Sunday, February 3, 2019

Preoccupations of a Great Leader

I’m not talking about Justin Trudeau. He’s not a leader let alone a great leader. I’m referring instead to the Hillary and Bill Clintons, the Bush Family,  Donald Trump and Melania and Ivanka family.  These are like the kings and queens of old.  Putin and Xi Ling are like them as was King Henry and Churchill and so many of the leaders of history, like Constantine and Ataturk.

They shared in common an appreciation for the land where they lead and the people of the land.  Today we attribute this to the aboriginals but it’s universal. The Scottish people identified with Scotland.  Not as a nation but as a place. Like Indians and Chinese and Nepalese do. Just like Kenyans and Chileans.  They identify with the slant of the sun, the taste of air , the mountains or valleys , the waterways , the accent of the people, their tribal associations.  We think of the song lines of the Australian aboriginals but these are true of all the tribal people and the clans that followed and the people that lived under all the great political associations that used these originals relationships to strive for bigger and better things. The family company becomes the corporations. The corporation continues to look to authority of the original individual and family that began the firm.  Identification with these large groups gives meaning to lives.  But fundamentally it’s where we are born and where are people are from. 

The great leaders of the world identified with the land and the people they lead.  Next they worried a whole lot about living long and well.  The longevity of a leader isn’t always that great.  Lieutenants, lowliest of military leaders, were dying in minutes coming off helicopters.  Snipers always try to kill the leader.  Assasins go for them too.  A great leader has great enemies.  Look at Mr. Trump and Mr. Obama if you don’t like the idea of looking at Mr. Stalin and Mr. Hitler. The latter lost whereas the former two survived their rule.  The winner writes history.  The world is continuing to live according to the military leaders of WWII, England, America, Russia, France and China.  

The great leader knows his or her survival depends on the survival of his land and people. So great leaders have always focussed on defence. Sometimes like Israel’s Ben Gurion, a great leader can not only protect it’s borders and hold onto it’s land and people, He canexpand it’s defensive perimeter to greater advantage and protection.  The son of a wealthy father is expected to hold the father’s gains but too often in that microcosm it’s rags to riches in one generation then riches to rags in the next 2 or 3.  This issue of maintenance of wealth not increasing wealth but just holding on takes an enormous effort by a leader.  There is a constant struggle for domination.. Even the Dalai Lama’s peace loving people couldn’t stand up to the murdering unevolved communist thugs of China  who invaded Tibet. China, that running dog imperialist, invaded , colonized Tibet  and genocides his people.  China just keeps right on doing it too. The red hair of the Irish came from the constant invasion of Ireland  by the Vikings have the red hair genes, and happily raped and stole, even though the editors of Huffington Post say that’s not nice.  That’s been going on forever. Raids and pillage and theft. Rape is popular especially with the religion of peace. All of the Middle East was Christian or Zoroastrian before today’s religion of peace. White farmers are being butchered daily in the enlightened South Africa.

Of course the “ better sort “ don’t do this but their proxies might..  It’s strategy and tactics and takes enormous time and energy. Most of information is sought to protect against rebellion or invasion.  This is why it’s called ‘intelligence’.  Our autoimmune systems work in the same way and require a tremendous amount of the body’s time and energy. Just maintaining the status quo isn’t easy.  It’s not necessarily natural either. Neutrality may be desired but the Nazis, Communist aetheists, pagans  and countless religious radicals and their religions of the day haven’t been keen to leave well enough alone if there’s gold and land to be had along with virgins and slaves. All Utopian seekers are even more disastrous and wasteful than the real politic sort. 

The great leaders can’t be smoking dope all day or doing opium or getting drunk in the morning. They can’t be living in the brothels or living a profligate life. Even Justin Trudeau has minders who ensure their puppet shows up relatively present despite the great number of occasions he’s acted and looked like he’s still recovering from a night of debauchery. He’s not a great leader.  Great leaders must have self control in action though as we saw with the great leader Krushchev they can really act a part when they need to. Unfortunately Trudeau can’t even act. Reagan could at least do that. 

 All great leaders historically have played their cards close to their chest because the world stage, politics and law, is a gambler’s game.  It’s all smoke and mirrors.  The great leader is a diplomat has the capacity to mobilize his own people. While in other fields of endeavour ‘transparency’ is the best, not in war, not in gambling.  Perhaps not in the pseudowar of diplomacy and sales even.  There’s a whole lot of drama and sleight of hand.  Mr. Chrétien, one of Canada’s great leaders, concealed his immense intelligence so as not to alienate the common man.  Unfortunately Trudeau has alienated all men and most women by not concealing his immense stupidity.

A great leader is busy and working and on call. He’s 24/7 at the helm. I don’t know where people get the idea that these people are living it up and walking on easy street. Even Trudeau a mere puppet whose been replaced wherever his handlers could do it with cut out dolls, has to maintain a tough schedule which has obviously been so overwhelming that he’s had more holidays scheduled than any leader I can think of. They’re probably mental health days in his case but they are exceptional.  By contrast great leaders must show up and be meeting and greeting and discussing and arranging and stroking this ego and putting down that ego every day of their reigns.  They’re constantly hounded too like celebrities without the benefit that celebrities have of just having to be pretty idiots at times.  The best of celebrities are like great leaders who are always working the room.  It’s not a pretty task. It’s not an easy task. It’s not a whole lot of couch and tv time.

The lower classes by contrast have a lot of down time. They go to work and they come home and they have time off. The greatest time for many was medieval so called dark age days when people did the same thing their father and grandfather did and the bar was pretty low except for taxes, disease and war.  Malthus times.  But there was job security and the wives didn’t leave you for lesbian lovers and the kids didn’t burn down the schools. It really once wasn’t so bad because there was that much change. Right now Canadians even those designated as in poverty have a higher standard of living than most of our earth’s population. The thousands of dollars which even a person on disability here can have and make is more than billions will ever have. There’s upward mobility here which is simply not possible in countries as corrupt as Haiti where the Clinto billions disappeared mysterious as so much money goes missing in that other great Banking Bermuda Triange, Pakistan. 

It really helped too in th peen days if your job was to plant things and you had a hundred IQ then planting things was satisfying. Today with the advent of computers and competition with robots and every other person on the planet in the great internet connection if your IQ is only 100 you may not have a job. Then in the west at worst you have couch time and tv land and drugs are cheap like alcohol and there’s a great social net. Not like Muslim countries where there’s still a crazy demand for productivity and thefts are dealt with by cutting off limbs. The aetheists camps would also put you in a far harder place than where ever you were if you didn’t pull your weight. The Gulag wasn’t Auschwitz but it ranked right up there with all other slave labour work camps. Great leaders have to deal with this tendency of lots of folks to be disagreeable and slackards. The communists have killed millions , though they favour killing smart people, whereas in the west the tacky media gets upset with a policeman uttering a bad word.  There’s little comparison.  On it’s worst day the western democracies have mass demand for entry whereas the countries most people are coming from have really bad leaders and really corrupt systems and people can’t get out of the deadly neighbourhoods fast enough.  

Great leaders have to deal with these problems. They also have to get people to give them money to deal with the problems. They’re the original go fund me where the buck stops.  The English and French leaders back in Napoleon’s day were always having trouble raising money for their wars.  Now they can’t get enough people on board to lynch tobacco company boards while in Canada Trudeau spent millions to put an ice rink on parliament hill when there’s a frozen river next door where thousands skate every year and have for hundreds of years. It’s one of the problems of having leadership that don’t care for their people and their land or even know it. Great leaders have to have their ear to the ground and it’s not easy.  

Before the puppet Trudeau was crowned because his Uncle Castro had his way with his mother who got the Trudeau name to wed the west with the east to allow Pierre to raise Quebec up and finally pay back that bastard Wolfe who beat Champlain, leadership required some sort of training and experience and education.  In the days of the original dolphins the school was the dinner table.  In 17th century Europe, in the days of chilvary.everyone was playing war and your future allies would be your playmates. It’s marvellous to see the sons of the Queen of England being taught war and leadership in the military.  Those are two great leaders to be with lovely wives who have the great intelligence of Melania and even some of the shrewdness of Mrs. Obama.  

I say this because the destruction of a society comes with the belittling of the leadership. You could argue against the man, like I do with Mad King George the III and  Justin Trudeau, but I don’t negate the leadership.  I am ashamed as a Canadian of my fellow Canadians who are so ill educated and ill experienced that they should have been taken in by a dynastic ploy of the lowest order in a democracy where meritocracy is supposed to rule. But now it’s all about fake news and denying the good and undermining the ‘position’.  This was what Hitler did. It’s what Lenin did before them. They strategically undermined the rule of law, the structure of the society and wanted not to overthrow an individual but rather they wanted a revolution. Nothing serves a revolution better than to have King George III as a ruler of the opposition.  Justin Trudeau has not only ruined the reputation of Canadians leadership hard earned by the likes of Chrétien, Mulroney and  Harper but within Canada itself there’s a willingness to chuck parliament itself because despite opposition Andrew Scheer being better than Trudeau by a long shot he’s not ‘great’.  Indeed Canadian leadership is rather anemic despite the amazing land we have with the amazing people.  Sadly testosterone is declining as fast as the feminists kill babies . 

I like great leaders.  It’s not a job I want. I like the couch, Hagen daz and walking around in a ripped t shirt and underwear. I’d rather spend time with the my dog than XiLing. There’s no time for that with great leaders. They’re in the fray. They’re not on vacation. They’re doing a tough job.  The actual work that Trump or Clinton did was the same relatively speaking. The number of decisions made in a day whether right or wrong is huge.  I, like 90% of the rest of the country have an easier job than the great leaders. We might not eat as well and we won’t get to order a nuclear strike or shut down a drug dealer so our jobs are likely less exciting by a long shot but even if we have a dozen children around us with in-laws and such it’s not the circus that Moscow, London, Washington or Paris  is on any day.  I don’t doubt that these guys are working, unlike Trudeau who always appears like he’s a tad too wasted, and the dog ate his homework’s.  By contrast , these great leaders are doing a hell of a job.  They have perks.  They love their children.  Just as we all saw the love of the Obamas for their little ones we see the pride in Trump for his daughter Ivanko and his brilliant boy Baron.  They clearly feel good about the future they’re making for their children.  They have family and they get to wear nice clothes and ride in nice vehicles travel and see really neat inventions.  They get to know a whole lot of secrets which even PBS doesn’t tell us.  I’m not saying there aren’t perks but the great leaders work for them.  

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