Saturday, March 18, 2023

Warm and Sunny Saturday in March

This day is lovely, Lord. Thank you.  We have risen to sunshine, sleeping in an hour till the dog and bladders woke us from the revery of peaceful dreams.  Laura’s soft and smooth voluptuous body slept beside me through the nights.  Her perfume tantalizingly filling the air with thoughts of flowers and musk.  Madigan, the cockapoo dog was glad that I rose . He stayed behind with his loved mother human, getting more sleep before his happy trip outside to water the nearest bush.
I sat cross legged on my yoga mat meditating, listening for your wee small voice, silencing the monkey mind and asking for thy will and the power to carry it out.  It was good to be close to the stillness, breathing in and out as the mind calmed and focussed on the oneness of you. You are all.  I ‘m so distracted so easily by the myriad.
More exercise, stretching, praying for the healing of my lumbar spine rising, I made coffee.  I was sipping my first cup when your appeared, leopard printed covering over your scarlet negligee.
“Good morning, dear.  A coffee.” I said.
“Thank you, ‘
I ground more beans and prepared the expresso machine for another cup.  Creamo from the fridge and Canadian honey.  I handed you your cup sitting beside you with Madigan between us waiting for treats and walks.
“I like this microwave bacon crisper I said loading the upright structure with thick cut slices of bacon.”  I toasted fresh cobs bread as the bacon sizzled.  The canola butter creamy spread served well on the toast with the crisp bacon on top.  
“I love it ‘ she said as I served her as she handed bits of bacon to the pup.

I’m reading the historical fiction of Carthage and the Niki riots of 5th century Constantinople under Justinian.  It’s now called Istanbul since the Muslims took the city in the 1500’s .  Reading of the times of Emperor Justin and Justinian I’m taken back to walking in the streets, now so changed but all built atop the centuries before.  I could have walked where the hero Varus and heroine , wife of Justinian Theordorus walked.  It’s the wars of the Roman Empire after the west has fallen.  Laura was sifting through social media enjoying her daughter’s family, pictures and comments. My nephews and in laws are also chatting in our private ‘big family’ space.  Meanwhile Laura and Madigan and I are really doing very little , enjoying the morning off the clock, ignoring demands.  

She had a shower then I did before we dressed for outdoors and walked Madigan along the river. I’d seen the first mallards there this week The sun today was glorious.  We’d no need of coats, outside in shirts. Others walked there dog and a few cyclists rode by.  My nephew had sent a picture of a beautiful blue jay and we only have the Stellar’s Jay here with a patch of blue.  

“I had blue jays in my back yard at Yarrow.  They came for the nuts.”  Laura said.  
“I’d love to see them, The King fisher is my blue bird of happiness and I’m I’m grateful to have seen the local one already this year.’

Molly the big old Basset Hound was happy to see Madigan , their tales wagging. A social event.

When we returned home Laura made turkey sandwiches.  I roasted green Ethiopian beans and enjoyed the fresh dark coffee. Laura had another cup too as we returned to reading and scanning social media. I napped for a bit. Madigan walked on my face.

Our neighbours left and Madigan barked at the noise of their departure. Nicolina has a new electric scooter so was zooming about the neighbourhood full of glee while Ernst was on the roof cleaning moss away from his antennae mounts. Mylo their dog was happy too with spring.

I’ts early but this evening I’ve steaks to barbecue with potatos and zucchini.  Last night we watched Liam Neilsen in the film noir, gumshoe detective movie, Marlowe.  We loved it .  An end to a great Friday of work and activity,  

I love the spring and sunshine,  It’s wonderful to have Laura over. We’re both looking forward to the return of the camper and a trip to the Princeton area for an escape for the city. The city here in Burnaby suburb has been really rather serene.  We may be getting some balance in our work and life schedule. The need for escape isn’t so great as it has been in the past.  

Thank you God for the peace and quiet and the pleasure of family and friends,   I loved learning that Kevin and Anna and the kids are getting a dog. I hope to visit them soon with Madigan to meet the new addition. With all their time in the woods with the wee ones a dog is such a worthy addition to camping.  I loved growing up myself camping, hunting and fishing. Our  family alway had dogs..

Thank you God for the blessing of my childhood and life. Thank you for my loving parents and brother and the great dogs that accompanied us on all the outdoor adventures.  


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