Friday, July 8, 2022


I’ve finished a morning clinic. I’ve walked Madigan.  The cleaning ladies have done my bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room. They’ve deep cleaned.  That’s when you move things out and clean behind things.  It’s impressive. I’m pleased. Madigan is perplexed at his toys being in a box.
I’m outside now on the picnic table. I’ve caught up on my correspondence. I’m thinking of putting on a bathing suit to lie in the sun.  Blue sky clouds and sun with pleasant temperature, warm but not too hot.  I’m liking today.  I so enjoyed the bird song. I walked Madigan by the river and saw the ducks.  
I didn’t like the squatters in the forest.  It’s a fact.  Squatters set Stanley Park on fire. They tend to be lawless. The mess they’ve made in our forests nearby is abominable. I’ve stopped walking on trails because they’ve become like the city dump.
Then I think of working full time and paying thousands of dollars and half of that to taxes and these ‘takers’ camping beside the little stream I walked by before they moved in a permanent fixture eye sore and lawlesss threat.  There was a stolen shopping cart on the trail there today.  Used to be the prettiest walk near here and now it’s destroyed by people who are supported by the negligence and lack of law and order from the very people we pay top dollar to make our world safe and clean.  It all irks me.  I don’t walk here much because the drug addicts with their pit bulls attacked me and my dog a few years back and I just don’t want to be out there anymore. Yet I’m happy to walk the wilderness trails out of the city. There’s I’ve got a gun and knife and people out of the city have more respect.  The main path is okay. The cyclists can be unruly but even they were less crazed today.  I must make some more walks though I’ve moved my long walking to the main park area more this last year. No homeless camps.  Lots of hikers and joggers. I like the ducks and geese there. Better bird watching.  
I have first world problems. No third world problems in my life.
Aging. That’s world wide.  Aches and pain.  Even now I’m thinking of getting in a bathing suit and lying down on a lawn chair. The sun pokes out from under the cloud cover and is truly a joy.  
I’m wearing a smock, kind of a dress, cammo colour.  I’ve read sparkled nails.  The last manicure. I was thinking of Pride.  Celebration of diversity.  Now there’s monkey pox and men having sex with men and bisexual men are most at risk.  The new minor aids.  Treatments and vaccines developed in the era of smallpox protect.  2% fatality.  Spreads with close contact , even kissing.  With all the  issues of Covid and government corruption it’s hard to know what’s true.  
They say there’s no association with promiscuity but I have felt that intimate contact with strangers much work the immune system.  If not then the simply math of statistics , the more contact, the more risk might play. I’m content with isolation on a good day.  
I just sung Laura’s praises on facebook.  Her doctors were evicted and they’re having to move into new office by Aug first. I’ve done that and it’s just a chore.  She’s been very busy. The clinical office staff have had such a lot of work and some actual abuse with Covid. I even had a person complaining to me about the delay seeing me today and I couldn’t help but feel that I’m here working and there are so many that aren’t. Yet we’re the ones that are seen. So many in government continue to fuck the dog but it’s always behind closed doors.  Then with all the mismanagement in Ottawa we are the ones that are seen. Good news was the announcement of a new Surrey hospital coming. I’d like a Spect Scan being available and funding for neuropsychiatry testing. I see junior people ordering tests and I’m criticized by government ordering tests. We are so dominated by doctor police  while all these juniors are uncontrolled.  It’s government divide and conquer with the plan of undermining professionals to replace them with their lackeys. All they want is loyalty and the appearances of care.
I went through this working for the federal government in the north and am sad older when I may need health care to see the dumbing down and the destruction of good care.  Mediocrity the Canadian byword.  Meanwhile I’ve spent a life time believing in meritocracy and am facing the fears that all that’s left is communist medical care , the lowest. OF course if you have money you can get the best here or in the US.   I recently didn’t even get any care at the community clinic, just turned away as they were busy.  
It’s so easy to slip into self pity yet here I am in paradise blessed and thankful
Thank you God for this wonderful day for the sunshine, clean air and pleasant breeze. Thank you for Madigan. Thank you for my home and the Merry Maid cleaning ladies who are now doing a deep cleaning. I am amazed already that they’ve created some order of the chaos and cleaned my carpets and floors. I’ve going to have some regularly service in the coming future. I remember how blessed I felt when I had regular cleaning before Covid.  It’s uplifting.  Thank you Lord for my motorcycle , car and truck. Thank you also for the Vespa Thank you for my health. Thank you for electricity and internet and phones and friends. Thank you for family. Thank you for this day. Thank you for food. Thank you for coffee. Thank you for honey. Thank you for swimming pools and showers and soaps.  Thank you for cologne and perfume. Thank you for flowers and birds. Thank you for alll of the blessings. There are too many. I’ve had so many fears in my life and I’m here today as evidence that the fears were overcome. 

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