Politics is choosing the least bad alternative. Frankly having the FBI go Stazi like made Trump the only choice. The so called ‘swamp’ was indeed intent on making the USA a third world shit hole country. What was all that refusal to have election identification? Trudeau was doing the same Maoist shit in Canada. Soros depravity, Floyd a hero and finally the assassination attempt made it all look like time for a change before the world went Sharia Communism. I really hope for something less corrupt than the police state the US was becoming. Certainly I don’t want to see either Canada or the US become like Britain. I’m libertarian leaning and support free speech. I simply don’t like the absolute attack on the conservative middle class or the ageism.
I confess a part of me was watching fearing an assasination attempt .Democrats who want to ban guns sure are pro war and violent. . I was hopeful the transition would be peaceful. As it was with Biden and the Democrats passing power to the Republicans stopped the one party state they had been pushing for as Trudeau has been doing in Canada.
I truly hope that Trump’s presence will hurry the Liberals in Canada out of power. a Trudeau and the Liberals have done so much down right evil and corruption. Third world shit hole politics.
Mr Trump was in 4 years and the destruction of the world didn’t occur as claimed by the left. The celebrities who said they were moving to Canada didn’t. I can hope for better things. We tend to vote people out rather than vote people in. I’m glad Mr. Trump survived. It waits to be seen what his policies turn out to be. He’s like an old time businessman, say anything before the deal but what’s written in the contract is what holds. I enjoyed the prayers of the Archbishop and the Minister. In God We Trust.
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