Friday, January 31, 2025

Respect/Respectful/Respectfulness and Dental Work

A person I admired called me disrespectful.  We disagree but the precise implication was that they by contrast ‘disagree respectfully’.  

In communication theory one of the strongest schools of thought is transactional analysis. This suggests that communication break down occurs when a person speak to another not as adult to adult, or parent to parent, or child to child but rather innappropriately as in parent to child or adult to child, the so called ‘talking down’ or ‘we are not amused’ or ‘who made you sheriff’.  

I have been fascinated by the shift in political debate from logic to purely rhetoric and marketing.  For a decade I’ve used Canadian Parliament as an example of the worst communication strategies.  I’ve suggested our PM should wear a wife beater under shirt because his ‘gas lighting’ and ‘never addressing questions’ but using all openings for promotions and blaming is the outright lowest form of communication.

There is a palpable arrogance of the indoctrinated left who believe that they are ‘right’ as only a parent can believe they are right and rapidly their discussion shifts from adult to adult or child to child into their taking a parental tone in speech or the very nature of the communication.

In marriage therapy I commonly encountered this distraction from the discussion at hand when one or the other said,”don’t use that tone’.  As a hamm radio operator we commonly tell each other to turn down the ‘squelch’ however this is mearely a break in the communication to repair the technology it doesn’t ‘stop’ the discussion.  However emotional communicators can easily ‘derail’ discussions by shifting from adult to adult to being the ‘child’ and suddenly claiming ‘victim ship’ or by claiming the parent and suggesting ‘you shouldn’t speak like that’.  

In the movie Grand Canyon a punk brandishing a gun says ‘do you respect me? The old guy replies “I respect the gun”:.  

I was drinking and joking on holidays with a group of tourists we’d met in Mexico decades ago when this fellow out of the blue, or it seemed to me, said ‘You can’t speak to me like that. You have to show me more respect.” “I’m sorry I said “I didn’t mean any disrespect’, I said not knowing what I’d said or done that triggered his reaction.  But at that moment he waved to some men in the near empty bar and three guys came over and opened their sports jackets showing their guns.  I’d never seen a mini oozie outside of a movie so truly remember that moment. The other two guys had hand guns.  I can honestly say I respect the gun and apologized profusely and was glad to get away alive. I also never wanted to play there again and have never returned.  

The old adage is you have to ‘earn respect’.  Much older and more experienced and now having worked in jails and asylums I can honestly say I probably didn’t do or say anything to ‘upset’ this person since as a cartel criminal with respect based on violence earned as such I would tend to believe this is a game he plays to assert his authority with his gang, joining in with rich tourist, I was poor in the company I was that night, mostly university professors and businessmen . None but him would ever have had the need to dominate the conversation with such a shore of force. There is this idea of an egomaniac with an inferiority complex.  By contrast I remember an argument with a Harvard PHD I had and I remember we all deferred to his opinion in the matter of physics not only because of his obvious authority on the subject but also because he made sense.

My South American professor friends says she finds Canadians insipid because they won’t talk about religion or politics and are too emotionally immature to shout about such subjects as she and her friends do in cafes when they’re not taking sides in soccer games.  She escaped from being tortured and left her country when a dictator took over and only returned a decade later.  I enjoyed working with refugees and torture victims and listening to the lessons they learned about politic.  So many these last few years have told me that the communism they escape in Eastern Europe is now here.  Persians tell me that Trudeau is just like the Ayatollah’s men. Always there ‘politeness’ and ‘people playing nice’ then the gloves come off.  

The business of ‘victim ship’ is ‘micro trauma’ and of course those who can be hurt by a ‘slight’ are very special and can get ‘stolen glory’ from those who by contrast have the scars of jails, cigarette burns and lashes.  Stolen glory

The definition of ‘respect is the ‘feeling of admiration or high regard for someone or something”.  Synonyms for respect are ‘esteem’ and ‘veneration’.

So in a discussion if a person uses ‘rhetoric’ to ‘muddy the discussion’ , a particularly distasteful form of communication like ‘muddying the waters’ does saying the person who has assumed the role of sheriff or parent is being ‘hypocritical’ suggest ‘disrespect’. I respect the gun.  The victim wins by massing others to do ‘proxy violence’.  

The women’s liberation movement and suffragette movements arose in the time of chivalry when a woman could feint and men would rally to defend her. Now we have an era of ‘false allegations of sexual violence’ or ‘rape’ where so often the ‘victim’ says ‘well he would have ‘or he had that tone’ or ‘micro violence.’  

In parliament the opposition party constantly said yes or no answer please to the childish leader who would not engage as an adult but use any opportunity to blame, shame and then self advocate while never answering the question.  We were raised on Perry Mason which became the Lincoln Lawyer but all we see is Goebells and Hollywood.  Accuse the other guy of what you did and lie lie lie.  

There a concept of ‘terms of engagement’.  In marriage therapy no one plays the ‘court game’ because who threw the first punch can never be answered.  Respect is earned.  

We are kind to each other. Being kind to the proverbial Hitler does not mean I would treat him with admiration or high regard.  

I shared with my friend the anti Americanism is again being promoted by our government.  It was the same when the American objected to Victoria dumping its sewage in the oceans so Canadian condoms were all over the Washington beaches along with other refuge. Eventually Victoria cleaned its sewage but politically it demonized Americans and played the ‘we are Canadians’ card implying our shit didn’t stink.

I miss the CBC with Barbara Fromm and truth and honesty in Canada before the Liberal Party became communist china with the Mao Cultural revolution censorship and the CBC as the liberal newsletter.

I’m a conservative and remember when I stopped drinking that I realized that my being liberal was because they supported free drugs and binge drinking.  I miss the country songs that preceded today’s marketing of booze and the rock and roll songs that promoted peace and had insights that we don’t hear in rap.  I am so dissapointed in the news. I probably don’t show a lot of ‘respect’ to people in political discussions because it always seems that someone is getting paid for their position and my own experience is dealing with the elderly and disabiled on fixed pensions and the fat cat liberals and those with indexed pensions or owning houses that are sky rocketing in price while the food banks are being used the highest amount in history.

I’m not retired. I don’t’ have a pension or health care or all the advantages that others have but I have had wealth and privilege and am doing just fine but the atmosphere of fear that has been percolated in Canada this last decade affects me as all those i know and care about are buying chicken instead of steak and staying home as opposed to going on vacation.

So I’m probably just not a wanting to hear more ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’.  “Jan 6 was as bad as Pearl Harbour” Democrat ranting and Bill Gates polluting the sky allegedly to block the sun and slow global warming with C02 the food of plants and our breath demonized by arts students.  It’s all bizarre and I’m told again ‘You are being expelled for saying ‘fuck’.  

I respect the gun and I don’t want to play with people who want me to ‘behave’ as they do.  Disagree with me but don’t tell me how to behave in peaceful conversation. 

I remember being drunk at a New Years Eve party and these two women showed up for the lobster feast my friend put on. I think I said ‘nice tits’ because the woman had nice tits and was wearing a big hole fish net top that did nothing to cover herself up. She was competing with skin and frankly I must have thought they were nice tits because I said that. She had a glass of scotch and threw it at me. I ducked . And the glass broke on the wall. The host came over and asked her to leave.  She said ‘did you hear what he said.  My friend said yes, “nice tits’. Bill thinks of himself as a conneoseiur of tits and probably is but we respect freedom of speech in this house and don’t respect violence.  If Bill hadn’t ducked you would have hurt him and as it is I’l have to fix the damage your glass did to the wall so please get out’.

I was so disheartened to hear that British are being jailed because there is no longer ‘freedom of speech’ there.  L

I am here on the border of California, Arizona and Mexico.  I’ve been enjoying talking with people with a variety of view. Interestingly the Mexican merchants I was speaking with who my friend Laura and I like are appalled at their corruption and mismanagement of cartels and borders. I was fascinated to hear them describing their president as we describe Trudeau.  Meanwhile I was in a line and a dozen of Americans around me were thanking their lucky stars for Trump because they had hope for their economy now. Several vets were glad that he was pulling them out of the stalled wars which 70% of money was going missing.  

Another Canadian and I shared how we so enjoyed being able to travel to the US and hear a different view from the propaganda of CBC and eastern Canada.  I’ve personally been enjoying Smith from Alberta’s and wonder what I’m doing staying in BC when so many of the people I respect and admire have moved to Alberta.  Well, I keep thinking about fasting from food as it’s obesity that’s the basis of cancer and fasting counteracts it. Fasting also can cure cancer early.  

Yet here I am feeling alone and isolated wishing I could agree with the sickness of communism as it pollutes . I’ve spent so much of my life at variance with group. Not drinking these last 26 years has been a huge difference. I sometimes miss the stupidity of dope smoking .  I got to church and hear the minister sharing that the pope says we shouldn’t be putting up walls and I can only think of this Emperor Pope Francis in his Vatican country a veritable fortress.

Hypocrisy. I thought I was a hippie because I was turned on to hypocrisy. 

Oh well I miss the editor who would take this reduce it to a paragraph and make me a bunch of money. As it is I journal and journal and journal and feel better in the end .

Saying thank you Jesus. I hope I can stay in Canada. I love the wilderness. My friend moved to Texas. I thought of going to Ireland yet I love my life now leaving BC for Jan and February to get sun because I’m afraid of dying of pneumonia now having had a near death experience with Covid in Bombay.  I also had a year of treatment for TB and too many friends are dying. I’m of that age. Another mentor died. 

It’s a sunny blue sky day without the wind and warmth instead.  I have a little work and calls to do but really it’s a free day between dental treatments.  Tomorrow my mouth will be done and I can move along with a major task of self care and treatment completed.  

Thank you Jesus. Thank you God. Thank You Holy Spirit. Thank you Trinity. Thank you 3 in 1 god . Thank you ancestors . Thank you Mom and Dad. Thank you brother and cousins and aunts and uncles and living and dead. Thank you grandparents and great grandparents. Thank you neanderthals’ .  Thank you Homo Sapiens. Thank you CO2 and O2. Thank you Sun and Moon and Stars. Thank you planet EArth.

Thank you God of Gods.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Winterhaven, California

I’ve just paid my taxes.  I’d been putting money on my Credit Card thinking the ‘-‘ symbol meant I owed money.  That is the case with the banking but not with the credit card.  So I was on the phone a couple of times with Scotia bank and they couldn’t transfer the money to my business account but the delightful representative transferred the money to the personal account. I’ve got on the on line banking app and transferred the money to the business account and paid the taxman.  Hooray.
It turns out I’ve forgotten the pin for using that visa in a machine.  I found this out by having that Visa fail. This is always embarrassing. Of course I thought the card failed and that I knew the pin but in fact I’d forgotten I changed the pin so it would be different from my other Visa.  I can’t remember the pin. The phone representative said I’d have to go to a branch of Scotia to my Scotia Bank in Canada to change the pin.  
I’ve just looked and ironically there are Scotia Banks in Tijuana but not San Diego or LA though Scotia Bank has banks in the US under the name Scotia Holdings.  
I’m just thankful all these banks and Visa and Mastercards are working to make it possible for me to move money about and plug the holes caused by spending.

My dog is fine again. I think his gf is no longer in heat so he may sleep through the night. He was up once or twice last night whereas the night before he was desperate in love.  First the diarrhea and then the treatment and we’ve finished the antibiotics and antibiotic drama and then the lust bug.


I’m working.  I loved Cunk saying that when she was asked about what she was doing about her life said she just trying to get to Friday.

I’ve been doing pretty much that. Just trying to get through each day, pay the rent and pay for food.  Being out of the country I’m dependent on the credit cards and working with overdrawn accounts waiting for money to come out as money goes out.  Just getting by. And each day praying for ‘my daily bread’ and that’s what I get.  Lean.  No fat.

I’ve been walking a lot too doubling the walking I did in December. Healthy for a change.

I’m paid here for another week and with my dental work completed on Saturday may consider heading back towards the coast a week Friday.  It’s a long drive especially with tired eyes.  

Madigan won’t eat any of the other wet foods and didn’t want to share my microwave pot last night. He did take the beef bologna but not the pepperoni. I broke down thinking he was starving himself and barbecued steaks and cut one up for him.  I had one with potatoe salad and microwaved mixed veggies. I really do enjoy my microwave.  I enjoy the electric heater. Off grid I could run these with my generator and a part of me wants to check out boon docking and see how the generator works. Another part of me just enjoys all the hooks ups with electricity, water , sewage and a community around the fenced dog park.

There were 10 dogs there this morning with five adults chatting.

I finished reading the Territory Series , a kind of Australian Yellowstone with cattle too.  I also finished the David Baldacci novel ‘to die for (6:20 man).

With conflict between America and Mexico and the calling of the cartels’ terrorists’ by Trump there’s been attacks on tourists along the Texas border.  Warnings to not go into Mexico.  I had thought to go to an RV park just south of Ensenada but may just err for safety. The cost to ensure a motorcycle alone is high and the cost for truck camper and motorcycle insurance might not be worth if for a month. I’m enjoying here and considering checking out some of the campgrounds on the way back.  I just learned of Fountain of Youth RV Park with a hot springs mineral water and think that would be worth a day or two trip.  

Jets fly over because the Yuma Marine Air Force base is near. There’s also the helicopters patrolling the border.  I like the Quechuan natives I talk with.  The RV park was mostly empty when I came but now it’s filled right up.  I’m enjoying being here

Thank you Jesus. Thank you for all your blessings .Thank you for this day. Thank you for my work and my being of service.

I was sorry to hear Phillip Ney died. Willie emailed me. He was such a great man and taught me a lot. I’m so thankful to have known him Such fun to go sailing together. He’s in heaven.  I hope to meet him there again. We’ve both got friends at Rainbow Bridge.  He was 89 or 90.  I’ve had such great mentors and been blessed to know such fine teachers. Thank you God and be there for the grieving .

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Sleepy Hollows RV Park, Winterhaven, Ca

Madigan was up all night whining, whimpering and pining.  A little poodle was in the off leash dog park.  It’s his second encounter with her. The owner said she was in heat.  She’s come to him twice turned and presented. I think his only experience to date has been pillows and Laura’s leg. He did some serious cunninlingus before I got to him and removed him from temptation. She was clearly displeased . He was mindless. He’s not neutered.  A second day when the owner brought their several dogs into the park when Madigan and I were there.  They’re RV people with 4 little dogs.  Madigan likes them all but was immediately infatuated with the sexy one who again presented and was backing into Madigan hoping to get him to mount her when again I scooped him up.
I let him out to pee outside the door but he was of running back to the car park so I ran after him in my night shirt and brought him back.  He’s been whining all night when Laura has come over and something about her pheromes triggers him but now he’s testosterone brain again.
This morning I took him outside the park and we walked through the border area.  A half dozen camps and trailers were there looking like long term boondocking but they may well be natives with the Quechuan Band that own the casino and in the last few years bought the RV park.  You see the homeless living rough in the woods with tarps and tents up north but I have seen these off grid Rv and camp places. I come across them hunting.
Here it would be easier because it’s not cold like up north. I have my generator and thought to try boon docking just to try out the generator and rig.  The monthly rent here with electricity and water is very reasonable but if one’s not working it might well be worth living off the grid.  The busses I saw could drive into town and get water and gas. I heard one running this morning and a couple of hours charges everything. I can go 1-2 weeks easy with water and sewage tanks.  It’s something to consider.  I don’t want to especially getting older.  I’m hoping that the Liberal in Canada will be gone with all their corruption and economic failure and waste so that people who are elderly on pension aren’t persecuted by elites like Trudeau with his globalist ideology and trust fund life.
I’m rather enjoying the trailer life in the south. Trailer trash. 
I will likely move in a couple of weeks but frankly don’t know whether I’ll go on to Mexico or start wandering north. The Mexico limitation is insurance so I looked on line and it was prohibitive, just too much for even a motorcycle.  I’m enjoying California and Arizona so may put off heading into Baja for another year or not.  The beauty of my time is that it’s open ended as I carry my office and everything else with me.  But as I’m having to visit family out east this spring since my sister in law has put their house up for sale and I have to pick up stuff I had there I may just return. I feel healthy again with sun and dry. I worry about the winter and becoming ill being slowly run down by the weather , demands and stress of this time of year for me in Vancouver.  So many sick people and I get sick. Well I’m frankly afraid of dying with so many friends having done so and the risk of pneumonia and death.  
I’m not usually afraid but I couldn’t breathe, literally couldn’t take air in when I was in Bombay with what was likely Covid. This winter break has certainly protected me in my mind. Placebo or whatever I head south rather desperate and a few weeks here I feel I regain my strength and health.  Then it’s the drive back.  The rain storms are a challenge especially with declining eyesight. I’m looking forward to seeing my ophthalmologist to learn what I can about that.  
Life is good though . Blue sky and sunshine and warm.
Laura says Madigan is having a summer fling. 
I’ve a full fridge and all I need so I don’t even plan a run to Walmart for fun.  After work I’ll likely read or watch tv. I’ve been enjoying that. Lots of walking the dog. This morning was an hour of exploring the area that lead to the river that runs by the Cassino. I like taking bird pictures too.  I love that the new iPhone camera is so good.  
I took out the GoPro and tried it out. I may get it attached to the helmet again.  Photography.  Distractions. What to do until the Messiah comes. I’ve been reading the Bible but missed a day . Good habits are hard to maintain and easily waylaid. I thought of a zoom meeting too.
Thank you God for this day.  

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Los Algodones, Mexico Saturday

I am here at my favourite Los Algodones coffee shop, across from Dr. David Magana ‘s office. Madigan is beside me begging cookie but it’s chocolate chip . Chocolate isn’t good for dogs so I have to break out the non chocolate bits. He just got over diarrhea with treatment by the excellent myhealthypet dentist here.  Something he ate or Dog Montezuma. 
I had no plans for today so just came over to Los Algodones. I wanted to see St. Thomas Dental about crowns for my lower teeth. Those were cracked and needed crowns but the lower ones, frankly, are cosmetic. I figure I might as well get them to match and have it done. Laura says I’ll look like a movie star.  Already I liked the white of the upper crowns.  They don’t discolour with coffee so I’m good.  The lower discoloured teeth will match the dazzling white upper teeth.  
After seeing Mara and getting an estimate and an appointment for Thursday afternoon and Saturday. 2 days to complete the work, I called the clinic to cancel Thursday afternoon. I’m on a working vacation and like that I’m able to work less while at the same time the work I’m doing is covering the cost of cosmetic dental work I’d not feel I could afford in Canada. Now I expect I’ll need a whole new face to go with the new teeth.  Aging is not for the young.
I wanted to walk around Los Algodones with Madigan today.  WE need the exercise, at least I do and he really enjoys it.  After St. Thomas I went back to the veterinarian and talked about teeth cleaning and grooming for him.  The veterinarian who does the teeth cleaning is a different vet. I’d thought of getting it done because he was so good with her. She does the grooming so I’ll get his hair cut and nails cut next week.  I’m aiming to be back Mid March but returned the end of February. I was thinking of going to Rosaritta in Mexico .  I looked into just motorcycle insurance for Mexico and it was $100 a month.  I don’t know what the camper and truck would be but I think I’ll talk to someone in Yuma.  I was just checking the on line quotes. What’s nice about staying here at the Quechan tribe’s RV park is that it’s relatively inexpensive. With Canadian money being Trudeau dollars it’s expensive doing what I’m doing.  I’m planning on going to see family in Ottawa and Napanee in May as well and have to get my Camper repaired before I go.  I don’t think I’ll talke out my RV until I return.  I’m really enjoying my camper especially with the little microwave.  
There were some state campsites on the coast I would consider. I’d like a pool I suppose and more meetings.  
I’ve been attending on line meetings.
The loneliest and anxiety is kept at bay but I’d rather in person meetings.  In Vancouver I enjoy the familiar faces and friends. I enjoy Laura’s company most.  
Mexico is under construction like a dream forming.  Everywhere there is work being done.  Everywhere there are projects half done.  Old and new.  There are more motorcycles here this year.  The cars are generally newer too.  Los Algodones is a town of affluence.  A tourist destination for the professionals who provide health care, and dental care here. 
I had Huevo Rancheros after I talked with the Vet and shared the side of bacon with Madigan. It was a solely gringo before lunch crowd with several tables having drinks.  A man and woman came on the stage and played Spanish songs that were really appealing. I enjoyed sitting and was taken back to all my others times in Mexico. I’d been here with the last two wives and my long term partner.  The music awakened the romantic longs of the Latin culture.
I passed an outdoor booth with large statues of various saints.  
Some more motorcycles went by, mostly 100 and 200 with 600 the biggest I’ve seen so far.  No Harley’s. There’s a BMW I saw that may have been 1200 .  I would like to ride about on the Vespa and go south to the town of Louis Colorado  I could just as easily for now cost ride into Yuma and explore it some more   The along walk today has me thinking a trip to a chiropractor is in order.  There’s a mssseu advertised but It’s Jared to go to these places with Madigan along.  Given he’s just got over an GI upset I am enjoying being with him.  
I have a meeting tomorrow so won’t be able to to go back to St. Paul’s church for communion.  I wonder about doing that instead of the meeting There’s the course on spirituality at Oxford about the saints and meditative I wanted to audit. I also wanted to take a course at Cambridge or Trinity or Stanford.  
I really need to become closer to God.  Prayer is fine but I really ought to meditate more.  I like when I’m in the flow practicing the presence.  I’ll walk back to the border now.  We’ve had a good walk today .  
Thank you Jesus.

Friday, January 24, 2025

My Healthy Pet Algodones Veterinarian

What a horror having a sick dog in a foreign country? Two days ago I watched Madigan my cockapoo have explosive watery diarrhea That night I stepped in wet poop on the tiny camper floor and knew I a problem. 
At 4 years old he’s house trained but there he was looking so forlorn.  His eyes said, “I couldn’t help it.:”  I cleaned camper’s hardwood floor with both Lysol spray and Pledge soap. Thankfully  I found  a left over puppy pad from years back.  I stopped feeding him.  I wasn’t going to give him any more ammunition.  Best thing for diarrhea for everyone is fluids only.  Let the bowels rest. He didn’t’ have a fever, was playful and tail wagging happy. 
All that day he was drinking water fine but still only having loose watery diarrhea and farting. He seemed a bit bloated  and his tummy was sensitive to touch.  
I assumed at first he’d eaten something off but that should have cleared in 24 hours. He wasn’t eating the rice and chicken soup I made him that next day.  I worried about parasites though he’d had his shorts and worming only a couple of months before.  The mind is a bad neighborhood and it’s said one shouldn’t go there  alone. I began to think  worse case scenarios.
On Google and Yelp here were  some very highly recommended vets in Yuma.  Ironwood and Dessert were closest. But I’m here 10 minutes from the border I can walk to.  The vets in Yuma were 45 minutes away.  I had a day of my own virtual work and wouldn’t disrupt other’s schedules if I took him to an Algodones vet on my  2 hour lunch break.  Myhealthypet had good reviews too.   

At noon I walked tail wagging happy Madigan across the border  to myhealthypet vet clinic.  It was easy to find as it’s at the intersection along the US Border fence where the cans and people line up to leave 

I entered the new building and  told the male receptionist whose English was  excellent English I didn’t have an appointment but my dog was sick with diarrhea.  He  said ‘that’s okay okay I’ll get the vet’.   He returned and called me from the waiting room into the clean and well organized examining room 

The vet was  beautiful young brunette with a flower tattoo on her forearms.   DMV Maricruz Lona Romeroa. She seemed to understand English but not speak it fluently  The arrangement was that I spoke to the administrator who translated my concerns to her and translated back the  questions she asked.  

I’m a doctor. I know good medical thinking and ;process.   I watched her thorough professional examination of  Madigan.  It  was exactly as excellent Canadian vet Dr. Biernacki would  have done. Madigan who is very anxious and not at all a good patient was very relaxed and trusting with her as he is with only Dr. Biernacki.  Animals sense confidence and experience.  I loved her firm gentle approach and  later he took a pill from her,  something I can only do with ice cream bribery.  He opened his mouth for her no problem and swallowed the pill,   She could have been a lion trainer with the confidence and assurity. she possessed. 

I showed her the zip lock baggie of  his diarrhea I’d brought..  She examined it, seeing the mucous and flecks of red,  but as I’d told her his initial stool were watery she reassuringly showed that this was forming,  “He’s  getting better.” 

I had his list of vaccinations and treatments from Dr. Biernacki in North Road Veterinary Clinic Canada  along with Rabies vaccinations. She checked through that carefully indicating she read English well, especially medical English.  

The administrator assistant, finally  said, “She still  think it’s something mostl likely something he ate or just different e coli bug.” (Traveller’s diarrhea or montesuma for dogs) 

She then said and he translated, “ I”m gave him one pill for ‘coccidia’ a parasite that is common here. l’m also giving him some antibacterial medication for you to give him twice a day for five days that will be good for his gut.”  he’ll need to take for 5 days that will address any bacteria infection in his gut.”   She then showed me how much of the liquid medication to draw up and squirt into his mouth. Again my little Houdini just accepted the ligquid with a grimace.  

That was it. I asked if she needed to do cultures or get liver blood work.  “Not necessary!”  She said ‘2-3 days he’ll be all well.’  She was confident and I was glad.  

$50 was the bill.  My catastrophising about hospitalization, MRI’s. PET Scans, Surgery, ICU’s and  helicopter costs was all for naught. 

They were lovely caring professionals and the cost was like everything else in Los Algadones a third to a fifth what the cost would be in the north.  At the border because we’ve been going back and forth these last couple of weeks and the first time I showed all the papers , they didn’t even ask for his papers this time . 

Last night I barbecued steak and cut him up some very fine . This morning he had a normal poo.  Thank you Jesus. 
At the dog park today another fellow with several dogs told me he’d been coming to Yuma for years and using both the American and Mexican vets. “The only difference is the Mexicans have been a third or quarter of the cost.”   

At Myhappypet  the vet does grooming and dental as well so I’ll definitely be back before I return north.  The administrator said that Dr. Maricruz Lona Romero’s owned the clinic.

I was so thannkful today that by the Grace of God my crazy little companion is back on the mend.  He does insist I give him his medication with ice cream still. Thank you Dr. Maricruz Lona Romero.

Myhealthypetalgodones@gmail, 442 432 7728

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Winterhaven, California, Dawn

I woke up from first night with new crowns and mouth guard.  I really was refreshed and happy. I’m feeling better with the sun and prayer. Madigan was well. He’d had diarrhea when I was out so I’ve made him rice and not fed him last night but given him several walks.  Today we had a long walk and enjoyed the sunrise.  He had an okay little poop.  I’m hopeful.  

The big questions this morning was whether to talk to the dentists about lower crowns since the upper ones make it apparent that the lower teeth aren’t as ‘pretty’. Maybe I just need cleaning. I could come back next year too.  Right now I like my smile.

Laura texted me that Ebby has told Canadians not to travel to the US because Americans don’t like us. He’s probably just trying to affect tourism but really sounds like the fool Trudeau is.  Rustad is sounding  really intelligent by comparison. The whole climate change ‘emergency’ and demonizing carbon was so artistic but scientifically stupid. Trump has returned ‘meritocracy’ and stopped the favouritism of DEI which I really like given the stupidity of having dwarf, celibate, Inuit neurosurgeon because they vote Liberal or NDP.  Such political and legal nonsense. I loved hearing that Trumps pulling the US out of the Paris treaty would save them trillions and wondered of course why ‘the budget will balance itself’ Trudeau won’t do the same.  I’m horrified at the state of the economy and the invasion of Islam young men. Trump is demanding that the borders be secured and it’s a fact that the US invasion of fentanyl and terrorists is coming mostly through Canada.  

I don’t agree with two genders but the pronouns and the entitlement went too far.  Scientifically there are 2 sexes and gender now is directly as consequence.  The ‘official’ languages in Canada are French and English despite a large number of Germans, Chinese, Indians, Persians.  So the ‘official’ genders are two.  I suspect there will need to be tweaking of this but all that nonsense of prisoners wanting sex change may be addressed more appropriately.  Pushback was guaranteed when University of Toronto wanted to fine Jordan Peterson for mistakenly misgendering a student.  I don’t know the gender of biological people but to make it my problem is grossly inappropriate. Yet there are the legitimate intersex and those who have completed sex changes.  Post orchiectomy and genital surgery I suspect there will be a place for those to be ‘female’ or ‘male’ but new definition.  This will be a scientific medical determination rather than a political legal one solely.  I will be glad to see the end of the bearded ladies. Somehow it was becoming a circus show and that was hurting those who were not into special status.  Politics.

I’m glad Trump has pulled out of the WHO.  It became a communist institution with Chinese involvement and the Ethiopian communist CEO. Truth and medicine and science are no longer at the forefront given the abuses of Covid.  

I can’t support the UN when it keeps doing shariacommunist maneuvers like calling Israel a terrorists after it is only defending itself from Hamaz and Hezballah attacks. I did see General Milley as treasonous.  So I’m glad to see him go.  

The irony is all those people who were fear mongering and doomsaying about the Republican’s last term in office turned out to be utterly wrong. Indeed Biden’s reign resulted in near WWIII many wars and major shift in power to China and the Middle East.  Russia is no longer communist but shooting missiles at Russia like Trudeau encouraged and Biden and Zelenskyy did would certainly support the return of the old hardliners.  The Orthodox Church and the middle stream have a chance in Russia without an invasion.  The Ukraine war is far more complicated than the media has portrayed it and the Crimean has been Russian since before the Crimean war so it’s no more black and white or one sided than Israel.  In fairness to Biden Syria fell on his watch and thankfully Taiwan was not invaded.  I really believe that communists don’t attack strength. That was Mao’s teaching and now with Trump a strong leader in power especially with Vance there is hope for peace , detente.

I’ve been distracted by the news so it’s all above my pay grade and wheels within wheels. The truth is all I know is today. I’m delight to talk with Laura, pray for my family and friends, glad my dog is better and thankful I have work and can be of service.  I believe in God and Jesus Christ. I pray each day for guidance.

Thank you Jesus.  

I’m enjoying being here on the Quechan Indian Reserve in their Sleepy Hollow RV Park in Winterhaven California ten minutes walk from the border of Mexico.  I really like Los Algadones.  Everyone is friendly and I’ve this new dazzling (smile) smile

Now I just need a face life, liposuction and a fountain of youth.  Thank you Jesus.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

St. Thomas Dental Centre, Los Algodones, Mexico

I am so pleased. I finished my dental work today.  Two root canals and crowns, a wisdom tooth pulled and seven crowns on my upper front teeth.  Friday and Saturday they did a half day of preparation each. I was on the couch 3 or 4 hours then back today Tuesday for the extraction and the frontal crowns.  They also made a night guard because they said I was grinding my teeth and this would protect the new crowns.  I didn’t tell them that I thought the wear on the front teeth was as likely from holding flashlights in my teeth at sea when I couldn’t find my headlamp and had to do repairs at night in a blow.  Sailors.  I will get out the headlamps and stop holding flashlights in my teeth and use the very nifty night guard as well.  
I especially like that the crowns are discoloured by coffee.
I’ve the best dentists in Vancouver but I am afraid of getting a URI.  I’ve often had bronchitis follow teeth cleaning because I’m stressed out and overworked in winter and suffering from the rain and snow and cold. I don’t like losing time from work and having to often make several visits.  The cost is prohibitive too as I don’t have insurance.  No pension , no insurance, just a self employed middle class Canadian.  
I’m really happy with the work being done. I was praying when she was taking out the wisdom tooth. I confess I had fears it wasn’t coming and yet she beat the stubborn beast.  She was truly pretty and petite with miraculous little hands made for dental work or obstetrics.  It was all pain free and just tiresome.  Yet now I’m so happy the work is done and I’ve a smile I can be proud of.
Thank you God
Mara is the office administrator and while everyone was pretty bilingual she was fully fluent. This made explanations so easy.  Now after four days of soft food I can eat anything .  I’m about to settle into barbecued chicken because I didn’t think to take the steak out of the freezer.  
Thank you St. Thomas.
Thank you Jesus

Monday, January 20, 2025

President Trump’s Inauguration

I am a Canadian here in the USA, Yuma Arizona, on the border by Los Aldagones.  I was glad to be able to watch the inauguration before my virtual work began.  It was more like Buckingham Palace events. Very regal and impressive. I loved the tenor and the band.  Great to see the previous president’s and their wives.  Michelle Obama was absent. Certainly that suggested some her lack of First Ladyship quality    Jill Biden did look good.  Melania was magnificent. Her outfit and carriage were reminiscent of Jackie O.  Vice President Vance’s wife was darling, so beautiful and so good with the kids. I loved watching the interaction of the various outstanding men and women. Baron Trump and Ivanka. Elon Musk, the who’s who of America. Truly a great event. Melania’s hat interfered with Mr. Trump’s attempt to kiss her cheek. A human moment. His presentation was awesome though I couldn’t stay for his speech.  His policies will unfold now. 
Politics is choosing the least bad alternative. Frankly having the FBI go Stazi like  made Trump the only choice. The so called ‘swamp’ was indeed  intent on making the USA a third world shit hole country. What was all that refusal to have election identification?   Trudeau was doing the same Maoist shit in Canada.  Soros depravity, Floyd a hero  and finally the assassination attempt made  it all look like time for a change before the world went Sharia Communism.  I really  hope for something less corrupt than the police state the US was becoming.  Certainly I don’t want to see either Canada or the US become like Britain.  I’m libertarian leaning and support free speech.  I simply don’t like the absolute attack on the conservative middle class or the ageism.  
I confess a part of me was watching fearing an assasination attempt .Democrats who want to ban guns  sure are pro war and  violent. .  I was hopeful the transition would be peaceful.  As it was with Biden and the Democrats passing power to the Republicans stopped the one party state they had been pushing for as Trudeau has been doing in Canada.
I truly hope that Trump’s presence will hurry the Liberals in Canada out of power.  a Trudeau and the Liberals have done so much down right evil and corruption. Third world shit hole politics.
Mr Trump was in 4 years and the destruction of the world didn’t occur as claimed by the left.  The celebrities who said they were moving to Canada didn’t.  I can hope for better things. We tend to vote people out rather than vote people in.  I’m glad Mr. Trump survived.  It waits to be seen what his policies turn out to be.  He’s like an old time businessman, say anything before the deal but what’s written in the contract is what holds.  I enjoyed the prayers of the Archbishop and the Minister.  In God We Trust.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Cafecito, Yuma

I arrived late for church at St. Luke’s.  I was on California Pacific time for Winterhaven and didn’t check Yuma Mountain time. I missed communion and arrived late for dinner. I hoped they’d have some leftovers for us late arrivals but it doesn’t work that way.  Jesus is all in the present. . Several people told me that the service began at 10:30.  When I said it was 1030 in my time zone, one beautiful woman responded, ‘welcome from California.’  She grasped the difficulty.  The priest who’d blessed Madigan last Sunday was again welcoming.   I was fine and with the time stayed for coffee. I chatted dogs with Michael and talked to two lovely ladies, feeling connected.

After we rode to the  Old Town.  Each year I’ve been to Yuma these last three I’ve come for coffee at Cafecito.  What a truly adorable place. There’s a very pleasant indoor coffee shop but what makes this place truly spectacular is the outdoor garden. The individualized tables of mosaic, metal and wood are there own works of art standing in the midst of  a variety of cacti , southern foliages and happy little song birds.  A beautiful hummingbird kindly u danced in front of me much taken by the red flowers beside my table. Truly heaven on earth. 

The staff are funky.  The music inside was contemporary. I didn’t recognize it but thankfully it was music. So much of what I hear to day doesn’t seem so me as such.  

There are so many gorgeous women here but the men they are with are distinctly masculine. Handsome warrior sorts.  I’m an ectomorph. These are definitely mesomorphs and endomorphs. One fellow with a beautiful buxom lovely and child looked like he’d stopped a whole line of football players in his younger years.  It could be the US Marine Air Base or just Arizona men annd beautiful women,  that western tradition that one sees here more represented ,than in the more ambiguous and often effete coastal groups.  Lots of country and less urban culture.  My Vespa this year is far more distinctive than my Harley was last year. There’s a lot of well dressed Mexican businessman sorts. Salma Hayek with Danny Trejo and Antonio Banderas would fit right in. There’s  that kind of charm and uniqueness. 

I have several medical friends in Arizona, a sexy brilliant physician in Tucson and another in Phoenix. One psychiatrist friend has retired and doesn’t tell anyone that he was a psychiatrist. A fellow psychiatrist friend visited him and said his sculptures were amazing.  “He just tells everyone he’s an a rtist and they accept him as that.”  I saw this ex psychiatrist now artist friend for the first time in a year on a zoom meeting.  We registered we were getting older. I’d first met him yesterday, a quarter century ago.  Time is like that.  

I’m glad Cafecito is here.  Most people are meeting in twos and fours with some tables of 6 or more. There are tet a tet posturing of shared gossip or intimacy. Lots of family laughter in larger groups.  Babies in state of the art strollers. I’m expecting Tesla to join the market any day.  There are few loners like me talking to computers or phones.  It’s an amazingly interesting place. I feel at ease here.  Madigan though is bored. As self anppointed sheriff he just barked at a passing waiter. The waiter was calling out names for the food he was bringing. Madigan was probably saying “here, here’.  I had a deleicions open faced advocado and tiny tomato dish.  It serves food my long decease aunt who served in the Canadian embassy in Washington during WWII would have liked.  She loved finger food and elegance. 

While Madigan was distracted with the passing waiter he missed an old grey bearded black lab who arrived with his master.   It’s not often another dog gets past his nasil radar. The sun is warm and the sky is blue.  

When Laura was here with me last year we had spaghetti and lasagna down the street.  That was a memorable meal with beautiful company.  Laura was looking like Meg Ryan that day,  happy  to be away from work in vacation mode.  We had a good time visiting nearby  Los Algadones,  buying jewelry from Sandra and seeing the St. Thomas Dentists recommended by Ivy League friend Sandra Ford.

The whole street that Cafecito’s is on has tourist attractions,   little gift shops and such..  Right now it’s Sunday, There’s food but not the same shopping opportunities. 
Madigan has been surprisingly patient.  It’s time we left this little bit of paradise.  Time to mount the Vespa, our modern day steed.  


Mexican Border, Sunday, Day 21

The handsome young clean cut border crossing patrol came out to ‘check me’ out this morning. 

“You showed up on a camera. “ he said to me when he pulled up the Border Crossing pick up beside me and Madigan.

“I hope I’m not doing anything wrong, I was just walking the dog.”

“That’s what we figured you were doing. Everything is okay. We just like to check things out and I had to come out this way anyway.” He said.

“Well, I’m impressed with what you’re doing. I know a fence just encourages people to use the front door.  I ‘m a Canadian and I’ve been ashamed of the PM we’ve had who invited all the illegal aliens into Canada. Now we can’t even deport them because no country wants their criminals and terrorists returned.”

‘I thought he resigned.” 

“He did. Thank God but he’s not gone yet and his party of corruption still rules. How far does this wall go?”

“ Miles in this direction and more in that.” Lo Algodones to San Diego has a lot of wall completed. The ‘tortilla wall’ is that completed section San Diego to the Pacific.  This section from Los Algadones sought of Yuma is still under construction.  In Sleepy Hollow RV Park where I’ve been staying we see the helicopters patrolling some nights at dusk.

He was a fine fellow to chat with and gave me hope for the future. He lacked that depressive fear ridden despair of the cynical intellectual young people consumed in social media and cafe late’s.  I would have liked to have asked him how he felt about Trumps inauguration tomorrow.  Trump’s pretty popular in Yuma area. I’ve seen his signs everywhere.  There’s also the Marine Air Base and the military are generally ‘law and order’ and not into public funding for rewriting all the billions of legal documents with changes of pronouns.  

I’ve never seen governments job as ‘dictator’ or ‘moral and intellectual’ teacher.  Nothing is more offensive than having a mental midget like Trudeau telling all manner of reasonably intelligent people that he knew better. His arrogance was only surpassed by his father’s.

I’m planning on church this morning. I had a shower and didn’t sit to pray and meditate because it’s Sunday and Madigan got so excited when I put pants on.  Normal indication for going for a walk. Well we did that.  An hour beyond the fence.

My mouth hurts. All the dental work the last two days has left me feeling like I’ve been in a bare fisted boxing match. I also bought steaks and pork chops and am only eating soft foods.  Yesterday I had the cauliflower and broccoli soup and left over cooked sausages.  

I have to get gloves to do silicone and plan the little task with paper down and maybe something to spread it.  Any day now I’ll be sufficiently bored to do those housekeeping tasks. I did the laundry yesterday. 

I’m talking with Jesus everyday. That’s what I call God. Though in truth I mostly call God “my lord”.  “My Lord” is the my habitual use though I use the name Jesus as well, rarely God. Recently I’ve been praying for all the past family and mentors and using more intercessionary prayer for friends and family.  My problem in this travel like being on the sailboat crossing oceans is a sense of loneliness. I’ve never alone. God is always with me.  I pray each morning. Prayer is talking to God. I like repeating the prayer Jesus taught his followers, “My father who art in the heaven’. The So call Lord’s Prayer. I like the desert father prayer.  And All shall be well.  I mostly use those formal prayers and sometimes ad lib.  It’s the repetition of the prayer that centres me for meditation. I’m using Om meditation now, Home. Ahmmm.  I think when the light shines writhin ‘may the circle be unbroken’. But mostly I’m thankful that I’m concentrating on my breath and god rather having my mind wander off to the gloves and newspaper and silicone space hula I need for the silicone job.  

St. Paul said pray unceasingly and all day I resist the temptations to be tempted into old resentments.  Ganging up on me is the common theme.  I’m fine one on one or one on five. I’ve fought those odds but when people bring in the larger numbers or the authorities like the police or government I’m backing up. It’s been my life experience though to be falsely accused and then to have the liars gang up and use Neuro rats and government as their ‘proxy’ army.  The bad women I’ve known have bonded with dirty filthy judges and pigs in positions of authority. I’ve lost hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of my life in their evil. So today I resist the seduction of self pity and old resentments and fears of financial insecurity. My fears about money and old age are in the future.  Getting present and keep my head in the same room and time my ass is is the daily endeavour.

That’s walking meditation and gratitude. I’m frequently saying thank you. I pray for Madigans health and wellness and I pray when we ride the Vespa back and for the to town.  

Church is in an hour.  I ‘d better start getting ready. The ride is a half hour.  I like the back road since i don’t have to do 70 mph on the Vespa on the free way but can mosey along at 50 miles an hour. Those times I took the freeway in the 20 to 30 knot winds were a bit rickless.The backroads are a really enjoyable ride.  I continue to have a problem with navigation in the city having to stop and check my phone as I’ve not mounted my gps or figured how to get the phone to show on the super tech visual of the Vespa.  I have to call the bank to move money from one account to another not knowing yet how to do that at both banks I use.  I look forward to being back in Canada at times because of the ease of dealing with some of these challenges. None are critical. Today all is well and a trip to church to give thanks and pray and give praise is a good adventure for Madigan and me.  Thank you Jesus.

The Border wall is the further one not the parking lot fence

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Winterhaven, California, and St. Thomas Dental Clinic, Algadones, Day 20

It’s 230 am,  I woke at 130 having gone to bed at 830 after watching the delightful Cameron Diaz spy movie Back again and sharing  Barbecued chicken and microwave reheated wedgies with Madigan.

It was an exhausting day.  I was up early to walk Madigan around the Sleepy Hollow RV Park greeting the mourning doves and enjoying the dry hair with just a slight chill.  The wind was down and sun out.  The sun has been out most days I’ve been here.  No rain but some bits of clouds.  There’s border patrol helicopter and marine jets in the air as well.

My appointment in Algadones Mexico at St. Thomas Clinic was at 930 am.  The  California Pacific Times was  was 930 in Winterhaven California’s Sleepy Hollow but in Algadones Arizona Mountain time it was 830.  Mara, the administration, a lovely young woman proficient in English and Spanish explained what would be done. Then the female dentist also bilingual did a thorough examination and discussed it with on the male dentists I recognized from before. I think he must be a co owner.  Another couple did the cleaning then she prepared the lower left jaw with anesthetic.  Painless. I needed two root canals and crowns as well as a cavity addressed. In addition I needed some front crowns.  The fellow came in and did the upper post I believe. I was there till noon with one bathroom break. I am to come back this morning again.

When I left I just wanted to get home to Madigan who was alone in the camper. The trouble was that on Friday afternoon the line up to leave was too the hill and took three quarters of an hour to get to the border where thankfully the US customs fellow essentially waved me through when I told him I had nothing to declare and had just been there for dental work.  I gather this is common. Aldagones has the greatest density of top Mexican dentists used by Canadian and American Snow birds.

I have a great dentist in Canada,  The cost is definitely 4 to 5 times higher than in Mexico.  This year because the Canadian money after years of Trudeau was so weak it probably was only a third of the cost of Canadian equivalent.  However for me the gain is that I routinely get sick after dental work in the north in winter. I think it’s because I’m run down or the flu or whatever but I simply don’t get the bacterium is and flu like follow up illness that goes with even the least dental cleaning in the north. In the dry and on vacation I get the work done and recovery without a respiratory infections that lasts a couple of days. I don’t think it has anything to do with the excellent antiseptic surgery in the north but rather my personal stress. I invariably lose a few days of work in addition to the actual dental visit.  I also feel horrible with the respiratory illness.

Since Covid I’ve been anxious about respiratory illnesses. Apparently I got TB as a fly in doctor in the north.  Certainly I was exposed to it most days of my work but it was only discovered when I worked in the US and had an X-ray followed by a year of TB antibiotics.  Annually I’ve had a flu or bronchitis and couple of bouts of mild pnueomonia requiring antibiotics from the decade of smoking.  When I was in Delhi the year of Covid the air was so bad , horrid smog, daily stay in doors warnings that when I caught a ‘cold’ I was really sick. I was in Bombay and literally couldn’t get my breath, It was like the time when I was under the reef scuba diving and my air ran out.  Quite terrifying.  Thankfully in Bombay I could get doxycycline and Zithromax and a whole lot of tea and orange juice. I was able to get over the worst in a couple of feeling like death days before flying home masked.  

It’s not really the dental surgery in Canada but the ‘cleaning’.  The dentist who repaired my tooth which chipped in the fall and my own dentist when he’s done a procedure haven’t left me sick. What occurs though is that several appointments are needed spaced over a few weeks whereas here the labs and aeveryone are dedicated for the tourists so that root canals and crowns are done in a couple of days. I even heard one man flying in who would have his root canal done in the morning and the crown in the afternoon so he didn’t have to stay in Yuma overnight.  That’s the streamlined efficient nature of the practice of the whole town dedicated to this service.

Unfortunately customs slows the works but I did get home to a happy dog at 130 and was able to attend my on line cyberdoc meeting.  Then after a short walk I loaded Madigan on the back of my Vespa in his box and headed out to find a microwave. I normally microwave vegetables when I barbecue steaks. I also like microwaved meat and chicken pies and use it for reheating.  I missed it and decided since I bring out my tv from storage to use I could have a microwave I could set up to use too.  There’s no room for it in the small space in the camper.  

I didn’t take the freeway but used the backwoods road not wanting to carry a microwave home on the Vespa at high speed. The backwoods road was interested.  Beatiful scenery along the river, ducks and geese, a road runner, and then the agricultural acres and workers outside the little Yuma suburb of Winterhaven proper.  The fellow at the first appliance store recommended Walmart as he only had large ones like at Home Depot.  The smallest i could find on line is a Whirlwind 5 cu size but it seems .7 cu is the lowest available. That’s what Walmart had. They started at $60 and this retro .7 Gallanz Robin egg blue was just too adorable to pass on. It was also quite light and at $80 I wouldn’t feel too bad if I didn’t keep it but rather gave it away after this year.  I’m that way with kitchen appliances. There’s use justifies them because it helps with home cooking and the cost of eating out is prohibitive. I’ve had a variety of tools like ice cream makers and bread makers and such that survived a limited time but the savings in eating in rather than eating out and the variety that is the spice of life warranted the cost.

I took Madigan into Walmart with me by taking him in the box he rides the motorcycles on and putting it all in the buggy. He was along for the ride.  I had my microwave and I restocked my refrigerator.  The Vespa does carry. Unfortunately the microwave wouldn’t fit between my legs and I had to bungee it to the front rack creating a significant wind issue.  Still I could drive home with my back case full of groceries, Madigan behind me in his doggie designed carrier box and the microwave sticking way ahead on the rack.  I had to keep at 45 miles an hour on the back road and even then the wind was brutal at times. Again the Friday line up at the border resulted in an extra 3/4 hour delay. I did succeed in by passing the traffic riding on the gravel ridge beside the road but it was dicey in the loose sand with the unbalanced bike.  I did spurts of progress and hurried my return.

The sun set over the mountain as I got home.  That lead to the comfort food and evening with Cameron Diaz, barbecue chicken and store wedgies I reheated in the charming little microwave.  Exhausted I fell asleep at 830 only to wake at 130.  I take comfort in learning that medieval folk often had a break in the night and monks wake at midnight to do prayers. I tried to return to sleep but after an hour have got up again. For sleep hygiene it’s best not to make the bed a battle ground.  If you are not back to sleep in 1/2 to 1 hour best to get up.  I’m also amused because the Facebook joke said being adult is being tired all the time and then not being able to sleep. Certainly that happened to me last night.  The excitement and stress of the dental procedure for sure. It was a full day and I’m contented.  I really am. It was a good day. An adventure.  Self care.  That’s important. I don’t do that sort of thing often.  I’m good with homes and equipments and caring for others but these dental events and trips to chiropractors and such are a reprieve that seem essential. Because I am tired. I’m wearing down at times but this escape to the south and sun and dry air revives me. I fear pneumonia , the old man’s friends and were I to retire I’d just do the same , live in Canada 10 months of the year and come south for 2 months . The outstanding issue this trip is whether I’ll go on to Mexico as planned.  Staying here on the border hasn’t been costly and it’s been so convenient with being able to walk across to Mexico.  

Thank you Jesus.  Thank you God. Thank you Holy Spirit. Three in one.  Jesus Christ. God within, God will come again.