Thursday, August 18, 2022

Gratitude Thursday

Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you for the dreams of hunting. Thank you for Madigan. Thank you for the sunshine and warmth. Thank you for this Thank you for all of your blessings.  Thank you for the air. Thank you for my lungs and heart and skin. Thankyou for the hot water this morning and the new hotter tank. Thank you for Kelvin at Travco. Thank you for the refrigerator. Thank you for the coffee maker. Thank you for the computer. Thank you for the colous. Thank you for summer. Thank you for work. Thank you for helping me be of service to others. Thank you for insight. Thank you for ceativity. Thank you for taste. Thank you for VSO and Col. Hadfield. Thank you for outerspace. Thank you for the multiverse   Thank you for heaven. Thank you for rainbow bridge. Thank you for mirrors. Thank you for perfume and cologne. Thank you for painted nails and toes. Thank you for sex and enjoyment. Thank you for Laura. Thank you for friends on face book. Thank you for ex wives. thank you for sponsors and mentors and spiritual advisors. Thank you for wealth and freedom. Thank you for strength and enduranve. Than you for shampool Thank you for dish detergent and my laundry machine and fabric softener. Thank you for lips. Thank you for eyes. Thank you for friends in person. Thank you for my day, Thank you for teaching me to witch my mind and change my mind and bewared of the ancient brain and to identify fear and and anger. Thank you for love.

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