Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Harrison Lake, Canada Day Weekend

The sun was glorious Friday morning. Laura arrived at my place in her little red and white Smart car. We loaded my racing green Mini Cooper. 
“Road Trip!” 
“It’s just like our trip to San Diego with Gilbert, only now we have Madigan. “. Laura said as we pulled out on the highway.  Steppenwolf’s Easy Rider always come to mind as I hit the freeway. Today I’dleft my Harley behind and was driving the Mini Cooper. Not quite the same. Still the feel of freedom was the same. “Head out on the highway!” I shouted doing a drum solo on the steering wheel. Laura was laughing and Madigan was bouncing on her lap.
Thanks to Laura reminding me we weren’t going to Hope ,but rather towards Mission,  I took the turn off at the Golden Ears. We crossed over to the north side of Frazer River.
“We’ve not been up this way since before Covid,” I said as we passed through Maple Ridge. “I love it here,’ Laura said reminiscing about her time younger  living in Mission. So many times since we’d come here on the Harley and visitted the Abbey in the hills behind.  
Today the sun was so bright and the greens of the agricultural valley so radiant it was easy to think of God in nature.  We’d prayed often at the church on the hill.  I once told a minister,’ I’m kind of a Winter Christian’ admitting that in summer I was more likely out in nature reverting to being a sun worshipper like Constantine.
‘I remember the first time I rode my Buell Blast up these hills,” I said.  On my initial ride Laura had driven behind me in the truck towing the motorcycle trailer. The the second ride I was remembering I met her at Harrison’s. She’d driven up in her old Civic.   Later we’d ride all over together on  Harley Roadster and stay often at the Harrison Beach Hotel because it had locked underground parking.  
Driving into Harrison’s we saw the Canada festivities  already already in progress. Lots of Canada maple leaf flags. The resort we normally stay in in winter had been long solid out along with other hotels but  We were blessed to get a cancellation at Harrison Beach Hotel.  After checking in with the delightful receptionist I rejoined Laura and Madigan in the Mini driving it around the back to the underground parking
The suite was perfect, so spacious and clean.  Laura loved it.  Madigan sniffed everything.  
Leaving our bags we headed out for our first walk of many around the lagoon.  It was already hot though it was cool by the lake.  So many people.  Lots of day tents and families. Indians, Chinese and Caucasians. A reminder of true diversity of Vancouver and the lower mainland.  Thirty years ago the Greek restaurant was the exotic fair but now the Indian restaurant was competing with tantalizing aromas. In early days the Italian mob would meet here at the spa.  The Canada Geese with their young were everywhere.  
That afternoon I bought burghers and fries at the famous Asian fish and chips, poutine and burgher place.  Todd , the country and western singer, with amazing voice,  was playing in the square. We had lunch there dripping sauce on t -shirts and sharing the bounty with Madigan who enjoyed the treats despite being quite overwhelmed by the crowds.  He liked greeting other little dogs but was very cautious around strange bigger dogs.
“It’s post covid, “ Laura said,”I’ve been reading animals and people are having to learn all over to be in groups. ‘ I agreed, my mind feeling surreal on the beach walk with so many people.
Frankly I was enjoying the bikinis.  Gorgeous young women like cherries in an endless ice cream of beach bodies.  Laura looked radiant in the summer sunshine.  Heaven, really after so much rain.  
Back at the hotel I learned that the Public Pool was closed but might be open the next day.  I used the  outdoor hot tub instead. With the sun beating down I really could feel the tan happening. My body was literally drinking in the Vitamin D.  
I took Madigan for another walk round of the Lagoon , more geese, more children mucking in the sand, girls in bikinis, large families gathered on the lawn with lawn chairs and portable barbecues. The snow capped moutains behind the town. Everything visual candy and great scents.
Morgan’s a fabulous bistro next door to  the Harrison Beach Hotel had take out so I ordered up Meatballs and Linguinie and Meatballs and Caesar Salad for us, taking it up to the room.  The meatballs were so spicy, the very best. Not too spicy for Madigan to like them also Laura who said she only wanted salad was soon sharing Madigan’s side of Meatballs while I was waxing poetic about it being too long since I had such great linquine.  Outside we watched the swallows swooping and diving and gliding.  
I so enjoyed sharing the king sized bed with Laura.  Madigan is used to getting banished for a time quick to return when he senses ‘all’s clear’.  The three of us snuggled and slept so peacefully and fitfully that night.  
In the morning I was up at 6 doing a round of the lagoon with Madigan sniffing everything and seemingly marking every other branch.  Back at the rooms I left Madigan with Laura who was up and having the room NescafĂ©. I’d bought cream at the store, better than the powdered milk.  She been reading her iPhone while I read my ipad enjoying the view from our window of the snow capped mountains. 
 Suzy’s opened at 8 am and I was there right at 8 to get the famous Suzy’s Breakfast sandwich’s and more coffee.  Laura was happy with the service.  So many years of enjoying Suzy’s take out in our Harrison hotel room or the cabins.
I tried the public hot springs only to find they were closed for the weekend. Since Covid they’ve rarely been open we heard. There’s been talk of renovations and a new public centre.  I enjoyed the outdoor Harrison Hotel hot tub again. I had fish and chips later at our favourite diner on the beach front  again reminiscing about the times we parked the Harley across the street and enjoyed looking out at the tranquility of the lake. 
Harrison actually had a Canada Parade with fire trucks antique cars and floats.  We watched it from our rooms.  What fun!
In the square Rockwell was playing Steppenwolf, the iconic motorcycle Easy Rider song ‘Born to be Wild”. I loved that.  The iconic song was released 50 years ago. I think I saw the movie first with Kirk.  Years later with Laura at Sturges North we saw Steppenwolf live dancing outside  thousands of other bikers cheering .  
After Rockwell  the fireworks began. Madigan wasn’t impressed. Crowds and noise. He’s a hunting dog and used to guns but I could see he was just  tolerating all the noise..   Laura had headed back to the room and he liked being spoiled by her. She’s forever giving him little treats and mini massages.  Madigan loves Laura.  Later we did another walk while everyone cleaning up and packing up for the night.  The lake looked utterly beautiful with stars coming out above.  Van Goh’ Starry Starry nights. 
We ended the day with the delicious Harrison lake pizza and watched the old Tom Hanks and Bruce Dern comedy. Burbs.  Seeing Carrie Fischer in it was the real surprise.
Another great sleep and then an early start. It was raining in the morning. That didn’t stop Madigan and I doing  our walk around the lagoon.  There was a great blue heron.  A gaggle of geese.  Back at the room Laura was packing up. I showered.  We were early at reception beating the rush that would occur at 11 am.  I enjoyed getting back into the Mini our bags in the back with the back seats down making the little car seam more like the inside of a Cesna.  It was 9 am and no traffic. The drive home even with the rain so enjoyable.  The traffic normally is horrific in the afternoon after a holiday weekend.  It was instead just a lovely drive in the country enjoying seeing horses and cows in the wonderful green fields.
Back home all was well.  We had a cozy Sunday. Laura had Monday off and I’d only booked a morning at the clinic.  A truly restful lovely Canada Day weekend.  Facebook was full of friends celebrating mostly enjoying the outdoors too. Some had stayed in town to enjoy Davie street and concerts in the park.  Everyone was getting back to enjoying the crowds. The Jazz festival was a huge success.  The VSO was back.  So many concerts and people dancing together after two years and more of lockdowns.  I loved the Hope and festivity.  Thank God for the sun.  
Madigan, Laura and I had another special Harrison Lake getaway.  It really was a blessed Canada Day weekend.

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