Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April 21,2020, Tuesday, Sars-Cov-2, Covid 19, Quarantine

Thank you God for the blue sky and sunshine. Thank you for this cozy home. Thank you for my friend Gilbert.  Thank you for improving his cough. We both sound like old men in the morning. Thank you for clothing and fashion and style. Thank you for hair stylists and nail salons. Thank you for factories and warehouse and truckers. Thank you for space ships.  Thank you for planets and stars.
I am blessed to know you God. Unseen miracle of grace.  I am the bubble make me the sea. You are the potter I am the clay. Thy will be done not my will. May my will grow in wisdom to be your will.  Guide me. Holy Spirit come.
Help family and friends be safe. Let us all know the glory of this story. Let us all laugh together one day in a green room. Thank you for the movie. Thank you for the adventure.  
This Covid 19 intrigue gets better and better. Why did Cuomo ban Hydroxychloroquine? What is the deep state? Why does Trudeau hate Canadians and the west especially so much.
What can I do today to forgive more, Lord. Help me to love not fear. Help me to know you more dearly, see you more clearly.
May the long time sunshine always surround you and The pure light within you guide your way home?
Communism ,the religion of godlessness and atheism is a gangster thing, a throw back to feudal times. There’s Islam too a religion of a warrior god with a history of constant war and jihad celebrated by all.  These two have linked arms and embraced in the U.N. and WHO.  What of liberty and democracy and the God of Love.  Where is there ‘forgiveness’ in either?
Why does Trudeau hate me. I don’t like him. Is that sufficient explanation? Perhaps. He remains my nightmare, the elite, privileged, stupid, grandiose, ignorant, hedonist, selfish, lying, drug abusing, hypocrite.   
Where is my Christian faith when I look at him, today’s Mussolini type reincarnation to the Xi Jinping Hitler reincarnation in some bizarro Joseph Campbell recurring myth of forces of good and evil. What am I doing other than observing and criticizing. Politics the intellectual sports match.  This side and that side. Quebec versus the rest of Canada. Republican and Democrat dichotomy in the US.  
What would Jesus want of me. I do care for the little one. I do daily acts of good will. I am caring and loving in my personal life. But what of this Kardasian reality TV show the media has twisted and thrown up portraying the Trump father figure as evil, the drunken unforgiving Pelosi as wise and Trudeau the deviant child as somehow ‘cute’.  These people are like the gods and goddesses of the Greek and Roman era. All above my pay grade. All horribly affecting me personally with their moodiness and insanity. Why did Cuomo ban the penicillin of this Covid 19 pandemic.  Hydroxychloroquine is proven to be the miracle drug and the Democrats ban it despite it saving the lives of tens of thousands.  What is this Agatha Christie plot.
Communist China releases a virus from the Wuhan lab by stupidity or intent and then lies and cover ups and with the complicity of the corrupt WHO unleashes this pandemic on the planet. Is this really an ‘unconventional war’ like the communists have always waged?  Their own release, the fentanyl epidemic making the communists of China rich. The crime boss of Communist countries is the Central Communist committee
What am I supposed to figure from this mystery?  The atheists question our faith in the mystery but they accept the ‘saniety’ of these story called politics in which Virtue Signalling Trudeau condemns hunters and women who own guns while the day before selling 14 billion arms to Saudi Arabia after giving the Wuhan Lab which killed Canadians so many millions. The ISIS terrorists find sanctuary here after killing our allies and we as a country thanks to Quebec and the scab voters are now aligned with China.
Does it matter Lord. Should I care?  Even my own family supports Trudeau because he pays more to the east. If I was in the east I suppose I’d support this silliness too. The unions supported the NDP because they paid the Union. Politics always a matter of strange bedfellows.
I talk each day now to people going crazy alone listening to the CBC, People’s Daily propaganda channel and not making any sense of what is being told them because George Carlin was right, we are just owned and we’re taught we are more than peasants. Some of us are a better class of peasant.  But our leaders vacation with helicopters on lavish islands surrounded by guns and easy women who give their children for the sexual pleasures. 
Intrigue and more intrigue. 
It’s a mess.
Now you Lord are pure and light. I look to you and there is only one way. You are one. The one becomes many.  All the bits of the universe come back to The young Big Bang creator, hallelujah, joy and wonder and all.  Never let me forget you. Help me always see you as my lighthouse, my lodestar.  May I lift my head high and not get lost in the maze of myriad muddle.  The lies of diversity. The slogans of running dog hypocrites. How funny their language is.  I love  dogs but ‘running dogs’ is such a metaphor to a people who starving and poor were set on once by packs because their leaders didn’t feed them.  Now my leadership doesn’t give me an xbox.  I want a spaceship. I need to get off this planet.  But I’ll settle for going outside.
We are in prison and the warden isn’t even letting us walk in the yard. There are two groups now. Those who want this quarantine to continue till fall and see the death and disease of poverty destroy the west with greater destruction than this disease threatened and those who want to go shopping, work and camp and lie out in the woods listening to crickets.
It’s a strange time. I don’t know. The thing could have been written by Tolstoy. So many characters and a stream of consciousness twitter plot right out of sci fi. I imagine that the last crisis of the banks was cocaine and escort driven, the great Goldman Sachs orgy and government bail out but this is more LSD. They are doing hallucinogens in Washington Paris, Ottawa and Beijing.  Everyone getting together and dropping acid.
Joe Bidden is groping another child and I can’t say the word ‘fuck’ without paying a millions dollars and having my precious time stolen by the Borg .  I must love more, resent less, and be thankful. Yes God, you are good. And this is just strange.  Thank you Jesus. I certainly can relate to a carpenter who got it in the neck for talking love and peace around the Romans.  The Romans of your day were like the Communists of today.  Military tough.
 I’m Klinger. I want to wear dresses and lingerie.  I’m old and soft. I play the Monty Python sketch over and over again, “Always look on the bright side of life”.
I’ve fought bullies all my life and now I’m just waiting to die.  I don’t think this was a good movie. I think the plot and characterization were muddled. Too much reactive acting and too much knee jerk and panic.  I with I had the time and budget but the elite have the time and the budget and they’re creating B grade porn.  Help me write a poem I can be thankful for.  Let this day be a good day and help me to channel thy love and peace.  
Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. 

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