Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Yuma, after the deluge

Yesterday there was torrential rain all day here in Yuma. I just had time to walk Madigan before the rains began.  They ended after dark when I was able to walk Madigan again after a long day of virtual psychiatry work. I was glad to attend a meeting of Cyberdocs seeing the gang participating in the spiritual experience of recovery.  
I’d been driving in the country when I came across all these warnings of flash floods and saw where dikes had been worn away leaving only the unsupported railway tracks above them.  It was an experience.  The rain beat on the roof of the camper continuously. It was cool too. I ran the electric heater having checked the propane tanks and found them low. I’ll go for a propane run today at Cactus Storage and Propane over lunch.
I ate a sandwich with the new loaf of bread from Fry’s Bakery and tinned wild salmon and mayonnaise.  At night I had left overs.  I ate chips and noodles. I had wieners I could have barbecued but everything outside was wet and dismal.  Erick from San Diego the Hamm radio guy who’d parked next door a couple of days had said he loved the smell of the dessert after thee rain.  That has me taking deep breaths and trying to savour the fragrance.  I’ve not really noticed it
Weather seems to easily influence me now. I’m certainly glad I’m out of the north where Laura says it’s raining and cold with a forecast for weeks more. I’m a bit anxious as my time here seems to be running out. In December it seemed a lot but now there’s only 3 or 4 weeks before I have to be across the border again.  A four to 6 day drive too.  I booked the truck in for a couple of hours of service and check up on Friday,
This last couple of weeks I’d watched episodes of the series Band of Brothers of the US Airborne in Europe then the Pacific with the Marines fighting on the island.  Spielberg and Tom Hanks were the executive producers.  I liked Band of Brothers better than the Pacific or perhaps just so many evenings of the insaniety of war and killing got to me.  The night before last I watched Sean Connery as James Bond in the 1967 You only live twice.  It was an adventure and I truly enjoyed it surprised that it was from 1967. I just looked this up on Wikipedia and was surprised to see that the first James Bond was 1962, Dr. No, then 1963 From Russia with Love, Goldfinger 1964, Thunderball1965,then you only live Twice 1967 and Diamonds are Forever 1970.  If I’d been asked the dates of the movies I’d have thought they all were 5 years later.  I remember reading the Fleming novels in school before the movies . The late 60’s ,my high school years were certainly a heady time with the OO7 movies and the Beatles and the English Invasion.  The Vietnam War with the American involvement and the Cold War were all happening. I was an adolescent and everything in my adolescent years was filled with passion and excitement.
Last night I watched Cowboys and Aliens with Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde.  I really enjoyed it only remember the movie from the middle and appreciating all the twists and humor years later. 
After a day of work the routine is to walk Madigan, prepare dinner and watch tv.  I have the new Amazon Fire TV mounted in the bedroom wall and take it out and set it on the kitchen counter to watch from the booth.  This seat I am sitting in now facing north is where I work at the computer, am sitting now, eat and watch tv.  Madigan mostly lies on the table or in the booth seat where Laura used to sit. I sometimes for a change sit over there and it’s a whole new view of the world.  After dinner he stares at me until I get a frozen ice cream bar I have to share the last bit. 
Today is cloudy and foggy.  Im a little dispirited and miss the sun.  I have liked best the noon hours I’ve used the hot tub and lay tanning by the pool for an hour.  That’s not going to happen today.  I’m actually at the state where I’m looking forward to returning home.  I’m not looking forward to the trying drive or the last of the winter weather back home but I am looking forward to ‘home’.  I’m becoming a bit lonely and longing for the old routine. I’ve noticed that happens after a couple of months of travel when the travel becomes its own work.  It was such a major thing to organized this and get the motorcycle, truck and camper here, to bring Laura down and have her dental work done and for me to get new glasses and leather good gifts for family. It’s all been a glorious advenure but without the sun today I kind of miss Burnaby and Laura and my Men’s group at Burnaby Fellowship. I miss the clinics and staff and the comraderie in work.  Thankfully Madigan is a companion, a rascal but still a companion.

When I’m blesse on a rainy day I have to remember gratitude . Thank you God for this day. Thank you for my dreams. I was in one of those house party dreams reminscient of the college years. I woke and the back pain has steadily been better. I have an adjustment booked for tomorrow but it’s less irritated . I so enjoy the dessert walks with Madigan. It’s become a bit of a social event with him meeting up with his little dog friends while I chat pleasantly with owners. I am thankful for the knowledge and training and experience that allow me to do this adventure. I am so thankful for the expeditions of the past, bicycling across Europe, white water canoeing, wildeness camping trips in the sub arctic, hiking the west coast trail and in the Sierras, homesteading raising chickens,  the sailing to Alaska , Mexico then solo sailing through winter hurricanes to Hawaii, motorcycle journey to Sturgis in the Black Hills, all the journeys to Europe, Africa and Asia, the Northern Mariana Island, and the moose hunting trips and times with Kirk and Jon and Tom  and other friends I shared adventures with. The girlfriends and wives of course.  The woman is central, romance and creativity. Thank you for those and the family. I’m been blessed with so many friends ands so thankful especially of those in recovery. It was such a journey to study science and medicine, writing and theology. I’ve been truly blessed. God is good all of the time .  I have been so thankful of all the learning  dance, theatre, music, mechanics and carpentry, surgery and obstetrics, medicine and family practice, public health,  psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychopharmacology, and addiction medicine and tropical medicine.  Then there were the physical studies, gymnastics, volleyball, jujitsu, swimming ,cycling, dance, yoga and tai chi.  I can’t forget the joy of dark rooms, photography and guitar that  gave me pleasure  many years too.  All this learning all the curiosities and blessings and exploration. I’ve been so blessed.  Ive always prayed and meditated for years. The only 10 years gap was when the psychiatrist said meditation damaged the brain and then another shared a joint. Alcohol and drugs over a ten year period didn’t offer anything but a detour and self realization, an appreciation of hell and increased longing for God and spirituality.  I also was exposed to the government abuse of power and the good and bad in beaurocracry,. Such learning. Such insights.  I am so thankful. I’d not be here without all of what has gone before.  Thank you God for the lessons and the journey. Thank you for the friends and even the enemies.  Thank you for the teachings of Jesus and the saints and masters of all religions.  Thank you most for my parents but thanks for all the mentors and instructors. Zen and the Art of Archery. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance . The Spirituality of Imperfection. The Hound of Heaven,  Einstein and Heidinger, William James and so many more, ideas and stories, history and literature. Thank you God for my eyes and five fingers and toes. Thank you for my breath. Thank you for this world. Thank you for life.  Thank you for letting me be of service. Thank you Jesus. 

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