Thursday, January 11, 2024

Yuma morning

I drove over to the Cactus storage locker and picked up my other bag of clothing.  The Amber bag.  Enjoying the lightness of being. Thinking of hedonism and stoicism.  Liked reading Kirk Prem talk of ‘connection’ with the supreme.  I work and am busy in the chaotic details of individual disease and become anxious myself.  It’s like a little soot on the walls when being a St. Francis channel.  I wonder when I’ll make more time for meditation and exercise. I remember Dad at 90 doing his Air Force exercises. I always remember him frying up eggs for his breakfast that last year in Winnipeg before we went to visit Mom in the hospital.  I like the memory of him growing tomato plants on the balcony in the old folks home.  Sweetest little tomato I ever ate.

 Going to Mexico tomorrow for meds.  I cut my heal slipping on steps and did’t even notice until Madigan kept licking there. I’m so cautious about feet yet there I was and I didn’t get iodine on it for a day.  I have to thank him.  It’s healing. I put more iodine on in but I’d like more fucidin.  I have doxycycline but would like more of that and estrogen.  The mixed path of discovery.  

I’m at home and safe in the conservative world but just like I found a Christian community in recovery I believe there’s a Christian inclusive world. Certainly my church is but it’s my own issues of shame and self doubt.  I would like to be integrated.  I like the south because there’s just less clothing.  I loved living in shorts sailing in the tropics.  I don’t like ‘pants’ . I’m rarely wearing jeans here and mostly in shorts or sweats. I like the short skirts and would have done well in Roman world. I can’t say togas appeal.  I must get to more fashion shows. One of things I most enjoy in galleries and museums is the period fashion.  I love the models on Facebook.  Part of the difficulty with going out is the whole ‘dressing’ thing. I could live in flannel pyjamas and go to the symphony in them.  It’s the stress of getting from place to place.  Like this virtual work reality I’m in with the short sleeved work shirt and shorts. I still change to a t shirt when I go out in the back ‘yard’, a little place behind my camper, where I sit on a chair and Madigan who did this with Laura sits on my lap. He actually sits still. I read and listen to the doves,

I like that this camper has everything almost within reach but very convenient like the sailboat.  I loved those Japanese apartments with everything built into the walls and walls that moved to alter the space,  

I am reducing the extraneous ‘stuff’ here.  I have two brooms and 2 electric heaters. I bought an expresso maker and it sits on the counter.  I miss the microwave. It’s these ‘utlilities’ I used daily that create clutter but I have plates for a dozen and only need enough for two.  I gathered up all the little creams that were taking up space in the limited bathroom, I really need to put barriers in the mirrored cabinet case so I can use that space. Only a little can be used because the rest falls out. A bit of netting perhaps.  I ‘m pleased I put up the hooks for the serving spoons,  I enjoy being here and using it. In the past it was just a base camp for weeks of hunting and weekends of camping so there was no need for efficiency or design.  The spice rack that Kelvin installed is a Godsend. I now just have to sor what spices I actually need and have them out. There’s also a mess in the drawers.  I loved off shore sailing when I had my boat shipshape.  This is getting there.  My home is a mess and I look forward to de cluttering that when I return.

Laura says it’s snowing and everyone has the flu. I’m thankful here for the light. Lovely dawn this morning.  Madigan met a 9 month old poodle named Sasha.  His mom was so pleased that Madigan played with him

Another day of God’s grace. Thank you God for the sun and warmth. Thank you God for this body. Thank you for Family and Friends.  Adell said the second parcel arrived at the po in Napanee. Thank you for Laura. Thank you for Madigan. Thank you for the clinics and work. thank you for technology Thank you for Yuma.  Thank you for the doves.  Thank you for all your blessings.

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