Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday, April 10, Covid Quarantine

I woke to the alarm and turned it off thinking it was Saturday. With the second alarm it dawned on me it was Friday. I had to get up.  The days of the week routine waited.  The days had blurred.  These things like days and weeks and hours are arbitrary divisions, agreed on conventions.
Last night I was up late reading.  I’d fallen asleep in front of the tv watching a Steven Segal rerun.  “He’s just a cook”.  I’ve seen it a couple of times so I could skip through Facebook as well. My eyes grew tired. I napped. Then stayed up reading. I’d worked so much with patients, getting hold of pharmacists and maintaining computers and virtual reality working despite constant glyches. My brain was baked.  Bologna sandwiches late at night.
Walking Gilbert is the best relaxation in the day.  My back hurts. I’m losing power on one side. I’m stumbling in pain. Yet, the little guy never fails to entertain me. He’s taken to sniffing a leaf and tasting it.  Just a flick of the tongue. He’s blind but I think he’s a dirty old dog.
It’s my seat.  I need to arrange my work seat so my back is supported.  I may have to take out the table and put in a real office chair and desk. There’s no room right now. I’m making do.  When the computer is set up finally I’ll be able to take it outside in the sun. It’s all practical and for the most part has been doable. I’m working 6-8 hours in front of a screen and 2-3 hours behind the screen.  I have yet to find the virus that keeps using my memory in the MacPro. I’m trying to find a suspect third person program that’s running a constant log of my activity. It’s spying on the program I’m using not the content.  Normally I’d drop it off at Apple and pick it up renewed.  Now the apple shop is closed.  
I’m self absorbed.  A bit like a castaway.

The deaths are levelling off.  From day one it’s been very fishy that they’ve recorded deaths as a percentage of cases. The number of cases is only a product of the testing.  There’s so much politics involved Iceland recorded that 50% of people test positive but have no symptons. The deaths should be reported as a percent of the total population.

The media has been involved in exactly the same game as China but in the other direction. China lied  under reported just like Iran. Both had millions dead. Now in the west there’s a few thousands per country.  Altogether it s a tiny fraction of the Aid deaths and other epidemics.  Since the plagues this is the only one where there is relatively complete economic shut down except for essential services. Here in Canada the wave , the rush on the limited resources ,has been slowed so that we will be able to say with confidence in a week probably that we’ve weathered the storm. Bad weather will continue for a year but the hurricane force winds that threatened to deny so many of health care resources has passed. Those countries without health care resources are still going to suffer as much as the third world did with Aids.  So many places have to walk to get drinking water so can’t wash their hands.

The real concern is the economic crisis beginning to hit now.  Never underestimate poverty and unemployment. They are the source of riots and war.  The Communist Chinese let this virus spread. They then sent defective medical equipment to caregivers all over the world. Either this together is an act of their series of ‘unconventional warl’ their constant theft of intellectual property, and many other offences or it reflects the death knell of the Communist government so incompetent that the country is unable to make a paper mask properly or even test one.  There was open rebellion in Hong Kong. Millions are in the Chinese gulags.  They are desperate for cash.

When ever I talk to anyone who has been a neighbour of Communist China they assume this is Communist War.  East Indians, Cambodians, Vietnamese, and Taiwanese all just assume this is part of Comunist strategy to cause an economic downfall in the west.  This is done to create chaos prior to the invasion of the west by military action. This is why Singapore and Taiwan have been struggling to return their countries to working order to resist further Communist Chinese assaults. India has fought war with Communist China so they know how unscrupulous aetheist Communists are. They killed a hundred million of their own people. They are behind all the fentanyl overdoses in the west. Now they unleash a plague..
Meanwhile Canadians
under the pro Communist Liberals have taken a stand against America allying with pro  communist France and Germany.  France is ironically pro UN and pro Sharia. France was the seat of freedom and today is struggling.  The cry, Liberte! is history.

I hope war will be averted.  It’s been a nightmare to have such incompetence in leadership nationally with all the lies and traitorous decisions that seem so in line with the Communist death agenda. 
The Maoist Ethiopian leader of the WHO was complicit in the spread of the plague. He lied repeatedly and alligned the WHO with the hostile deceit of the Communist Chinese leadership.

All these  overt and covert  attacks and there is Trudeau wanting to be in the centre of it on the UN council to serve his Chinese master attacking Americans and democracy. He has destroyed freedom of speech and freedom of press in Canada. He is the enemy of liberty. Quebec is paying the price with the highest death rate in Canada and rapid destruction of Quebec culture.

It’s frightening.  The future is uncertain.

But locally our Premier Mr. Horgan, health minister Mr. Dix and Public Health ,chief medical officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry have done  all the right things in facing this crisis.  Despite the global conflict between the good of western democracies and the evil of Communist China and it’s allies , there are all these heros and heroines doing the right things. It’s like watching a version of WWII unfold with the Chamberlains and Vichy French being exposed as the Nazi death machine moves across the globe.  Today’s death machine is China who has murdered more innoscent citizens than any government before , out murdering even the Communist USSR.  The real plague has been godless Communism. It continues to genocide Tibet. Foriegn Affairs Canada reports its infiltrated every aspect of Canadian government and media.

The truth will out.  In the end the good will win. It says so in my favourite book.  But that is the next drama.  First was the scientific and medical. we’re winning that. It was estimated that there would be 1.5 million deaths in America by summer.  So many countless lives have been saved.

 Now the economic war begins. Then the political one. Already the west rightly is demanding Trillions of Dollars from Communist China and the WHO and UN must be reformed so they no longer are a hot bed for corruption and the centre for murderer dictators and tyrants to preen themselves in front of cameras.

At least in Canada we don’t have to see any more cut up dolls And selfies of our leader.  Things are beginning to improve.  The abscess has burst an the contagion is leaking out.

Thank you God of Gods.  God blesss the glorious and free.

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