Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Fast Fish
Chinese Law of the Fish
The oldest law in the world is the Chinese Law of the Fish:
"There are big fish and there are little fish. The little fish must be fast and numerous"
Stop Section 13
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
CAA - Writing Circle
Fish Babies
Psychiatric Defence Mechanisms
In Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry 7th ed, there's a excellent Classification of Defence Mechanisms in Table 6.1-2. In this table the defences are grouped in 4 major categories, Narcissistic, Immature, Neurotic and Mature.
Narcissistic defences are listed as , Denial, Distortion and Projection.
Immature defences are Acting out, Blocking, Hypochondriasis, Introjection, Passive Aggressive behaviour, Regression. Schizoid Fantasy, and Somatization.
Neurotic Defences are seen as Controlling, Displacement, Externalization, Inhibition, Intellectualization, Isolation, Rationalization, Dissociation, Reaction formation, Repression and Sexualization.
Mature Defences are Altruism, Anticipation, Asceticism, Humor, Sublimation, and Suppression.
Today while some of these words continue to hold true to their original meaning others have been quite distorted in pop psychology. They are also used too often in a denigrating way and not ironically the so called "mature defences" of humor, asceticism and altruism once wonderfully agreed on by society and it's leading therapists are now not infrequently maligned.
The world of advertising and popularity consensus political machinations indeed appeals to the majority who not uncommonly live little in the rarified world of "mature defences".
"Don't worry, be happy," is a marvellous theme song for Denial though in a different light it becomes the Suppression of maturity.
Distortion is what politics and the media live on.
Projection is the defence where I say you are doing what I'm thinking and feeling and thereby deny my own part in the subsequent interaction. The paranoid bully forever asks "what are you looking at!"
Beaurocrats live on 'passive aggression'. Confrontation is a 'dirty' word in a world where 'deniability' is the end all and be all of success and survival.
Schizoid fantasy is the promise of drugs and alcohol. Why experience "reality on reality's terms when a little something will allow you to alter reality. Increasingly the game world allows you to be the hero of your existence as well.
"Acting out" is the television favourite. Every TV hero from " Bueler" to "Godfather" celebrates the adolescent solution to all problems. "Don't think, do it!
"Controlling" is what the accountants and tax department tell you is the solution to life's anxieties while all of them and their leadership have spent the tax payers money and lives with impunity, denial, distortion and supreme acting out.
"Rationalization" is what makes the legal profession go round while intellectualization is the basis of academia. But the humor about these is the major stuff of comedians when the 'disconnects' are so readily apparent on an almost daily basis.
"Reaction formation", turning an unnacceptable impulse into it's opposite, is the bread and butter of censors and the judgemental. The televangelists condemn human behaviour while being caught themselves in animalistic orgies.
"Sexualization" is the essence of marketting. All life's anxieties are reduced with underarm deodorants and musk scented Depends.
But where is Altruism, anticipation, asceticism, sublimation in our society. "I want it all and I want it now" goes against any of these ideas. Yet the original analysts collectively understood that these were the most enduring and mature coping strategies which came into play as individuals gained wisdom and maturity.
We all use all of the defences mechanisms some of the time. It's only human. What we rely on reflects what historically was seen as emotional maturity. The defences or coping strategies have stood the test of time and are still recognised for their contribution to understanding why so often even our best intentions go awry.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Pet Therapy

In the movie "28 days" an alcoholic wanting a relationship is advised to first keep a plant. It's been a common recommendation for those in recovery to have a pet but in the movie the humor was that this fellow was so self absorbed that he was recommended instead to start with a plant. Pets take many of us out of ourselves.
I've often had fish in my waiting rooms because they have a calming distracting influence that prepares people for discussing the more anxiety provoking aspects of their lives.
Not surprisingly my dentist has a wall size tank which he uses for the same reason, but clearly as a dentist he needed a bigger tank and bigger fish.
A favourite psychological contest is 'who had the worst childhood?" Interestingly as this is purely subjective and not so readily open to objective assessment it's also been called a 'whiner's ball" and the person who whine's most, or appears on the brink of being 'overwhelmed' or 'becoming out of control' usually steals the stage. As Shakespeare said, "all the world's a stage."
Rodney Dangerfield, the comedian, was one of the greats for making fun of this human trait. The classic dialogue of that era was ,'when I was a kid we had to walk 10 miles to school> You think that was bad, we had to walk 10 miles to school and we didn't have shoes.'
Today it is more common to hear, "I was sexually abused as a child." "Well, I was sexually and physically abused as a child." "I was sexually abused and physically abused and neglected." This is not to validate any abuse or denigrate the experience of abuse that individuals have. Further these discussions which occur is a psychaitrist's office are as different as the discussion of physical illness that patients have in their parlours compared to what goes on in the general pratictioner's office.
It is however interesting to note that the most capable of this kind of psychological 'game" or "transaction" as the Transactional Analysts described these ,were more often sociopaths and psychopaths as they were best at this kind of 'drama queen" or "drama king" presentation. In the triage considerations of physical medicine it was recognised that yelling for help took considerable energy so that commonly those who could put forth their concerns the best were not as end stage as the person exsanguinating beside them.
In the famous Take Back the Night series at Harvard one year the most impassioned speaker turned out to be bold faced lying about all the events of her life, claiming poverty when in fact she was rich, abuse when she was if anything the abuser. Indeed it's common for victimizer's to claim 'victimhood' as a last ditch attempt to escape responsibility.
The tragedy in the jails is that the psychopath, often a developed chameleon, can in fact do a far better, far more believable, presentation of victimship than the truly victimized. If it serves the psychopath to be a victim and do onedownmanship then it's likely they will do it and do it well. The movie, Chicago, did a very fine job of presenting how this plays out in the court drama.
That's also why Hollywood uses actors rather than real people more often than not to get across a particularly sad story. It's easier to 'act' being a victim than it is to be a real victim.
Further, as the Combat Veterans learned those who were in combat were the last to talk openly about their experiences whereas the first to come forward for pensions were those who were veterans but had been furthest from the arenas of action despite the stories they so glibly told.
"Onedownmanship" serves as social bullying because it can stop communication and deflect discussion of solutions but perpetually demanding attention to the past. In fact it's a kind of 'reverse ad hominem' in terms of philosophical fallacies. Further it is commonly associated with tremendous resentment and covert aggression. In a discussion where onedownmanship is employed the person not only is saying 'poor me' but directly or indirectly 'attacking' the other person as being an 'abuser' which of course constitutes 'false allegation' but this has somehow been lost in the pseudoscience of pop psychology.
There is also a common demand in 'onedownmanship' not for an individual situational deferential distinction but also for a "license" into perpetuity.
This demand to have the advantages and benefits of "victimhood" gave rise to the counter argument which was simply , "Get down off the cross, we can use the wood."
"Onedownmanship" and "victimhood" would not at first sight seem particularly attractive positions however in the greater context of society they are commonly 'compensatable." Further onedownmanship and victimhood are means whereby an individual can gather allies. The challenge is always in separating truth from falsehood and deciding individually priorization. Is this person 'bullying' or indeed 'needing' versus 'wanting' attention.
Insight Psychotherapy
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Anascortes Oyster Run 2009

Tainted Lovers
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Al Anon Family Groups
After a while I began to wonder why I was not as happy as I ought to be, since the one thing I had been yearning for all my married life [Bill's sobriety] had come to pass. Then one Sunday, Bill asked me if I was ready to go to the meeting with him. To my own astonishment as well as his, I burst forth with "Damn your old meetings!" and threw a shoe as hard as I could.
This surprising display of temper over nothing pulled me up short and made me start to analyze my own attitudes. ... My life's purpose of sobering up Bill, which had made me feel desperately needed, had vanished. ... I decided to strive for my own spiritual growth. I used the same principles as he did to learn how to change my attitudes. ... We began to learn that ... the partner of the alcoholic also needed to live by a spiritual program.
AL Anon meetings can be found internationally. They are listed in the phone books or a meeting can be found through their on line site,
The standard meeting of Al Anon is to break up into smaller groups so that each individual who wants to has a chance to share. In these small groups individuals share their 'experience, strength, and hope ' regarding their exposure to individuals suffering the disease of alcoholism. It's recognised that often new comers arrive with low self esteem because they have had unrealistic expectations of 'control' over the drinking behaviour of others and have demanded 'perfection' often from themselves.
These are words from the latest Al Anon publication regarding relationships:“At meetings we find people who have discovered that happiness is a choice they can make at any moment. Contentment is no longer seen as an accidental mood created when someone else does what we want. We see people who are able to find peace and serenity even when the outward circumstances of their lives are chaotic. We’re able to listen to them share, and we find that their experience of living with an alcoholic has much in common with ours. As we hear about the relationships in their lives—healthy or unhealthy—we come to understand that everyone in Al-Anon is on a similar path. Peace of mind and healthy relationships are possible for all of us.”
From Discovering Choices
(B-30), page 24-25
There are several books which are recommended readings for those who come to Al Anon. The basic text of Al Anon is "How Al Anon Works"
ow Al-Anon Works for Families&Friends of Alcoholics (B-22) | Price: $ 13.50 | |
Al-Anon's basic book Public Outreach | ||
Product Description | |
Al-Anon's basic book discusses our mutual-help program of recovery, including personal stories. A beginning approach to the Twelve Concepts of Service is included. Indexed. 416 pages. Paths to Recovery, Al Anon's Steps, Traditions and Concepts discusses these three Legacies for spiritual growth and change. The 12 steps were adapted from the 12 steps of AA however whereas the AA steps first refer to Alcohol before moving onto relationships with others and God, the Al Anon steps begin immediately with relationships. In the self study questions to Step one (We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable) there are these telling questions - Do I accept that I cannot control another person's drinking? Another person's behaviour? Do I accept that alcoholism is a disease? How does that change how I deal with a drinker? Have I tried to change others in my life? What were the consequences? What means have I used to get what I want and need? What might work better to get my needs met? In what situations do I fee excessive responsibility for other people? How have I sought approval and affirmation from others? Do I say 'yes' when I want to say 'no". Do I take care of others easily but find it difficult to care for myself? How do I feel when I'm alone? Am I attracted to alcoholics another people who seem to need me to fix them? How have I tried to fix them? "The 12 traditions show us how to build healthy relationships within our groups, among our friends, and in our families." "The Concepts help us to extend all that we learn to the world at large - our families, jobs, organizations and communities." Courage to Change is a small daily reflection book which many Al Anon's read daily to start their day on a spiritual note. It's also used at meetings as a stepping stone to discussions. Today's reading, September 26 goes on to say "When I first came to Al-Anon, I thought that anger, resentment, jealousy and fear were 'bad' feelngs. The program has helped me to learn that feelings are neither good nor bad - they are simply a part of who I am. I have come to realize that good has sometimes come as a result of those feelings. Anger has prompted some constructive changes in my life. Resentment has made me so uncomfortable that I've had to learn to combat it - as a result, I have learned to pray for other people. Jealousy has taught me to keep my mouth shut when I know that I will say only irrational destructive things. And fear has been perhaps my greatest gift, because it forces me to make conscious contact with a higher power........" "With a change of attitude, I have choices about what to do with When I first went to Al Anon over 12 years ago I found that I was the only man in the meetings I first attended and didn't feel particularly good about this. Since then I have found more and more men attending Al Anon meetings. Locally there's is also a men's Al Anon meeting on the Vancouver north shore which has been running weekly for some 20 years. In the Al Anon meetings I've attended in the last couple of years I have always found other men who have been married to alcoholics or addicts or have family members who suffer the disease of alcoholism. No doubt there are still meetings where there are only women but the trend seems to be to more mixed meetings. Al Ateen has always tended to more male and female participation. This is the site for information about meetings in the British Columbia and Yukon region. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." |
Friday, September 25, 2009
21st Annual Vancouver AA Round-Up
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Princeton Municipal RV Park and Campground

Princeton Municipal RV Park and Campground
We drove in late at night. We played on the way. Laura saw her new grandson. He’s grown so big that at 3 months he’s bigger than Laura. He’s talking up a storm in God language that humans forget as they devolve from the best it gets, babyhood. He’s got so much of the female attention that the bull mastiff dog has taken to bringing the neighbour’s garbage pail and garbage home, just bringing a single bag of garbage not getting the attention it once did before baby.
Then outside of Hope I saw a deer that made me pull off the road and stalk it till I could shoot it down a ravine. It was too far from the truck. I wasn’t thinking. I quartered it. With much weezing and groaning I hauled it all into the back of the truck.
When I was younger I carried the deer I shot on my shoulders. Later I dragged them. Now I quarter them. Soon I’ll just butcher the deer where I shoot it and carry the steaks up one at a time. After that I’ll have to phone ‘delivery deer’.
When I joined Laura in the truck again I was dripping in sweat. We pulled into the campsite just at dark.Jim and Karen and their chocolate toy poodle Sierra were happy to greet us. Karen gave us site 42 by the river with water and electricity and “a little beach of your own.” Laura loves that Karen and Jim keep the showers and washrooms so clean. “It’s so much nicer roughing it when you have really clean showers and washrooms”, she says.
The tent required NASA’s assistance to put it up. . It was developed by Coleman to assist refugees sneaking into Canada through the northern wilderness. You wouldn’t believe a tent could hold a small nation. It could, but it takes NASA’s assistance to get it up. Laura gave it her best shot.
Around midnight with left over poles pegs and pieces of tent we finished. Thanks to the Ford Ranger’s fusion battery powered lights we could see our accomplishment. To celebrate we ate canned chilli, gourmet style. We cooked it in a pot rather than eating it cold from the can. Then we collapsed in our sleeping bags. The huge air mattress deflated. It must have a leak. I’d bought the Canadian tire electric car lighter inflater on the way and even that hadn’t impressed the mattress. We had to fall back to the Mountain Coop self inflating thin mattresses. We were nearly sleeping on the ground. More roughing it.
Our neighbours all had homungous castle campers deposited on site by logging helicopters freed up from the Iraq war for just their use. They pitied us as they looked out their windows at our tent while watching their wall size tvs and whacking back multiple martinis.. We were the neighbourhood people everyone needs to feel good about their own good fortune. I anticipated the ladies coming by in the morning and bringling Laura cast off blankies and baked biscuits. She’d no doubt regale them with what it was like to stay in a tent as they shook their heads and sighed in sympathy. “We have perfectly good homes in Barbadoes, Los Angeles, Paris and Istanbul while Harold insists we rough it in this million dollar camper that doesn’t even have servant’s quarters, can you believe it! “
I believe I’ve always hated 5 am. I had the electric heater on in the tent but it was still nippy. Electric heaters were part of my new older person idea of ‘roughing it’, like running water and showers and bathrooms. My clothes were all over the place because God didn’t give me a personal valet. Servants are wasted on the rich. I could get better use out of one especially shivering in underwear looking for flannel shirts and khaki pants. Putting on socks and boots and lacing boots then strapping on the utility belt with knives and ammo exhausted me.
The stars were out. Laura was sleeping. I couldn’t be bothered making my own coffee. Thank God for Starbucks cold Cappucinos. Only then, fully dressed, I realize I now had to use the washroom. It was a city block away. And you can’t trust at fart at 5 am after Starbuck’s coffee.
Eventually ,wearing motorcycle armour, helmut and gloves, my rifle slung over my back. I started the ignition switch. The Honda CRF 230 purred into action. I was off.
The logging trails are about 10 miles from the camp. I got to ride along on asphalt at 100 k till I got there.. I became an icycle at that speed and became grossly aware I’d not factored windchill into my clothing decisions. My teeth were seizuring by the time I slowed for the turn off. The sky was a glow in the east. I couldn’t shoot anything in this light if I wanted. I could have stayed in bed another hour. It took that long to stop shaking and shivering so I might have a decent aim. I was frozen driving about logging roads till the sun came over the hills. It’s warmth was amazing. Who would have thought a little orb like that could give off such heat. I’m all for global warming.
After hiking a bit, I was too chilled to sit and wait for game, I got back on the bike and immediately a grouse appeared. I almost crashed stopping . Then I had to get the helmut off to get the rifle free,, I was choking myself with the strap caught on the helmut. Then I had to find the ammo and load. Thankfully the grouse was patient and I shot it’s head off as it wasn’t using it. The rest was food.
Now I had a grouse. The sun was out and I could see it was a beautiful day. All pine and spruce with arid patches of scrub and sand. It was 10 am.
I liked 10 am. I’ve always liked 10 ams. Much better to drive around on logging roads thawed.
I never did see any deer, moose or bear. The lone grouse was the only game I’d shoot that day.
But cans were a different matter. I killed a caboodle of cans with the new rifle. That’s what one does with a new rifle. This Mossberg 30-30 was a jewel. Maybe the grouse I shot had been a lucky shot. Better practice more before the bear comes along. More excuses to shoot cans.
When I got back to the campsite I was considering leaving because even though I had deboned the deer quarters and put it all on ice in the cooler I was concerned about the meat.
Karen offered to lend us her freezer for that and I gave her grouse in ex change. We’d stay another night. Karen also told me there’s a wild game butcher out 5 mile way. Karen and Jim are definitely country folk. They’ve been so long without Walmarts and 7 – 11 ‘s that they don’t know how to give decent directions in a civilized way. Instead of saying the butcher is around the corner from the 7-11 they use this country folk communication using km or miles. It’s sad but kind of quaint hearing them talk that way. They were always so helpful telling us where to find people and places in the neighbourhood.
When I got back to the tent the upper class RV folk had left brochures of various RV’s the way evangelists leave their religious tracts on doorsteps in the city. They obviously thought we could be saved.
Another day hunting I slept in till the sun was up. It was much easier that way and less likely I’d get game and have to haul it back. I buzzed all over the backroads at the highest speed I could go without having panic attacks. When the tunnel vision began to obscure the road I’d back off on the throttle and found the chest pain let up some. I didn’t see any game partly because I shot every beer can I found on the trails. Tends to discourage game from being neighbourly and welcoming you over for tea. All that shooting and noise making. I know they recommend you pick other peoples garbage up as well as your own but I thought pulverizing it with holes would help the ecology even if I left the remains where they were
Not having seen anything thus far I remembered my old hunting dog used to roll around in dead fish and cow dung and such to conceal his smell. I happened upon a bunch of bear shit so figured I’d just roll around in that. Left me fairly pungently disquised if I say so myself.
When I got back Laura told me the showers were really clean here and suggested I might enjoy them. Normally you’d let the bear shit age over night in the sleeping bag but I was feeling some aches and pain so welcomed the hot water shower.
After that I went over to Princeton Outfitters. Ron and Loretta were there as usual. They'd sold me all the great all weather cammo gear I use years ago so I know they know their stuff. Another year he gave me the right lure the fish were biting on when everything I had wasn't getting rejected like they were all teen ager fish.
I had earlier tried to convince Ron that the deer tag he sold me was ‘refundable’ but he insisted that was just not the case. Seemed to me “refundable game licenses” would make his store even more popular than it was.. The thing I dropped by to tell him was that as he sold deer piss as scent for disguise, he ought to sell soap that smelt like bear shit. He seemed to take that suggestion as seriously as my ‘refundable” licenses but was glad enough to sell me another thousand rounds of 30 30 170 grain ammo just in case I came across anything threatening. He’d put the strap on my Mossberg that made it real easy to carry.
After I came back at noon from hunting, Laura made up breakfast and then we sat around in the sun for the afternoon, looking at the river and the forest around. A couple of deer came into the campsite to visit but didn’t have horns so I didn’t welcome them as I might otherwise. Laura thought they were so cute. A killer by the name of Ron moved in next to us and began trying to murder fish but he had to get them to take hold of his hand made flies first. They seemed suspicious of his generosity with his trojan horse flies and didn’t come out to be murdered. After that we got to talking about shotguns and dynamite and other ways people have fished. The conservation guy had told Ron that people caught a lot of fish in this river but he’d not specifically said they’d used flies and fly rods. I did think that he might want to speak to Karen and Jim about blowing up the river and catching fish that way.
In the evening I went out hunting again, or rather, dirt biking and can killing. Then I’d come in and we’d barbecue wieners over the fire I made with wood and gasoline. I love how those gasoline fires just poof into a blaze. Makes you jump back awful fast though. Laura left the firelighting to me. I let off a cherry bomb firecracker too and that got a bored dog barking half the night. We sat there eating hot dogs looking at the stars and listening to that dog barking. It was idyllic.
When the chill got on we climbed into the heated tent and read with the electric light bulb I rigged up.
The only problem was we eventually had to leave. It took a whole morning to pack the truck then we took the backways Lawless Road home to avoid going through Manning Park where they frown on hunting. Besides the eco terrorists were holding a rally there trying to save the Pine Beatles they’d communed with when they were tying themselves to the trees they were spiking.
We’d had a great time at the Princeton Municipal RV and Campground. Jim and Karen sure did make us feel welcome even if they didn't know how to tell directions like city folk do.
As we pulled into Vancouver dodging crack addicts walking around on Hastings, the Pepper Pot band was playing Joni Mitchell's "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot." I just had to open my window and suck in all that polluted air my body had been craving. Good to be back in the wilds.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Psychiatric Medication in Recovery
Abstinence from all substances is clearly the aim in the first year of recovery. A study out of Hazelton showed that there was greater relapse in those who used antidepressants than those who did not. There were factors of what was controlled for in this study but it did give an indication of the potential hazard 'treating a drug' problem with a drug might be.
Any drug that has a "price" on the street has potential for abuse and should be seriously considered before use in early recovery. This specifically refers to all the benzodiazepine class and the the amphetamines and pain killers.
The benzodiazepine class includes valium, diazepam, alprazolam, ativan, clonazepam, and temazepams as examples. The amphetamine class includes the dexedrine and ritalins. The pain killers are the narcotic class of drugs codeine, tylenol#1,2and 3, oxycontins, demerols etc.
This doesn't however refer to antidepressants or antipsychotics which necessarily have a positive place in recovery. Medications such as the SSRI's, paxil, prozac, zoloft, celexa, cipralex and the more broad spectrum antidepressants, effexor, duloxetine, remeron, wellbutrin are often beneficial in recovery. Antipsychotics or tranquillizers such as seroquel, zyprexia, rispiridone, zeldox, loxapine, flupethixol are very beneficial and commonly used instead of the benzodiazepine class for anxiety.
At an addiction medicine conference this summer the presenter asked how many of the hundreds of addictionists present had prescribed benzodiazepines or amphetamines or pain killers and 90% admitted to this practice. The majority of those doctors there were in 12 step recovery programs themselves.
The presenter said that the key factor was the 'recovery' program and the duration of recovery before the introduction of medication.
Each case required individualization within the context of strong guidelines putting recovery in the forefront.
The Alano Club
1525 West 7th Avenue,
Vancouver B.C. Canada, V6J 1S1
Telephone: 604.736.5110
Fax or Message: 604.736.5109
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Vancouver: The Beautiful
Self Assured
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
CAA = Writer's Circle
Vancouver: City of Thieves
Unfortunately the police increasingly seem to be solely or wholly involved in city tax collection looking for minor violations to various codes which they can then use to 'bill' the tax paying citizens. Criminals are the least of their concerns. Indeed, if it weren't for crime they'd be out of work. Crime encourages voters to want more police and then the government has more tax collectors. Obviously if the city was denied the use of police for anything but crime fighting we'd have a safe city but then the white collar criminals would no doubt turn to blue collar crime. It's not an easily fixed system.
This recent rash of crime may well be secondary to the Campbell government denying the poor housing and food and other luxuries with their new corporate budgets resulting in more criminals. Besides "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".
Vancouver remains a leading city for car theft. When I lived in Shaughnassey, one of the richest areas of the city, I finally installed cameras and house alarms after multiple break ins while I was at work. I imagined the insurance agents running a shuttle service for the East Vancouver thieves to be taken daily to their shopping mall, Shaughnassey. Every claim made to an insurance company resulted in rates going up. My friend had his house broken into so many times that he stopped carrying insurance and left the door open so he wouldn't have to pay for the repairs. In Shaughnassey the family heirlooms went, the irreplaceable mementos of great grandparent history that now, called "antigues" fetched a fine underground economy dollar. War medals of relatives made it from theives to the even lower form of insect called 'fences'. My musician friend lost his hand made violin. Now noone will appreciate the love that went into the making and the sound will be that of a stolen bird.
The heroin addiction population routinely steal at least a thousand dollars a day to get ten cents on the dollar for a hundred dollar a day drug habit. It works out to a half million dollars a year saving at least for every heroin addict placed on methadone. The addict may 'chip' here and there with extra drugs but the dealers don't get their steady non taxable income. An enlightened legal program would require methadone maintenance for any '100 time loser' heroin addict thief released to the community. They are known and personally I'd rather see their faces advertised than pedophiles. Then maybe I'd know who was dumpster diving in my neighbourhood as a cover for their other activities. I don't have children and don't think the pedophiles are casing my building and underground parking but I know the thieves have better surveillance on it than the police have on them.
The expression "as above, so below' is an old medieval saying. Is the street theivery just a reflection of the political theivery. If there was any morality at the top then there might be some morality on the streets. I don't keep valuables in my vehicles. Why have valuables when you can't protect them anyway. Insurance never covers the real loss. Couldn't we require that the attourney general's budget be docked to the value of every theft so that the state might finally have some incentive to do something about theft. It's not just the violation but the last time I lost a day getting the door in to have the lock fixed and then spent another day shopping for emergency materials, like flashlights and shovels I keep in my car for 'safety'. No doubt the theives need these to bury their loot at night in Stanley Park.
Could we not also require all those political leaders living in the dachaus of safe well patrolled British Properties to live a week elsewhere in Vancouver so that they could have an invested interest in the city they so successfully exploit. Also could it not be a requirement for Victoria's Parliamentarians in general to vist Vancouver and park their cars in this city, if only for one night, just to give the thieves a little exotic variety.
Alright I'm angry. I pay taxes and wonder what for as usual. I invest in all the security I reasonably can but I'm supposed to rely upon my government to 'protect' me and my property. When I told the police my truck was broken in last time they told me not to keep anything in my truck. What was stolen was the emergency equipment like flashlights, shovels and rope I kept in my truck for other kinds of emergencies. The rental SUV I had for when my truck door was being repaired was broken into too. It had nothing in it and the rental company had to replace the broken lock. The police however seemed to think that 'blaming the victim' (it's your fault you work and have possessions that thieves steal from you) is why they get my taxes.
Why work when it's much more lucrative to steal. The laws protect the criminals and we all feel sorry for the offenders who naturally were offended against themselves. No doubt the thief who stole from me was a single mother immigrant woman from a war torn country who was gang raped by a military junta as a teen ager and she's now married to a mobster her beats her and she was just doing break and entries to get drugs because the cruel state doesn't supply her ecstacy for free. My street nurse friend working Vancouver East side said the greatest problems were the predators and thieves who harrass and steal from the poor street people and are naturally well known to the police who merely 'record' their crimes too.
The Attorney General is Michael de Jong. He's personally responsible for being easy on criminals and interestingly comes from Abbotsford , the car theft capital of Canada. He's also a lawyer and the greatest weakness of the Canadian Democratic System is that Lawyers are allowed to be Attourney Generals. Ministers of Health are no longer required to be doctors but when we've had a lawyer as Minister of Health all hell has broken lose. It's really time other citizens were Attorney Generals because, quite frankly, there won't be a solution to crime in British Columbia until the system that perpetuates crime changes fundamentally. The police say that the Attorney General has tied their hands. I would accept this if they didn't have their hands free for speeding and parking violations.
Still the problem is Michael de Jong's and later today after I speak to the police I will send a note to Michael de Jong and would recommend that everyone who is violated in British Columbia report the crime to him directly because like most people in government who have power they've protected themselves from hearing the people by a group of lackeys who are only highly paid to protect their ministers from the citizens complaints. I wonder when Michael de Jong's car was last broken into or stolen. Perhaps a picture of it could be put out there and the thieves could practice on that rather than doing their 2010 training on trucks like mine.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mossberg 464 Lever Action 30-30