Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Hump day, Summer

I dreamed of the ravine and hunting moose and my truck.  I was with some other guys.  It was a good dream and I struggled to get up hitting the snooze bar once.
This morning I walked but forgot to meditate.  Went straight for the coffee.  Then shared my Cliff protein bar with Madigan. He’s melllowed.  Good friend and room mate, My physiotherapist who gets me walking all day.
Repairs going with camper and home. 
I’ve been thinking and reading and writing about St. John.  I have the catholic study guide. I ordered the Catholic Bible from Ignatieff house. I”ve begun reading a new novel about Penang.  I’m reminded of books I read of British sea cruises that took months.
I ordered tickets to VSO with Colonel Hadfield, Canada’s foremost astronaut, playing guitar.  I copied Laura today.  September bow hunting and VSO.  I’m booked in Yuma for a workcation all November.
I missed the hot water this morning. The hot water tank was leaking.  Kelvin of Travco came yesterday and removed it He took the torn awning too.  Dave was here and helped.  
My back is better thanks to Dr. Ready.  I’ve another apt this weekend.  It’s still sore but I’m not afflicted with the sharp pains. I feel somewhat fragile still. I have to do more exercise. I’ve begun to do my Tai Chi again. I’m on their list for the next classes.  
God is good all of the time. Thank you for the air. Thank you for Madigan. Thank you for family and friends. Watch over them and keep them well. Help my patients .  Thank you for Laura. Thank you for Emily and George and Dean and Marty and Hugh and Dave and Tommy and Nathan and all these people who inspire me. Thank you for the sunshine. It’s going to be 40 today, Laura says.  I’ll be running the air conditioning and hope that it’s not too muggy in my office.  I am pleased that I still get up and go to work and follow the routine.  It’s a good life.  Long. I’m of service. I’m a human doer. I’m an action figure.  I am blessed. Thank you for the adventure of life.  

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