“You showed up on a camera. “ he said to me when he pulled up the Border Crossing pick up beside me and Madigan.
“I hope I’m not doing anything wrong, I was just walking the dog.”
“That’s what we figured you were doing. Everything is okay. We just like to check things out and I had to come out this way anyway.” He said.
“Well, I’m impressed with what you’re doing. I know a fence just encourages people to use the front door. I ‘m a Canadian and I’ve been ashamed of the PM we’ve had who invited all the illegal aliens into Canada. Now we can’t even deport them because no country wants their criminals and terrorists returned.”
‘I thought he resigned.”
“He did. Thank God but he’s not gone yet and his party of corruption still rules. How far does this wall go?”
“ Miles in this direction and more in that.” Lo Algodones to San Diego has a lot of wall completed. The ‘tortilla wall’ is that completed section San Diego to the Pacific. This section from Los Algadones sought of Yuma is still under construction. In Sleepy Hollow RV Park where I’ve been staying we see the helicopters patrolling some nights at dusk.
He was a fine fellow to chat with and gave me hope for the future. He lacked that depressive fear ridden despair of the cynical intellectual young people consumed in social media and cafe late’s. I would have liked to have asked him how he felt about Trumps inauguration tomorrow. Trump’s pretty popular in Yuma area. I’ve seen his signs everywhere. There’s also the Marine Air Base and the military are generally ‘law and order’ and not into public funding for rewriting all the billions of legal documents with changes of pronouns.
I’ve never seen governments job as ‘dictator’ or ‘moral and intellectual’ teacher. Nothing is more offensive than having a mental midget like Trudeau telling all manner of reasonably intelligent people that he knew better. His arrogance was only surpassed by his father’s.
I’m planning on church this morning. I had a shower and didn’t sit to pray and meditate because it’s Sunday and Madigan got so excited when I put pants on. Normal indication for going for a walk. Well we did that. An hour beyond the fence.
My mouth hurts. All the dental work the last two days has left me feeling like I’ve been in a bare fisted boxing match. I also bought steaks and pork chops and am only eating soft foods. Yesterday I had the cauliflower and broccoli soup and left over cooked sausages.
I have to get gloves to do silicone and plan the little task with paper down and maybe something to spread it. Any day now I’ll be sufficiently bored to do those housekeeping tasks. I did the laundry yesterday.
I’m talking with Jesus everyday. That’s what I call God. Though in truth I mostly call God “my lord”. “My Lord” is the my habitual use though I use the name Jesus as well, rarely God. Recently I’ve been praying for all the past family and mentors and using more intercessionary prayer for friends and family. My problem in this travel like being on the sailboat crossing oceans is a sense of loneliness. I’ve never alone. God is always with me. I pray each morning. Prayer is talking to God. I like repeating the prayer Jesus taught his followers, “My father who art in the heaven’. The So call Lord’s Prayer. I like the desert father prayer. And All shall be well. I mostly use those formal prayers and sometimes ad lib. It’s the repetition of the prayer that centres me for meditation. I’m using Om meditation now, Home. Ahmmm. I think when the light shines writhin ‘may the circle be unbroken’. But mostly I’m thankful that I’m concentrating on my breath and god rather having my mind wander off to the gloves and newspaper and silicone space hula I need for the silicone job.
St. Paul said pray unceasingly and all day I resist the temptations to be tempted into old resentments. Ganging up on me is the common theme. I’m fine one on one or one on five. I’ve fought those odds but when people bring in the larger numbers or the authorities like the police or government I’m backing up. It’s been my life experience though to be falsely accused and then to have the liars gang up and use Neuro rats and government as their ‘proxy’ army. The bad women I’ve known have bonded with dirty filthy judges and pigs in positions of authority. I’ve lost hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of my life in their evil. So today I resist the seduction of self pity and old resentments and fears of financial insecurity. My fears about money and old age are in the future. Getting present and keep my head in the same room and time my ass is is the daily endeavour.
That’s walking meditation and gratitude. I’m frequently saying thank you. I pray for Madigans health and wellness and I pray when we ride the Vespa back and for the to town.
Church is in an hour. I ‘d better start getting ready. The ride is a half hour. I like the back road since i don’t have to do 70 mph on the Vespa on the free way but can mosey along at 50 miles an hour. Those times I took the freeway in the 20 to 30 knot winds were a bit rickless.The backroads are a really enjoyable ride. I continue to have a problem with navigation in the city having to stop and check my phone as I’ve not mounted my gps or figured how to get the phone to show on the super tech visual of the Vespa. I have to call the bank to move money from one account to another not knowing yet how to do that at both banks I use. I look forward to being back in Canada at times because of the ease of dealing with some of these challenges. None are critical. Today all is well and a trip to church to give thanks and pray and give praise is a good adventure for Madigan and me. Thank you Jesus.
The Border wall is the further one not the parking lot fence
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