Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Winterhaven, California

I’ve just paid my taxes.  I’d been putting money on my Credit Card thinking the ‘-‘ symbol meant I owed money.  That is the case with the banking but not with the credit card.  So I was on the phone a couple of times with Scotia bank and they couldn’t transfer the money to my business account but the delightful representative transferred the money to the personal account. I’ve got on the on line banking app and transferred the money to the business account and paid the taxman.  Hooray.
It turns out I’ve forgotten the pin for using that visa in a machine.  I found this out by having that Visa fail. This is always embarrassing. Of course I thought the card failed and that I knew the pin but in fact I’d forgotten I changed the pin so it would be different from my other Visa.  I can’t remember the pin. The phone representative said I’d have to go to a branch of Scotia to my Scotia Bank in Canada to change the pin.  
I’ve just looked and ironically there are Scotia Banks in Tijuana but not San Diego or LA though Scotia Bank has banks in the US under the name Scotia Holdings.  
I’m just thankful all these banks and Visa and Mastercards are working to make it possible for me to move money about and plug the holes caused by spending.

My dog is fine again. I think his gf is no longer in heat so he may sleep through the night. He was up once or twice last night whereas the night before he was desperate in love.  First the diarrhea and then the treatment and we’ve finished the antibiotics and antibiotic drama and then the lust bug.


I’m working.  I loved Cunk saying that when she was asked about what she was doing about her life said she just trying to get to Friday.

I’ve been doing pretty much that. Just trying to get through each day, pay the rent and pay for food.  Being out of the country I’m dependent on the credit cards and working with overdrawn accounts waiting for money to come out as money goes out.  Just getting by. And each day praying for ‘my daily bread’ and that’s what I get.  Lean.  No fat.

I’ve been walking a lot too doubling the walking I did in December. Healthy for a change.

I’m paid here for another week and with my dental work completed on Saturday may consider heading back towards the coast a week Friday.  It’s a long drive especially with tired eyes.  

Madigan won’t eat any of the other wet foods and didn’t want to share my microwave pot last night. He did take the beef bologna but not the pepperoni. I broke down thinking he was starving himself and barbecued steaks and cut one up for him.  I had one with potatoe salad and microwaved mixed veggies. I really do enjoy my microwave.  I enjoy the electric heater. Off grid I could run these with my generator and a part of me wants to check out boon docking and see how the generator works. Another part of me just enjoys all the hooks ups with electricity, water , sewage and a community around the fenced dog park.

There were 10 dogs there this morning with five adults chatting.

I finished reading the Territory Series , a kind of Australian Yellowstone with cattle too.  I also finished the David Baldacci novel ‘to die for (6:20 man).

With conflict between America and Mexico and the calling of the cartels’ terrorists’ by Trump there’s been attacks on tourists along the Texas border.  Warnings to not go into Mexico.  I had thought to go to an RV park just south of Ensenada but may just err for safety. The cost to ensure a motorcycle alone is high and the cost for truck camper and motorcycle insurance might not be worth if for a month. I’m enjoying here and considering checking out some of the campgrounds on the way back.  I just learned of Fountain of Youth RV Park with a hot springs mineral water and think that would be worth a day or two trip.  

Jets fly over because the Yuma Marine Air Force base is near. There’s also the helicopters patrolling the border.  I like the Quechuan natives I talk with.  The RV park was mostly empty when I came but now it’s filled right up.  I’m enjoying being here

Thank you Jesus. Thank you for all your blessings .Thank you for this day. Thank you for my work and my being of service.

I was sorry to hear Phillip Ney died. Willie emailed me. He was such a great man and taught me a lot. I’m so thankful to have known him Such fun to go sailing together. He’s in heaven.  I hope to meet him there again. We’ve both got friends at Rainbow Bridge.  He was 89 or 90.  I’ve had such great mentors and been blessed to know such fine teachers. Thank you God and be there for the grieving .

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