Thursday, May 11, 2023

A minor miracle

Naturally, being human,  we take for granted all the miracles of daily life.  Wakening. Air. Water. Friends and family.  I’m here and not in an abyss of pain and sorrow. I’m alive and the day is an adventure.
Last night I had a ‘minor miracle”. Miracles and the sacred are always happening but it takes these remarkable episodes to cause the hair to rise on the back of our necks and for us to step our of the reductionism brought on by theoverwhelming angst of existence.
I was at a meeting.  I love my meetings.  A group of guys who get together to share their ‘experience, strength and hope” helping each other to find and know a higher power.  It’s uplifting. I’m truly inspired by George, Marty, Dean, Nick, Hugh, Stan, Patrick, Sharma, Neil, Jack and the others I know but feel guilty as at this moment I see their faces and forget their names. I fear by naming any I will disappoint others who are just as precious but my mind is trained to forget names normally. I know the stories and the faces and the laughter most.
I was there last night. I left feeling like a wet dog let in from outside to sit for an hour by the fire. I went out.  There was my Harley Davidson Nightster Special.  How stupid of me! I’d left my pack sack on the back of the sissy bar.  No one had stolen it though it was unattended for an hour. That was something to register and appreciate. Everyday the media bemoans the stranger. Yet for an hour countless had walked by leaving the bag untouched.
Mounting this miracle of history, engineering and technology  I felt like a ride on the highway. I decided to head out on Highway number #1 going east to pick up some locks at Canadian Tire a few miles of throttle therapy away.
Wind in my hair, 120 km/hr in the special lane, feeling good, I signaled and began to cross the four lanes to the Brunette road.  I was just on the exit as cars honked and I looked to see that the wind had lifted my packsack off my sissy bar.  I pulled over and parked as a couple of girls slowed and said that my pack was just back a bit.
I walked thinking this is good. I need the exercise. I was 40 yards back when I spotted the pack sack on the road in the outer lane.I thought, great I’ll be able to snatch it in a lull in traffic.  Just as suddenly as that though, a sedan crossing hit the bag and picked it up under the carriage of their car. I saw it pointed and waved as they went by.  Unbelievable. 

I got back to my bike and got off the highway.  Stopping and putting the transmission in neutral I took out my Apple I phone which said my Apple Mini Pad had ‘disconnected’ ‘near highway number #1 east”.   I knew that.  But thanks to the Find My app I was able to see that the mini ipad was now across the bridge and in Surrey. It showed it there coming to a stop miles away.  I don’t like to drive motorcycles at night but it was now a mission.

I took off after the nap sack imagining it being dragged along screaming under the belly of the black sedan.  The night air breeze on the bridge going at 100 km/hr was invigorating. This was turning out to be a great ride if only I found my knapsack. It had my registration in it.  Further I realized that my mini ipad had transferred patient files on it and though it had passworded  locks and I worried that confidential information could be hacked . I watch too much NCIS.  

It’s really difficult following a map and gps on a motorcycle . I had to pull over and stop and look at the app and got lost but came around realizing that I was now on 104 where Kevin and Anna and their 5 kids and dog lived.  I’m the god father to some.  Wha a good excuse to drop in and see the new dog.  Nearly 10 pm. But the app said it was within a few km.

I knocked on the door and the new dog barked, Good dog. Anna was up visiting with a female friend. As usual she was looking good,  the proud momma with the healthy brood,  Kendra the fast growing little girl peeked her head out to see me. Vader the new dog sniffed my crotch in greeting . Kevin, looking like he woke from a nap then  appeared. I told the story of the hitchhiking knap sack and showed them my app indicating  the pack was near by.

“Why don’t we take my work truck and it will be easier to find.”  Said Kevin. He’s always helpful. A great family man. Hard worker. He lives to hunt too so I thought his expertise would be an addition. Also as we are both Christians.  I said ,”Where two or more are gathered in my name, there too am I , Jesus.”  A prayer and a companion.  It really was easier to follow the app not driving a motorcycle. It was just blocks away on King George by the white spot parking lot . 

“This is it.”  I said.  We got out and with the pen light I looked under the black cars in the parking lot behind White Spot.  A group of latino youngsters were hanging around their black sedan looking suspicious as youngster do to the old especially in a group and especially in jeans and hoodies and not being ivory white.  Kevin spoke to them.  No they’d not seen anything. It could have been the car though.

“The police were just here. Why not ask them . “. Sure enough. There was a Surrey police car and a really bright looking white friendly smart young guy.  I told him my unlikely tale and he offered to look at the phone and app agreeing  it was saying it was right here but seemed to move with us.  I asked him how I should report the loss and he told me how to leave a report on their on line website . “If you have the serial number and we get it we’ll be able to get it back to you.” Very helpful considerate guy. 

I was thinking I’d done my best and getting in the truck was set to call it a night but  Kevin said ‘lets just check over there.” The app seemed to say it was a bit closer towards the Walmart so we drove a few car lengths over and it seemed we were closer though the app was a still a bit  confusing.  I got out of the truck on my side about to look under the car when Kevin got out of his side of the truck and eureka! he lifted up my pack sack in the air!


 “It was just sitting on the road,  It must have come lose from what ever it had caught on .  ‘ He said,mThere was the mini ipad and my bike registration. I really was laughing, ecstatic with the most improbable find, What a treasure hunt and find.  
“Do you know the odds of a bag lying on the ground in Surrey for more than 5 minutes with all the drug addicts and homeless people about? Impossible.” Said Kevin,

The police car was there and the officer beamed at us holding up the bag like a couple of kids at a candy store.

“I’d call it a miracle! For sure. “. Kevin said, “Not like Moses parting the sea miracle. But a miracle all the same.”
I agreed.  “It’s got Gods finger prints all over it.  Given the chances of finding it in a parking lot full of black cars and an app that only put  us in the ball park ”

We drove back to Anna laughing and talking about miracles and Jesus’s and synchronicity and the hidden forces that we take for granted . 

Anna immediately asked “did you find it”.  Vader their shepherd dog was doing circles in the living room.  Dogs are on for any excuse to party.  

“We did “ I said.  “Your husband is an angel.”  

“He’s not called that often.” She laughed.

“Well I wasn’t the angel that found the bag. He found it in the parking lot so he’s my angel tonight.  He’s a great hunter and a Christian brother. I’d not have found the ipad without his help and of course  clearly Jesus had a hand in this too.  The odds alone speak to that.” I said.

“Think of how incredible it was a to find a pack sack sat in a Surrey mall parking lot with no one claiming it there own so we could find it. After it got picked up miles away on the other side of the river” Kevin added,”  

We were all laughing. I had a fine folding hunting knife in the bag too so gave that to Kevin.  

.  “Really thank you.”   I said. 

‘ This is great, you know I love knives.   I’m not going to let Anna touch it because she’ll want  it.” He said . Anna laughed.

Leaving Annna and Kendra in the house,  Kevin came out now carrying  littlest Billy on his shoulder.

 “Hi Billy I said , that’s my name.”  The shy little boy turned his head into his father’s neck . We were preparing to be godparents except Covid intervened and postponed the baptism and our presence. , 

 His eyes came alive t when I got on my motorcycle and started  1000 cc   engine. What a grand sound a Harley makes.  

‘That’s a great bike,’ Kevin said. 
‘Another minor miracle,” I replied,

I went on to say over the engine roar, ‘ Thanks really. And thanks for tonight. What an adventure! “

 We smiled at each other as I backed the bike onto the street. Turning I took off on the Nightster enjoying the sound, enjoying the night, enjoying the wind, enjoying having hé Napsack on my back.  Enjoying the friends and family. Enjoying another” peek a boo” moment with God.  That was a miracle. A moment of grace where we saw behind the veil and knew that are was well and we need not be afraid.

 There is a higher power and its not me.

The ride at night back over the bridge at 120 km hr was even more invigorating and joyful.  Thank you Jesus. It really is great to be snapped out of the mundane into the sacred and serene. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes William Hay that was definitely a MIRACLE! We serve a God of miracles, big or small!🙏🙏