Thursday, February 17, 2022


Trudeau has declared martial law. The last time the Trudeau family declared martial law, it was ostensibly to deal with an FLQ political hostage taking.  In addition it abused 500 families who were political opponents of Trudeau.  The same thing is happening. TRUDOMANIA.  
I’m here in Vancouver far from the Ozarks of Ottawa hoping that the reign of terror enacted by government there doesn’t reach here.  Hopefully Candace Bergen, opposition leader of the Conservatives will be successful.. I like her and have from the start, writing letters of support to her over a decade ago. She’d have my vote in a leadership race today.  
I’m in court another day. Cross Examination.  Was struck by the discussion of the health care ‘team’ and realizing how I’d just come to live with third world communication and administration.  Lawyers order ‘IME” and I don’t get to see it unless the patient makes an effort. The information goes to the family doctor, often MRI data I’ve ordered doesn’t get sent to me but to a family physician the patient stopped seeing years ago.  I know labs and hospitals and other institutions don’t upgrade their data bases because I get material original sent to an office I had over a decade ago.  I sent around all the changes of address. When I changed an address at the radiology department they did change it there but there was no communication with others.  
I’m working in a wilderness and the lawyer uses terms like ‘team’.  The psychologist talks to the insurance company or Worksafe but not to me.  The Mental Health team doesn’t share information with the private psychiatrist. Mostly emergency lets me know my patient has been there because we’re connected on MSP but usually only if the patient tells the secretary.  
I work in addiction and half the time I don’t know what my patients are taking in addition to the medications I prescribe. That was the case with the patient seizuring on Ginkgo Biloba by the handfuls and my getting him admitted only to have a colleague have the time to carefully ask about ‘everything’ the patient is taking. None of the alternative medicine folk share their information.  Some of my patients are seeing herbal doctors and taking special OTC concoctions and I ask. I don’t ask every time. I ask intermittently and make a note.  The lawyer’s tone is that of shock and surprise like he thinks the hospital should run like TV.  We don’t have resources . People wait to see me a year or two and when I see them I have an hour to do a complete psychiatric assessment because if I take longer we have to move other patients waiting to see me.  The lawyer is young and it’s his job to make me look the fool. Everyone wants to blame me for the systemic flaws. I’ve not had access to psychiatric beds for brief stay and I don’t have any addiction beds and some of my patients are homeless and the College of Physicians has already demanded perfection and popularity.  I’m still hated by the pedophiles I reported and the fellows who wanted me to sign his gun license request which he wanted to kill his wife.  I have repeatedly been ‘fired’ by drunks calling me saying they’re going to kill themselves and their families and the police have done a great job of getting there and getting them to hospital. But it’s my fault.  Meanwhile I look at a colleague who has 5 on the rate your doctor scale and conclude either they’re not doing psychiatry or they have a large family or company writing praise.  I’ve certified too many psychotic people to be loved unimoulsy . I worked in the jails and was in charge of the dangerously insane ward. But the College of Physicians and Surgeons punishes us royally to the tune of thousands of dollars and wasted time while my colleagues who refuse to see, drug addicts, alcoholics, psychotics or brain injured or the list is long are awarded. It’s also easier and safer to work in an institution today. Even I’ve closed by personal office and work in clinics.  A gun was pulled on me in a clinic and I was taken hostage in a hospital emergency late at night. I just like the illusion of safety in numbers as more and more medical staff and psychiatrists are being attacked and criticized for being attacked.
So I must maintain a sense of humor. I miss Dugald Christie. I could have phoned him and laughed at the ‘system’ and he would have reassured me. They killed him.  Only the good die young. 
Now we have martial law in Canada.  The Communist Chinese Military are on the attack. Putin is threatening Biden in the Ukraine.  Where is Kennedy when we need him. Where is Reagan.  Where is Harper. Where’s Chrétien and Mulroney. I’m foolish to remember the past as better lead. I was younger and naive. The future is bright. I’ll just have to get new shades. This too will pass.
It’s all a kind of recurring theme like Chamberlain and Churchill.  WWI and WWII. I’m looking forward to seeing Versailles.  I first learned of it as the place where the treaty to end all war was signed so long ago.  
CBC has branded ‘freedom’ as hate speech.  Wallace is dead.  Culloden is forgotten.  I’m thankful I have Madigan.  Must go to work.  I have faith no one would ever trust Trudeau with a nuclear button and know that Biden and even Putin and Xi Jinping have people around them , watching. God is good all of the time.  Thank you Jesus. 

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