Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Wednesday, Hump Day, a Sunny day, Gratitude

Thank you God for this day. Thank you for waking me. Thank you for Madigan my odd ball cockapoo who shoved his hairy nose in my face as greeting. Thank you for my home. Thank you for my friends. Thank you for family. Thank you for running water. Thank you for warmth. Thank you for prayer and meditation. Thank you for work. Thank you for coffee. Thank you for yoghurt and boiled eggs.
Thank you for this day as it unfolds. Thank you for the walk with the dog. Thank you for the Apple technology that allows me top work from home. Thank you for Mac Book Pro and iPhone 14 and Starlink. Thank you for Satellites and space stations and NASA. Thank you for Elon Musk and his vision of life on Mars. Thank you for visionaries. Thank you for Buckminster Fuller. 
Thank you for Jesus and his church and his command Do no be afraid. Thank you for his formula, Love God and Love your Neighbour as yourself.
Thank you for Paramahansa Yogananda who taught the prayer, “Saints of all religions I bow to you all, may my love shine for ever on the sanctuary of my devotion.”
Thank you for the Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, the wisdom to know the difference.

God thank you for my intellect. Helps me to be optimistic rather than pessimistic.  Help me to see and follow the light rather than turn to the darkness. Help me know you and follow your.

Thank you that Kelvin from Travco came and fixed the Truck camper so it will be better prepared for Laura and I camping this weekend.  Thank you for plans of camping.
Thank you that I know that you are in the present, Help me to maintain my focus on ODAAT , Be here now and the power of now.  Help me to keep my head in the same room my ass is.  Help me to know joy.

Thank you for the sunshine and bird song.  Thank you for the blossoms and green leaves. Thank you for the sweet smelling wind that comes from the sea. Thank you for the air to breathe. Thank you for the hot shower and soap and shampoo this morning.

Thank you for meetings with like minded adventurers. 

Thank you for this life of light and dark, that I can look back on the riches of relationships and be thankful for the accomplishments, service and connections I have made. Thanky you for helping me be of service to family, friends and fellow men and women. Thank you for the many many many many times you protected me from death and disease. Thank you for the times that the bullets didn’t hit and when they did they only grazed. Thank you for all the times you helped me walk away from crashes. Thank you for the hospitals and doctor and nurses that provided me the best of care. Thank you for the surgeons and psychiatrists. Thank you ministers and pastors and priests. Thank you for store owners and businessmen. Thank you for those who serve . Thank you for clerks and bankers and accountants and soldiers. Thank you for the baristas and the gas station attendants. Thank you for all those who serve. Thank you for the landlords and beurocrats and lawyers. Thank you for government and order. Thank you for the police and the laws and peace. Thank you for journalists and movie makers and filmographies and televisions and stars. Especially thank you for the music, the symphony, jazz, blues , rock and roll and folk. Thank you for games and sports. Thank you for all your blessings.

Thank you for this day.  Thank you Lord. 

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