At 4 years old he’s house trained but there he was looking so forlorn. His eyes said, “I couldn’t help it.:” I cleaned camper’s hardwood floor with both Lysol spray and Pledge soap. Thankfully I found a left over puppy pad from years back. I stopped feeding him. I wasn’t going to give him any more ammunition. Best thing for diarrhea for everyone is fluids only. Let the bowels rest. He didn’t’ have a fever, was playful and tail wagging happy.
All that day he was drinking water fine but still only having loose watery diarrhea and farting. He seemed a bit bloated and his tummy was sensitive to touch.
I assumed at first he’d eaten something off but that should have cleared in 24 hours. He wasn’t eating the rice and chicken soup I made him that next day. I worried about parasites though he’d had his shorts and worming only a couple of months before. The mind is a bad neighborhood and it’s said one shouldn’t go there alone. I began to think worse case scenarios.
On Google and Yelp here were some very highly recommended vets in Yuma. Ironwood and Dessert were closest. But I’m here 10 minutes from the border I can walk to. The vets in Yuma were 45 minutes away. I had a day of my own virtual work and wouldn’t disrupt other’s schedules if I took him to an Algodones vet on my 2 hour lunch break. Myhealthypet had good reviews too.
At noon I walked tail wagging happy Madigan across the border to myhealthypet vet clinic. It was easy to find as it’s at the intersection along the US Border fence where the cans and people line up to leave
I entered the new building and told the male receptionist whose English was excellent English I didn’t have an appointment but my dog was sick with diarrhea. He said ‘that’s okay okay I’ll get the vet’. He returned and called me from the waiting room into the clean and well organized examining room
The vet was beautiful young brunette with a flower tattoo on her forearms. DMV Maricruz Lona Romeroa. She seemed to understand English but not speak it fluently The arrangement was that I spoke to the administrator who translated my concerns to her and translated back the questions she asked.
I’m a doctor. I know good medical thinking and ;process. I watched her thorough professional examination of Madigan. It was exactly as excellent Canadian vet Dr. Biernacki would have done. Madigan who is very anxious and not at all a good patient was very relaxed and trusting with her as he is with only Dr. Biernacki. Animals sense confidence and experience. I loved her firm gentle approach and later he took a pill from her, something I can only do with ice cream bribery. He opened his mouth for her no problem and swallowed the pill, She could have been a lion trainer with the confidence and assurity. she possessed.
I showed her the zip lock baggie of his diarrhea I’d brought.. She examined it, seeing the mucous and flecks of red, but as I’d told her his initial stool were watery she reassuringly showed that this was forming, “He’s getting better.”
I had his list of vaccinations and treatments from Dr. Biernacki in North Road Veterinary Clinic Canada along with Rabies vaccinations. She checked through that carefully indicating she read English well, especially medical English.
The administrator assistant, finally said, “She still think it’s something mostl likely something he ate or just different e coli bug.” (Traveller’s diarrhea or montesuma for dogs)
She then said and he translated, “ I”m gave him one pill for ‘coccidia’ a parasite that is common here. l’m also giving him some antibacterial medication for you to give him twice a day for five days that will be good for his gut.” he’ll need to take for 5 days that will address any bacteria infection in his gut.” She then showed me how much of the liquid medication to draw up and squirt into his mouth. Again my little Houdini just accepted the ligquid with a grimace.
That was it. I asked if she needed to do cultures or get liver blood work. “Not necessary!” She said ‘2-3 days he’ll be all well.’ She was confident and I was glad.
$50 was the bill. My catastrophising about hospitalization, MRI’s. PET Scans, Surgery, ICU’s and helicopter costs was all for naught.
They were lovely caring professionals and the cost was like everything else in Los Algadones a third to a fifth what the cost would be in the north. At the border because we’ve been going back and forth these last couple of weeks and the first time I showed all the papers , they didn’t even ask for his papers this time .
Last night I barbecued steak and cut him up some very fine . This morning he had a normal poo. Thank you Jesus.
At the dog park today another fellow with several dogs told me he’d been coming to Yuma for years and using both the American and Mexican vets. “The only difference is the Mexicans have been a third or quarter of the cost.”
At Myhappypet the vet does grooming and dental as well so I’ll definitely be back before I return north. The administrator said that Dr. Maricruz Lona Romero’s owned the clinic.
I was so thannkful today that by the Grace of God my crazy little companion is back on the mend. He does insist I give him his medication with ice cream still. Thank you Dr. Maricruz Lona Romero.
Myhealthypetalgodones@gmail, 442 432 7728
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