau men are above the law.  Emperor Trudeau.

Personally I lived in fear of breaking the law as a kid because I’d come hone to my father and mother who were law abiding and believe one law for all,  Pierre Trudeau like his son Justin are the quintessial elite. It’s ironic that Marxism, the great language of class struggle should have been taken up by the competing elite. They twisted Marx, not a bad sort though an ugly little man.   It was the murderrr Lenin, with his Bolshevik murdering robbing thug  bully buddies, Stalin and Molotov and Trotsky who coined created the communist lie with the little line,  ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’. Every liberal to date allows that deceit.  Godless.  Trust me I’m a conmunist.  All Communist governments like fascist governments are closer to Mafia gangsterism than any other form of rule,   There wasn’t a democratic bone in Pierre Trudeau’s body.  There’s  certainly not a democratic ‘cell’ his  son’s. The Trudeau DNA is elitist and the women they choose are elitist like the Eva Brawn’s and Marie Antonette.   Pierre was a classic Napoleonic dictator and Justin is a little Napoleonic  wannnabe.  He admits he admires dictators. Xi Jin Ping is his mentor as Castro was his father’s, 

I don’t like communism,  I’m not even very civilized.  I’m happy solo sailing with a dog and a cat alone off shore in winter hurricanes weeks on end,  I’ve felt suicidal sitting in government committee meetings,   I’m a libertarian.  I believe in the messy muddle of democracy and the wisdom of children, Not the adolescent ranting angry Greta nonsense.  I don’t like these new propaganda kids, political child soldiers little different from the African war lord child solders.  I know kids can Lord of the Flies but I’d  rather the sort of message in Pooh Corner and the kinds of insights that dogs and children about  safe and cozy places. If a child said,  Mommy I don’t like that man,” I’d listen, not to their views on the complexity of strategy and policy.  Kids are cute.  Greta knows shit about climate or chemistry, She’s a Kardasian brand.  A lot of those ‘social media influencers these days’. Look at the success of the Kardasians,  Smart family business,   

 I don’t have that smooth exterior. I’m not good at chit chat, at fashion or  ‘court talk’ which King Lear callled it, ‘whose in, whose out’.    Betrayal is always worst because it comes from your friends.  Politics and social intelligence is its own kind of genius,  

Trudeau is napoleonic and good at court chat, He’s like the Kardasians in that way.  They are very smart women but their show is all fantasy, fluff and intrigue.  B movie porn,  Trudeau like Putin kept taking off his shirt. Meanwhile our first female prime minister Prime Minister Campbell got shit for showing her bare shoulder. With identity politics and cancel culture maybe elections in the future will skip debates and just show the candidates fucking.   Politics as the new porn industry.   Trudeau  shouted  ‘fuck’ in parliament with calling himself a feminist when he titled an NDP.  Meanwhile Trump says  ‘pussy’ almost loses the election, grovels and apologies for his decades old faux pas and gets a pas,  If Harper said fuck in parliament or man handled the NDP female MP’s he’d be’d have been in jail.  Double standards.  Bill Clinton almost got away with fucking the female help and countless trips to Epstein’s island.  If  if Pense even said Pussy he’d be kicked out of politics for ever.   Trudeau and Trump are playboys.  Old playboys but playboys nonetheless. They  allowed a lenience which Ralf Nader or even Churchill wouldn’t be allowed. At least Trump keeps his shirt on.  His hair actually improved as he gained more gay voters,,  

I can only admire and envy Trudeau’s social intelligence like I admired Trumps and Clintons.  They are truly political geniuses,  The whole world of politics is a team. We look at Trudeau and Trump, Biden and Johnson and we think of them as individuals like we do of Spielberg.  My spiritual friend Kirk encouraged me to sit through the credits at the end of the movie, sometimes as long as the movie, all the unsung hero’s , all the deplorables, all the truckers and workers that go into make Spielberg, and Brad Pitt,  Angelia Jolie, Hellen Mirren, an all of Hollywood the incredible invention that it is. .  

I know that Trudeau isn’t Goreski on the ice rink. He can barely tie his skates but the Liberal team with its long series of wins is not the Maple Leafs. They are the main hockey team in Canada with the Cobservative team occasionally gets a win only taking office when the Liberals irreparably fuck up.    Trudeau has a coach that speaks in his ear. He has some adult supervision even if he acts like the world is his toilet.  He isn’t expected to think like Conservative leader  Pierre Poilievre, a good man with a good heart and a big brain. Trudeau is pretty and popular and knows how to do as he’s tol. He can even act  polite and or even manly but not off the leash.  He’s not the man Trump, Harper and Obama were. He’s a boy but he’s a genius politically. True social intelligence,

I guess in a way he’s my Richard Cory. He’s had it all and he’d rather kill Martin Luther King than be a Martin Luther King, He’s a pleasure boy and not a Kennedy. Jacqueline Kennedy was like Melania.  Marilyn Monroe was a whole other story.    Trump could be assasinated Kenndy or shot like Reagan.  Trudeau is a coward and isn’t significent enough to atract that sort of attention. He pays terrorists.   Biden won’t be either. He’s not Keith Richard’s.  Assassin would think if they wait Biden my trip and die on his own, poor doddering Joe.    They’re still all politicos, social folk, some with real substance,  other just paid big time by the big men behind the scenes,  Only some are good but all can be nice. I’m not good at nice.  

I want to be good. I strive for character.  I pray and meditate.  I feel badly if I don’t do my best.   I was raised by godly parents who said that bad elites might eat well but they didn’t sleep well. I sleep well except those nights when the nightmares of past traumas wake me in cold sweats. I have scars. If you don’t have scars, St Peter asks you if there wasn’t someone that you saved and fought for.  I expect Trudeau drugs himself to sleep. He’s like Scrooge,   I was taught there was a hell that the Trudeau’s would go to.  Communism is a religion of aetheism They’re total materialists.  Trudeaus believe who dies with the most toys wins.  I’m looking forward to a heaven  like Mark Twain’s Captain Storm field heaven.  I believe that Churchill and Kennedy will be there. .  Putin and Mao and Xi Jinping are already in hell. Communism is the religion of aetheism.  Their god is money. They’re materialists like Trudeau.  I don’t believe Scrooge gets to heaven unless he makes a mends.   I was raised an idealist,  I’m the fool on the head. One step ahead of the crowd you’re a leader, two steps ahead of the crowd you’re a martyr,  

Trudeau is the crowd,   He’s like Trump and Merkel and Thatcher. He’s the Prime Minister.  He’s a world leader. In terns of the social olympics he’s a silver star like Biden whose spent a life time compromising and being the servant of Washington is a golf star.   Biden’s a survivor.  Trump and the Clintons excelled but Biden has staying power.  They all have amazing social skills.  

I still fart in public.  I’m even feral at times. I’m comfortable coming in the back door but feel awkward coming through the front door. I like camping, Turner was like that.,  I don’t wear a white shirt because I spill things. Trudeau’s suit cost more than I make in months.    Churchill was a ruffled old man with a cigar but young he was spick and span, a lady’s man, a mommy’s boy whose wife was as important to his success as Melania was to Trumps and Hillary was to Bill’s.  Sophie is not Melania and certainly Maggie is not Mrs, Bush. Maggie might have been if she wasn’t an addict but again her husband and son were world leaders just as Mrs Bush in so many ways made the two George’s.

I’m  untidy and distracted and more interested in study, learning, reading and writing, being alone and having personal freedom.  I’d go to jail for killing paperazzi if I couldn’t get one of my biker friends to take care of the bodies.  I’d rather be walking the dog than sitting in a committee meeting any day.  I’m apolitical.  In terms of social intelligence I might be autistic.  

My political military friend tried to teach me that you ‘salute the rank not the man’.  I don’t want to fight city hall.  I may feel Trudeau is Smegma as a leader but that’s as much a personal feeling about anyone ‘above the law’, all the ‘special’ and ‘favoured’ elites. I rose in the ranks. I did the heavy lifting I don’t like any of these parachute boys and girls.  I’m anti authoritarian that way. 

 I loved and admired and followed the leadership of my mentors.Dr. Jack Hildes and Dr. Nady El Guebally received the Order of Canada for their contribution, personal heroes and well rounded men of not only genius intellectually and great emotional intelligence but profound social intelligence. I’ve been blessed with the best of the best teachers in my life, Dr. Carl Ridd, Dr John White, Dr. Arnold Naimark, Dr Bebchuck, Dr. Sam Sussman, Dr  King,  Dr.  Gutowski and Dr.  Ney.  I’m blessed.  But I wasn’t a good husband. I’m not a father . I’m impatient. I don’t compromise. I mostly see life as a lesson and adventure. While I compete with myself , I don’t like to compete with others.  I was on television and stage and podium but clearly prefer a weekend with a girlfriend and a dog.  I just couldn’t do  all that social stuff poor Trudeau must do.  I’m more concerned how god sees me than how my fellow man sees me.  

So it’s not nice that I am so harsh a political critic of the idiot child.  His mother and friends love him.  When I was young or stoned or drunk maybe I would have liked playing with this guy though he seems to me like the rich bullies I grew up with who abused their privilege rather than having empathy and caring deeply. Trudeau doesn’t seem like the ‘noblesse oblige type’. He’s just entitled. 

 I strive to love others as myself. I’ve lived and worked in asylums and jails and have this broad appreciation of my fellow man and woman as a child of God. There but for God go I.  I don’t see myself as ‘anointed’.  I don’t feel there are ‘them and me’. Like I perceive Trudeau does, deploring Albertans and anyone not French. I’ve had grease and don’t on my hands a lot. His father didn’t like being touched and didn’t like when I shook his hand, Chrétien was by contrast a great hand shaker. Chrétien is the most memorable handshake in my life and I loved being hugged by Harper.  Trudeaus doesn’t even look at people real and won’t even answer an honest question,  I don’t see half the world as ‘deplorables’ as Hillary does.  

I also see Trudeau as repulsing me because of some part of myself that I haven’t accepted, I know we ‘externalize’ our demons.  We deny our Shadow that Dr. Carl Jung so well described. I think of Trudeau as Screwtape but really I am unwilling to accept the ‘eichman within.’.  To be like God as we are encouraged to be in empathy and at the emotional level, I have to love the unloveable within me and in others,  Jesus comes to us the stranger.  I have to love Trudeau as a sick and sinful man but not as Satan in the I and it way but rather as the true Satan who turns his back on God’s love,  I’m the prodigal son but so am so far from being the Prodigal Father. My priests Father John and Father Mark and Father Peter have all been prodigal fathers.  

In the song ‘were you there when they crucified my lord, the challenge is not to see oneself as Jesus, as the narcissist, psychopath and self pitying easily do, everyone in jail is a victim, but rather see oneself  as Herod, or Pontus Pilate.  Dr. Carl Jung said we were all the characters in the dream.  I can see myself smirking as I put the thorns on the head of Jesus mocking him I suppose.    That’s me aiming at humility.  I don’t see Trudeau doing this but when I mock and satirize him I’m doing the political game I see like chess.  Politics is debate, I’m concerned that Dr Jordan Peterson is being gagged and politics in Canada is like politics in dictatorships,  Lenin and Stalin and Hitler, the Ayatollah and Putin were murderers.   Trump and Trudeau weren’t murderers.    Lenin ordered the murder of millions.  The FBI silenced Republicans in the last election but they didn’t kill  Trump. Maybe they and CIA wasted Epstein .  In Canadian politics, until really recently things were more civilized in a colonial sense.   

I salute the rank of Prime Minister and President and like a good Scot Chieftan of old will even swear allegiance to the British Kings if there’s no Robbie Bruce available. I’m orderly in that sense . I don’t have to like the ‘man’ or ‘boy’, woman, girl or other.   Personally I would apologize for calling Trudeau a stupid conniving fuck up but not politically, Not in Canada. In Comnunist Countries and the middle eastern dictatorships I’d just hide. Hide your light,   If I conceded a chess game to him it would only be because he has a communist chinese military crony pointing a gun at my head. Even in Canada I don’t think you can ‘win’ anymore as it might ‘offend’ someone,   I’d never even try to  beat Putin in a chess game,  if I could.    Putin would lace my coffee with plutonium and soon glow  in the dark.  

I would gladly leave and yet when the Liberal Cabinet member was asked what he would do if he lost in the recent Canadian election, he said, “I guess I’d go home and do politics there’. He’s an immigrant but like so many of our recent first generation immigrants he does’t see Canada as his home, Even Trudeau sees himself as Trans Canadian, a globalist.  

Frankly I put my hope in Elon Musk.  I truly have wanted to get off this planet,  Beam me up Scotty.  I’m hoping I can get to Mars and find some peace there.  Unfortunately I take myself with me where I go so it’s unlikely

More likely I’ll just die and be reincarnated as Justin Trudeau.  Walking a mile in his shoes and life I d see if I could do a better job.  I’d probably be just as big an asshole, But maybe next time round I can skip being Judas and maybe Peter though I’d rather be John,.  I can hope.  There’s always faith.  But best of all is grace,    

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