Sunday, December 4, 2022

Sunday Morning

This blog is an amalgam of many strains of thought.  Central is the stream of consciousness journal.  I share this because as a psychiatrist listening to the stream of consciousness of all manner of individuals from the lowest to highest and from the widest part of society, most people’s thinking bat shit crazy.  Most people are inherently dishonest about their thought life as well.  Deceit has been theorized as the reason for our big brains. Everyone is a liar, though thankfully most are what we call ‘white lies’.  My personal treasure trove is found under, ‘things I say when I’m not in sync with the clock’.  By sharing my journal I hoped to help people realize that if someone  ‘normal, intelligent, esteemed, educated, of high position, well rounded, of many high achievements, loved by many’ can think so insanely, maybe ‘boom, boom, ain’t it great to be crazy’ isn’t so far off the mark.
It’s called ‘filters’.  Uptight people are so filtered in their speech and action nothing gets through.  Other people are so unfiltered that everything gets through.  In journaling and in therapy one needs to be unfiltered to get the benefit.   I often call it ‘squeezing the pus’ out of my brain.  It was called ‘morning pages’ by the Julia Cameron, Author of The Artists Way and a means of mentally getting the creative juices to flow. We think freely and then we ‘edit’ for particular sharing, be that a public, address or a finished poem.  The click bait, journalism of today focuses on a catch phrase.  The papperazzi sneak a picture of Trudeau using an outhouse, from the rear.  Publish it Trudeau in rural Alberta.  The idea float free.
Everyone I imagine has had homicidal or suicidal thoughts.  I suspect it’s a normal developmental stage.  Toddlers and teen ages.  Like Trudeau’s thinking, perfectly appropriate for a stoner or a teen age, not the support of thing one would say or do at a funeral.  We hold leaders to a higher standard.  Parents had a lot of pressure on them. Children imitate anf reflect them.  One day parents show up in my office and that’s it’ they are now ‘parental’ pontificating, boring, negative, constantly limit setting, rarely throwing a party because the kids go nuts when the parents ‘loosen up’.  This is their personal. “. I often have to teach people transactional analysis.
You are parent, adult and child. The thing about the judge is he’s truly a failure at as a human if he can’t be a child in the place where a child is to be a child. Trudeau and Liberal Party of Canada and the Supreme Court of Canada and the increasingly Totalitarian police of Canada came down hard , very hard, on a comedian who at 3 in the morning told an inappropriate joke.  What an oxymoron “inappropriate joke’ is.  He was sued and the case went on for years so comedians didn’t come to Canada and still ‘censor their jokes in Canada “ like we all do in Communist Dictatorships and Religious Muslim Dictatorships. ‘Liberal Muslim’ Is an Oxymoron consider Satanic Verses.  When artists and fools and psychiatrists are persecuted there’s something rotten in the state of Denmark.
It really doesn’t matter.  No one will know who Trudeau was anymore than any one knows who the historic figures were except students who study history.  A twenty year old asked me recently, “who were the Beatles.”  Really.  It astonished me but I watch Elvis on Netflix and realized I’d forgotten some of the history of his day, within my own life time.  So Trudeau is a metaphor , like Hitler, or Little Kim of North Korea, or Satan.  They world we perceive is seen through culture and jouralism. Even my own personal history is selectively remembered. On a good day I am thankful for all the good of my past , while on a bad day my mind is drawn to the bad things of my life.  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy aims aims in part to balance the mind of an unbalanced person by balancing their history.  Like realizing Trudeau is not Hitler and Trudeau is not Satan but more like the little fat kid in school wanking while peeking at the girls in the girls locker room through a hole his father had his friends at SNC Lavelin drill for the family with government money.  It might even be possible, unlikely but possible, he has a rudimentary brain and heart.  Given the ego and stupidity it’s hard to believe but a therapist would challenge one to ask what ‘archetype’ that that Smegma represents from one’s personal life.  Macdonald who wrote the Flashman Series took a Trudeau bully character from a boys school teen stories and turned him into a Trudeau like adult but with far more intelligence, charm and sheer luck.  
I know that thoughts that are concerning are intentionally harmful. Politics is just sports for the intellectual.   Even thought Trudeau gives me the most visceral negative reaction, similiar to the feeling people have with Putin and Xi Jinping, I don’t personally plan him harm other than to vote him out of power and hopefully be asked why I think he should be jailed or even publicly quartered and dragged through the streets. Guillotining would not be of value as he’s brainless and castration is already too late.  He’s ludicrous so with most of these puppets , ‘useful idiots’ as Lenin called them, it’s best just to let them live in the hell of their flatulent thoughts.  
Death is release.  Murder is silly as it rewards the evil,  Earth is heaven or hell and opportunity to make it either or ,  Murder is a snap shot.  The murderer is as harmed .  Self defence is wholly difference.
Intention and will are implortant
I really would do well to think positively of the good things in life. I no longer listen to the propaganda media CBC missing the days of Barbara Fromm and the old time journalists who separated observation from opinion and had opinions that didn’t fall like paid soccer players running down the field,  
I read about the Hunter Biden , censored computer files that showed the Biden’s were indeed doing all the things that the Biden’s accused Trump of doing with the False Russian tapes. I read that this morning and it’s affected my perception like getting the job of cleaning a septic system first thing in the morning. The smell remains in the nostrils the rest of the day.  For 6 months I smell the solution used to preserve bodies for the gross lab and kept the thoughts of surgical training for life.  My mind has so many traumatic and visceral ugly storage lockers.
I read the bible versus for Advent and thought of the birth of Jesus and the Christmas family time my mother gave us so many years of childhood. I love when Hockey Night in Canada pops into my mind with Mom and Dad and my Brother Ron and the Dog and all of us in pyjamas and lying about watching tv together.  
I laughed when I saw the meme on Facebook , Hope Elon Musk buys CBC so we can have Don Cherry back on Hockey Night In Canada..

I share these thoughts as if I’m talking to a friend, 
I share thoughts on my blog as if I’m talking to God.
It’s most pompous when I am lecturing and telling people what I think they should do and going on about it, Live and let live,

We have many facets of the self, Not just the Transactional Analysis,  Parent Adut Child but all the archetypes of Jung. I loved the Jungian analysis of the Tarot as Freud was so simple and reductionist hence so popular,  Melanie sang the Psychotherapy Song,  Freud de mystified, it’s Phallic ‘if it’s longer than its wide’

Then there was House of Mormon and the parody of ideas.

God is an experience.

I like Christmas season especially as I didn’t suffer the November blues of constant rain and gloom of the coast. The sun is out and it’s cold with snow but It alive.
Time to get dressed to get Madigan out for a walk. 

Vancouver Snow

My New Mexican blanket

 Summer clothes and fall camping to storage

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