Friday, August 27, 2021


I actually used my ‘reminder’ app on the iPhone.  I’d get three of the 7 on the list done.  I would have missed one without the memory assist.  So organized.  

I left the poor little cockapoo forlorn at home to guard the premises.  He looked so dejected.  I armed the security system but left off the nanny cam. He got in trouble yesterday for attacking a cushion, killing it and beginning to eviscerate it. He’s been on good behaviour since I shouted at him and told him ‘no’ in no uncertain terms. It’s been a month since he killed Big Bird, my down comforter.  He’s learning.  Still less than a year.  He’s acting like a big boy with a ferocious bark when neighbor dogs come into his yard. 

The Vespa Touring 300 is still a darling Scooter. I’ve the big Harley but in the city will I much prefer the Vespa. I’m off to look at a folding electric bike tomorrow morning. Deer hunting begins in December. I’d love to leave the Vespa but have a bike I can put in the back seat of the truck. I’ll be using the Honda 420 Rancher ATV for hunting.  Ride up into the mountains and settle in on deer trail hoping a buck comes within range of my Excaliber bow. I’ll have a rifle along for black bear as the season has opened for them.  Rifle season for deer opens later in Sept.  

Laura’s coming. We’ve been texting back and forth this week excited by the nearness of the trip.  The camper and truck are ready to go and we’re booked into a full service camp ground with Wifi water , electricity, sewage and wifi. The ATV trails lead off from the RV campground.

I parked the Vespa in the Mall parking lot. I’m wearing my new painted half boots.  Very unique.  I love them and at Cobs a pretty lady standing next to me complimented me on the boots.  I liked that.  I’d stopped at the precious jewel stored and bought some amber stud earrings. I saw they were on sale when I looked in once when I in the mall to pick up my Mail. No time then but now I have a couple of pairs of amber earrings. I’ve lost so many over the years.  Motorcycle helmets eat them.  No matter how much I try to remember and check.  Motorcycle helmets are sneaky and they just love amber earrings.  The gold studs do much better.  

My Cuisianart coffee grinder died. I was going to take it to a little repair shop I’d seen in the neighbourhood but a couple of weeks later nothing had happened. I chucked it in the garbage.  Decided I couldn’t mess with the morning schedule. I’d been using my back up camp grinder.  The Bay had the exact one and it had a 3 year warranty.  Stupid of me. I’ll remember to keep the receipt and this one will last decades.  They are only $100 and I did get a year or so wear out of the last one.  I’ve a new one now.

My coffee bean roaster died today too. I think the universe is criticizing me for drinking so much coffee in the morning.  Ethiopia’s Lallibella carved  underground churches, the Likes of the Pyramids,  have been overrun by the Tigray communist mobs.  This is at the same time the Taliban has routed Biden from Afghanistan and are murdering more Christians while Trudeau continues to rant about Islamophobia. His cabinet called the Taliban ‘our brothers’ , somehow forgetting they’d killed hundreds of Canadian soldiers in the last year.  Ethiopian coffee is the source of the first coffee and I have been able to order Yirgacheffe and Sedona beans on Amazon. A local East Africa store brought in a lot of the green beans so I bought a lot and have been roasting and grinding this nectar all through Covid.  Outside the monastery in Ethiopia I sat under coffee trees and watched as it was made for me, a highlight of my pilgrimage to Ethiopia.  I couldn’t find a roaster in the mall and was so disappointed that Ming Woo kitchen store has closed .Flight centre has gone too. So many specialty shops have fallen to the lockdowns.  I’m thankful for those that survived.

I did get an inexpensive toaster that advertises itself as 50% faster than other toasters.  I love toast but don’t like waiting for my slow expensive toaster which makes perfect toast.  In the morning I just want toast as a platform I can smear peanut butter and jam on.  Mostly in the morning I have a yoghurt and a protein bar.  If I’ve been prepared I have hard boiled eggs and with fall coming I’ll definitely have more toast and jam and even porridge.  

The chill is in the air.  I have enjoyed watching the geese go overhead in V’s .  I’m not ready for the summer to end. I could easily enjoy another month of hot sun and lying on the lawn chair in the back yard. With Covid and the Flu I’m bearing up for the war of immunology and climate. I’ve bought more vitamins today.  I’m taking extra D and Zinc.

This pumpkin latte at Starbucks is really good.  I’ve had several ‘shopping days’ this summer and am actually enjoying the ‘outings’.  The coffee break and a little writing thrown into the middle of the walking about from store to store looking at merchandise and people works. I’m actually fatigue and I’ve only done this for an hour.  Shopping is rather exhausting and for a low activity sport it’s surprising.  I’ve not spent much money not like the day I bought shoes and had more peircings.  So it doesn’t seem to be a direct consequence of the outflow of money energy.  It just always seems tiring.  Even when I’ve shopping in out door markets I’ve come away tired. Perhaps its the mass of people or the slow speed or hauling parcels.  I do like getting home and looking at the loot.  Consumerism.  Consumer therapy.   

Normally I know exactly what I want, like the folding electric bicycle. I’ve been researching them for years and again for the last month. I’ll go tomorrow and if the one I like is fine in person I’ll just buy it and leave.  “Men shop like they fuck,” a woman told me.  There’s some truth to it.  This sauntering about looking at everything and occasionally picking something is a bit feminine.  I suppose I’ve done something similar in a hard ware store. But this mall shopping bit is fairly novel. I’m mostly doing it with girlfriends. I suppose I could learn to like it.  On space ships the mall and the walking about inside will be de rigour.

I’m so looking forward to being in the woods though …..a few days. 

Now to get back and load the Vespa and relieve the little guy whose no doubt feeling abandoned and neglected and calling dog counsellors to discuss his feelings of neglect.  Meanwhile I’m thinking it’s good for him to do some work.  In a week or two he’ll be a Knight attacking a dragon partridge to retrieve it for me.  What fun!!!

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