Friday, April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020, Covid 19, Quarantine

The denominator is critical in the death toll. Morbidity and mortality statistics have always been a per cent age of population.  This putting the deaths and testing together as somehow related is confusing the reporting.  The deaths are important and thankfully there have been fewer than feared thanks to the measures taken.  The testing merely tells us how many tests we have and how much testing is being done. We must then extrapolate that number against the known numbers in other systems.
Iceland and Quarantined cruise ship data cause us to believe that 50% of the population who get Covid 19 will not know it.  Already we knew 70% of cases would be mild because the under 65 group is more immune.  Now we have data out of California suggesting maybe 20% of the west coast population have already come in contact with the virus.  Covid 19 is probably 10 x more deadly than the average flu. 
It will spread through the community until everyone has had it or we have a vaccine which will cause the body to believe it has had a mild form so that it will create protective antibodies.  The lockdown was only to slow the spread of the disease so we could ensure the health care system was not overwhelmed. Without hospital beds and resources the death rate jumps 5 to 10 times greater in risk populations.  Instead of 1 in 10 over 80’s dying , 5 to 7 over 80 die.  Now we’ve had the resources.  Amazing measures have been taken to meet the crisis in the west and we’ve succeeded.  The third world remains at risk because of bad government, war, lack of education and scarcer resources.
Here we are over the crest in the wave. Deaths over time are declining. The long stretched terribly depleted and miserably managed health care resources have been bolstered.  Never again should the government steal the health care resources from the citizens to have party money and use the money taxed for health care be moved to to vanity projects.  
Only because of the extraordinary efforts of the greatest men and women have we been able to get through this initial onslaught. The problem will continue and the second wave of disease in the autumn will need more hospital beds, more ICU beds, more essential personnel, less management, less talkers, less marketeers, more doers, more asylums, more treatment centres, and better safer elderly care.  If not, like the swine flu in the 30’s the death rate will be 10 times what this is now.  If our government which has locally been incredible and nationally incompetent rises to the occasion  we will fare well in the coming year of continued Covid 19 disease, social distancing and facial masks.  Herd immunity will come in 1-2 years. The only guarantee that more such ‘virus spills’ from errant labs and lying countries don’t occur will be holing the culprits accountable.
The scientific and medical emergency is passing and nearly past.  This is an ‘emergency’. It has a beginning and end. It’s occurred in the present. The problem with the politico’s was that they were ‘crying wolf’ for funding all manner of nonsense with increasing hysteria,hyperbole, egotism and emotional bullying. Claiming  a ‘climate emergency’ and demanding a gouging greedy carbon tax as a never ending demand for more and more money for a speculative threat that would cause death in a hundred years time has done its damage to the credibility of scientists. Claiming more and more natural phenomena were a product of their cult non specific formulations was increasing ridiculous..  This disease has come and will continue but the emergency is passing. It will be done in days or weeks. We’ve crested the wave.
Now the issue is increasing health care resources while returning economies to peacetime war preparedness footing. It’s no use to save everyone this week if they are going to die next week from poverty, suicide,other diseases, and even war. Already China is eying the weakness of the western world and offering loan shark loans which if not paid at exorbitant interest then allow these gangsters to take over ports, towns and perhaps countries. Australia and New Zealand and other neighbours of the communist aetheists have stopped allowing them to gain ‘controlling interest’ in anything they buy.  Everyone should do it because China long ago declared ‘unconventional war’ on the Pacific Rim and wants to be the leader and controller of the Pacific Rim.  It doesn’t matter to them that Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, and even SAN Francisco and Seattle SAN Diego, and Vancouver might have other plans.  Communists have never been accused of sensitivity.
My patients with cancer need to have the oncology and palliative care beds and surgical ICU’s restored so health care for the rest of the community, not just those with Covid 19 can progress.  We need manufacturing and saniety in the community. Quarantine has already caused a man who was prepped to kill to go over the edge and go on a killing spree in Nova Scotia where lock down of the unarmed made them sitting ducks. More of this is to be expected. Already criminals have rampaged through cities stealing from business and like the wild animals that have come into the city these creatures have thought they can take over. Downtown is boarded up because government has stopped tasking tasking police with catching criminals and increasing used them to harrass law abiding citizens over all manner of silly autocratic legalism. It’s simply time to regain the city and for the government to step back despite the lust for power that leaders like Trudeau feel and desire.  Government must be contained.  Government is essential but it’s also potentially cancerous.  
We sacrificed our freedom and we did well.  Now it’s time to prepare to go shopping and camping and get back to work.  May 1 or May 15 are dates for the expansion of the population that can leave their homes as the end of lockdown and quarantine begin. The social contract wasn’t a carte blanche ticket for megalomaniac leaders to run roughshod over provincial and individual rights. I think there’s a lot to be said of the tunnel vision folk who say not till June or July or September or worse until a vaccine is developed. It’s not all about Covid 19. Reality bites.
Communist China’s war factory has not even slowed down.  Iran is threatening allies and moving forward with its goal to destroy America and Israel. Terrorists continue to murder Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists.I China is putting out new air craft carriers and rocket launchers on schedule. The hawks are waiting for any weakness to exploit.  China used the good will and nativity of the West against. It feigned social development while gaining material wealth for a few stripping the poor of more not less freedom and dignity.
Now it’s time to show our strength as we have faced this crisis and shown our strength of heart. Now it’s time for resolve and also to accept that all levels of our burocracy and government have been infiltrated by foreign elements and communist forces that would see Canada enslaved. No longer the true north strong and free but the branch plant of the Communist Borg.  
In medicine we heal a body and return it to health and function.  We have gone along way to healing the horribly broken health care system in Canada. Too much good of the world has been taken by government for greed,  nefarious deeds and corruption. The hard work of Canadians shouldn’t go to funding scab voters,  terrorists, supporting dictators and building partial residences for nepotistic rulers. We need to focus on home and getting it in order.  
Now I’m going to dress, makemy bed, and walk the dog.  Notice, as an adult I’m taking care of myself and my home, then I’ll branch out and help those around me. For too long we’ve allowed adolescent thinking to prevail, people who can’t even hold a job have been telling everyone how to live their lives. All manner of people who wanted to be leaders and critics without any practical experience or training. Now we may see these Hitler wantabe’s moved to the back shelf while more reasonable and responsible adults have prevail. 
I’d like to thank our Premier Horgan, Health Minister Dix, and Chief Medical Officer Bonnie Henry again for their remarkably competent and enlightened service and at times true genius. I’d like to thank UBC and the great minds in the Department of Medicine. The College of Physicians and Surgeons and other Colleges of professional groups have been amazing too. We are truly blessed in BC for our caring competent leadership. I am truly thankful and hope our local governments continue to protect and raise us up in the coming weeks when the new crisis of politics,  economics and unconventional war move to centre stage.  
Thank you Jesus Christ for being a light in the darkness and showing by your sacrifice and service what humans are truly capable of. Thank you for all the saints of all religions and all the hero’s , those unsung most because in every neighborhood there have been those who have carried the load and volunteered without orders to do what was needed. Thank you for the plumbers, the grocery store staff, electicicians, truckers, internet technicians, bus drivers and of course Doctors,nurses,pharmacists, and researchers. I’m thinking too of the parents homeschooling while working from home, all the young people who have got groceries for the old and left them on their door steps, all those wonderful essential workers who have risked disease and even death and all those who have stayed at home for the sake of community and the vulnerable in our midst.  It’s truly amazing to be old stock Canadian and see the new growth in our ideal of compassion and strength take root.  Hallelujah!

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