William Hay, winner of 3 Kenneth R. Wilson Writing Awards and Folio Award, Canadian Author Association member,author of Caesarean Section and Love Between the Sacred and Profane poetry books, and Psychiatry and Addiction, Personal Perspective book, magazine short story and prose columnist.
Princess for a Day
-by william hay
I want to be a princess for a day/I'll want to walk a mile in your silk underwear
I want to be driven everywhere/But I don't want diapers and childcare
I want a sugar daddy/ But I want everyone's respect
Mainly I want someone else/ To have to pay my rent
I want to be a princes for a day/I 'll walk a mile in your silk underwear
I want to be a princess like sex in the city/ I want to shop and gossip
And always look pretty
I don't want to diet, exercise or shave my legs/But I want everything to be my way
I want to be 21 with my own trust fund/I want servants and parties and just have fun
Then I want to complain about how tough it is to be a princess
How no one cares or understands enough
I want to be a princess for a day/I'll walk a mile in your silk underwear
I don't want to be a transexual/ I don't want all the pain or surgery
And I don't want to stay a woman because then I'd become an old lady
I want to go back to being a man when I can/Lying unshaved on the couch
Belching and farting and scratching and stuff/ and still getting control of the channel changer
I want to be a princess for a day/I'll walk a mile in your silk underwear
Could I borrow your negligee/Would you help with my lingerie
I want to be a princess for a day/I'll walk a mile in your silk underweard
- william hay
I"m a millionaire but I used to be a billionaire
Till I lost a trillion
Momma's going to be so mad
When I tell her I lost a trillion
Don't know where I left it , maybe I left it at Eddy's
Looking for a bail out, rather it be from Jesus
But I'd take it from the devil
I'll take it from anywhere
Don't want real estate, Prefer hard currency
Want gold or diamond
But will take money anywhere I can get it
Maybe I shouldn't have put it up my nose
Or listened to the big breasted woman
Or the boy with cute hips
Or gone to Vegas
Momma's gonna be so mad
When I tell her I lost a trillion
Maybe I left it at Eddy's
Maybe I left it on the playground.
Caroline phoned yesterday to say she was signing up for the Vancouver Sun Run 2009. It was a terrifying moment. I was on the couch. I admired Caroline and all those like her who get up early on sunday morning and run their hearts out. The demonic little lawyer in my head had to work overtime to make a case against me doing such a wholesome thing.
Thankfully I 'd an appointment with Bill at Adrenaline to finally get the islands dolphin navigational tattoo that my sailor physician friend Eric had done years before. "Sailing acrosss the pacific the islanders figure we've earned it!" Without consulting the Nizkor Project's site for Fallacious arguments I knew this had the immediate appeal of resting on one's laurels and claiming 'injury' as excuse for more couch exercise.
I excused myself from signing up. Running the sun run, running a marathon, climbing Killimanjaro, getting a seat on the private space shuttle, motorcyling to Sturgis, sailing solo around the world, white water rafting the Frazer, and skying diving have all unfortunately been put off till next year.
This morning the stress of thinking about the Sun Run has me in bed with a cold, my new tattoo stinging, my joints aching, my sinuses bursting and me cursing the 80's rock band outside my window. The cretans running by all look morally superior. I can't wait till the Sun Run is over. It's nearly killing me!
Thinking about Country
by william hay
Thinking about dogs/Thinking about motorcycles/
Thinking about Ford Trucks/And camping/
Thinking about summer at the lake in the country
Rainbow trout fishing/wood smoke fires/
Lying in tents/reading by flashlight/
Winter's been too long and cold in the city.
Family reunions/friends and lovers/
Thinking about swimming/in warm fresh water/
Thinking about summer at the lake in the country.
Thinking about sunshine/Thinking about barbecues/
Thinking about hiking/just me and you
Thinking about summer at the lake in the country.
Laura and I arrived at Christ Church Cathedral at 9:30 am to hear the choir practising. By 10:30 all seats in the cathedral and church hall were taken with standing room only. The clergy made a triumphal entrance. The choir and muscians were heavenly indeed. Bishop Michael Ingham preached a profound sermon on faith and grace challenging the emptiness of the new aetheism. There was 'no rational way to understand" the Risen Christ. Quoting mathematician Blaise Pascal, he said, "heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing." From the story of Albertan artist William Kurulek he likened the experience of Jesus to "someone with me". Faith freed you from fear and was the homing device within the individual human. He told a moving story of the perseverence of faith under Stalin's rationalism.
Following eucharist Laura and I quickly made our way across a rainy Burrard Street to the Hyatt Regency where the AA "spiritual" speaker from Toronto had everyone in stitches beginning with a drunk vomitting on him on the plane en route. He talked to the common sense of being 'other' that alcoholics share so often with regular members of society. The only difference was that alcohol relieved this for him whereas for others it didn't have so satisfactory a response. His story included a miraculous escape from suicide by carbon monoxide and still later feeling a gun to his head as the dealer he'd ripped off hadn't taken kindly to that. Somehow beyond his own capabability he survived his own best drunken plans and found AA In recovery he learned that he was most fulfilled when he thought of others rather than himself.
After a group of us had lunch at Earl's on Robson sharing stories and laughter. Because it was Easter we felt irrationally that burgers and fries wouldn't be too fattening. The sun came out and Vancouver was beautiful with pink cherry blossoms and yellow daffodils
Celebrate Sobriety 2009 ended today as well. Despite the miracles of easter, we'd not been able to be in two places at once.
Yesterday with Bob I attended the Coming Out in AA workshop hearing of the horrible stories of abuse that young people had encountered in sharing their experiences of sexuality and gender. A couple of young men told of head injuries acquired as victims of gay bashers while another told of the imprisonment and torture that would occur if his sexual orientation were known in his country of origin. All spoke to the confusion and difficulties that were lessened in sobriety and easier to face without a drink than with. "To thine own self be true" was reminder that had carried more than one on this difficult journey.
Bri and Mar and I attended the acceptance workshop despite the touch of envy occasioned by the almost continuous laughter coming from the next door 'fun in sobriety' meeting.
Later Laura and I having danced our feet off to March Hare at the Hyatt joined the disco dance of Celebrate.
We so enjoyed the hilarity of the Texan North Shore AA speaker whose fiancee was arrested at the border because his passport had been stolen in their home and replaced with a Korean one with false papers. She said the experience was a challenge to her serenity to say the least. She also admitted that she looked forward to finding out which of the alcoholic newcomers she'd entertained the week before, might want to practice rigorous honesty and make an amends before she got her hands on them. She noted that because of her long term sobriety she had not known that an american passport sold for $5000 on the black market but admittted it was just the sort of thing she would have known in her drinking days. Back then she said, "I would have been in the loop." She was a crack up with a very serious message about 'untreated alcoholism' being more than just being dry. She hit many a chord by saying that self pity, dishonesty and self seeking had to be confronted in our lives daily if we wanted the full rewards of sobriety.
Like You Lord,
by william hay
I wanted to be a hero, I wanted to be a saint
I want to be like you Lord
But I was afraid
I wanted to be a lover, I wanted to be good at heart
I wanted to be like you Lord
But I was afraid
Give me strength, make my faith stronger
Be with me now Lord I feel so alone.