After we rode to the Old Town. Each year I’ve been to Yuma these last three I’ve come for coffee at Cafecito. What a truly adorable place. There’s a very pleasant indoor coffee shop but what makes this place truly spectacular is the outdoor garden. The individualized tables of mosaic, metal and wood are there own works of art standing in the midst of a variety of cacti , southern foliages and happy little song birds. A beautiful hummingbird kindly u danced in front of me much taken by the red flowers beside my table. Truly heaven on earth.
The staff are funky. The music inside was contemporary. I didn’t recognize it but thankfully it was music. So much of what I hear to day doesn’t seem so me as such.
There are so many gorgeous women here but the men they are with are distinctly masculine. Handsome warrior sorts. I’m an ectomorph. These are definitely mesomorphs and endomorphs. One fellow with a beautiful buxom lovely and child looked like he’d stopped a whole line of football players in his younger years. It could be the US Marine Air Base or just Arizona men annd beautiful women, that western tradition that one sees here more represented ,than in the more ambiguous and often effete coastal groups. Lots of country and less urban culture. My Vespa this year is far more distinctive than my Harley was last year. There’s a lot of well dressed Mexican businessman sorts. Salma Hayek with Danny Trejo and Antonio Banderas would fit right in. There’s that kind of charm and uniqueness.
I have several medical friends in Arizona, a sexy brilliant physician in Tucson and another in Phoenix. One psychiatrist friend has retired and doesn’t tell anyone that he was a psychiatrist. A fellow psychiatrist friend visited him and said his sculptures were amazing. “He just tells everyone he’s an a rtist and they accept him as that.” I saw this ex psychiatrist now artist friend for the first time in a year on a zoom meeting. We registered we were getting older. I’d first met him yesterday, a quarter century ago. Time is like that.
I’m glad Cafecito is here. Most people are meeting in twos and fours with some tables of 6 or more. There are tet a tet posturing of shared gossip or intimacy. Lots of family laughter in larger groups. Babies in state of the art strollers. I’m expecting Tesla to join the market any day. There are few loners like me talking to computers or phones. It’s an amazingly interesting place. I feel at ease here. Madigan though is bored. As self anppointed sheriff he just barked at a passing waiter. The waiter was calling out names for the food he was bringing. Madigan was probably saying “here, here’. I had a deleicions open faced advocado and tiny tomato dish. It serves food my long decease aunt who served in the Canadian embassy in Washington during WWII would have liked. She loved finger food and elegance.
While Madigan was distracted with the passing waiter he missed an old grey bearded black lab who arrived with his master. It’s not often another dog gets past his nasil radar. The sun is warm and the sky is blue.
When Laura was here with me last year we had spaghetti and lasagna down the street. That was a memorable meal with beautiful company. Laura was looking like Meg Ryan that day, happy to be away from work in vacation mode. We had a good time visiting nearby Los Algadones, buying jewelry from Sandra and seeing the St. Thomas Dentists recommended by Ivy League friend Sandra Ford.
The whole street that Cafecito’s is on has tourist attractions, little gift shops and such.. Right now it’s Sunday, There’s food but not the same shopping opportunities.
Madigan has been surprisingly patient. It’s time we left this little bit of paradise. Time to mount the Vespa, our modern day steed.
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