Sunday, August 27, 2023

Trail and rules of the road

I just returned from a trail walk. Only one uncivilized person.  Perhaps ignorant is a better word.  Barbarian.  Bully.
On a trail with two directions, it can be divided by half.  This fellow took up more of the road than his half.  He was using 2/3’s of the road and going too faster than usual.  
He was alone and I was with a dog.  IF we break up a road into 2 then subdivide it into 4 then he was pushing me or the dog off the road.  Prick. Low brow. Thug.
Often I am walking with my dog and three cyclists don’t drop back into two and one or single file but hoard the road like thieves.  Four cyclists who do this are the worst.  But four other walkers as a group will take up the road and play chicken , not readjusting their group till they are right upon me and my dog. Often I recognise their social immaturity at a distance and step to the side of the walk.  They pass in a line.  The girls are giggling and commonly passive aggressive or self absorbed cunts who were simply unaware where as the guys who do this tend to be aware but bring ‘macho’ in that way children play for dominance.  I haven’t killed anyone on the trails recently simply because the effort of burying the bodies seems too much.  Easier to step aside and let the brain deficient pass.  With all the drugs around such behaviours are often just drugs.  Frontal lobe, the area of good judgement, turned off by whatever mental wanker agent is the flavour of the month or individual choice.  Zombies.  Silly people.
I walk the dog and the two of us avoid confrontations. I have to worry about the little guy getting hurt.  I have to worry about me hurting someone.  I rarely think about getting hurt myself dealing with people. I think with age I’d thought it’s a good day to die and that I really don’t have a second round in me so it’s gonna be over as quickly as I can make it because I just don’t have the stamina I once did.  Mostly the dog doesn’t like danger.  He’s a little guy and we go for a walk to stay or get fit and he likes the entertainment of a wealth of smells.  
Bullies and idiots, male and female and other , they have different agendas. I try to avoid letting their sickness or putrid personalities interfere with our getting through our walk. I like it best when we’re alone or other civilized people are walking or cycling along the trail.  The majority are toilet trained and out of diapers but there’s always one or two.  I wished I thought more of those who do the right thing and are godly rather be distracted by the satanic spawn of anal breeding.  
Have a great day. I just came home from a great walk with the dog.  

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