Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Burnaby August Days

Just walked Madigan around the park.  Summer folk. Children before school Parents on vacation,  i was paid yesterday.  I look forward to depositing cheques.  Feel the weight of mortgage loans.  I could pay the off,  Now within means,  Money in bank outweighs debts positively. Yet I think of the savings as years of work and what i have left to top up the small pension that is left from this governments waste and mismanagement.  I can work now so it’s good to keep working.  I continue to work.  That’s in a country where those who work are punished by the government support of criminals and theives.  I must trust in God.  There is no other way.  To date this has helped the most. 
Tough times for so many and I’m stable by constant work and steadiness.  I continue to have a wonderful life too. I’m thankful for the home I have and for the little home, my outfitted camper which will serve this fall hunting season and winter escape. I love the tech and self contained existences.  I love mobility too.  I miss my boat across the country. 
One day I’ll have it all together.  I must down sizes he storage locker too.
There has been so much I’ve accomplished in the past weeks. I’m truly blessed.  The camper decals will be put on this week. The ATV is being tuned up for fall and getting the maintenance done that will be done on the truck next week. I’m up to date.  
I survived working with the government again. A weekend of nightmares and a week of poor sleep and bad dreams. I even thought o suicide in a fleeting way remembering all the threats and the impossible demands and bullying.  I have peace of mind these days and don’t encounter the psychosis of the heard hearted sociopathic group so evil.  The WEF continues to plague the world.  The UN has becomes a cancer so at variance with the intended aims.  Tribalism everywhere.  
Oh well today the air smelt wonderful. It opened a path back in time of all the moments i took a deep breath and smelled the wonder of nature. There’s no smoke smells today and finally after several years of incompetence , denial and the lies of the Climate Change Cult , the truth of the arson and the failure to shut down power lines in storms is being addressed. It was as bad as when the hospital administrations incompetence in Winnipeg caused the death of a native man found dead in the waiting room for 36 hours and the judge blamed ‘racism’ on the death rather than the despicable dirty corrupt crony.  They may have been racist and that’s why the negligence and incompetence but the working people weren’t the problem. Such corruption.
Oh well, I’m grateful today. I slept so well.  I was awoken by Madigan who’s had gas’s and upset stomach for a couple of days. He was vomiting the night before last and I don’t know what it was that could have caused it. I was so anxious and tense dealing with the government report.  I feared his sensitive stomach was a reflection of my own psychosomatic responses. I was a child who got stomach upsets.  I made him rice and chicken soup and he really liked that. I’d put him on dry food only yesterday .  Then he slept through the night but had a little puke on the carpet in the morning. I’ve felt his tummy and it’s gassy.  I’ve just walked him and like yesterday he had a big fine bowel movement.  His nose is cold and he’s active.  He’s peeing pooping and eating. So I’ve resisted taking him to the vet and instead am feeing him more rice and chicken broth. That’s helped him in the past.
It’s a good day. I’m working today. I did the clinic yesterday.  I enjoyed meeting staff but didn’t like the comjute. I drove the mini and had to stop for a low tire.  
Laura is working hard and has been doing her house sitting. I’ve been sending her little gifts saying it’s to keep her mind on our planned week off in early September.  I’m booked for a conference on psychopharmacology in Sept as well.  Each day is sufficient unto it’s self One day at a time. I’ve not made it to church and fallen back on my being a winter Christian and a summer sun worshipping heathen .  The sun and hot days have been wonderful if only because I have air conditioning and can work despite the 80 degree temperatures. 
I’m content. That’s the word.  Thank you God. Thank you Jesus.  

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