Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday Sunshine!!!

I’m sure I have plant DNA. Whenever the sun comes out I’m happy 

—you most certainly do.  We share DNA. 75% of fruit fly DNA is the same as humans. That’s why they’re used so much in genetic studies. Short life span. Similar DNA.

I think I’m a flower, really.  A rose. Like the Rose in Little Prince.

—-Last week you were going on about Neanderthal genes.

Well, yes.  We do have Neanderthal genes but they’re extinct because we killed them.  Survival of the fittest.  We’re the survival and there were at least 5 hominids.  Now there’s us.  

——-Apex predator. But I read that it was the old style big guy wins all but rather the big guy who can form and alliance with a woman or the wise man.  The ability to form alliances and strategy overrides might.  The might is right may have served the tribe but for larger endeavours you needed that pesky cooperative gene.

The night was falling like the descending curtain in a play. The brights oranges and reds of sunset were disappearing into growing darkness. I could hardly see her there.  I loved her as only a fool could love.  She was like countless other women. Shallow men saw them as interchangeable. But he knew her. For many years he’d trusted her.  Now they would go to bed and lie next to each other. Making room in the animals bed for humans.  We’d sleep and wake to dream again.

I saw flowers,’ she said.  Crocuses and snow drops in a crevice out of the wind by the sea.  

I love that, he replied moving the dog to the side rather than disturbing the cat.  He felt her warmth and then they kissed, lips brushing then mouths opening as tongues touched.

It was light when they awoke.  The dog and cat staring at them with anticipation.

He climbed out of bed first to the delight of the dog who shot outside when he opened the door.  

After he’d used the indoor plumbing and headed into the kitchen to make coffee he heard her entering the bathroom.

The cat was rubbing against his leg as he worked the can opener for her food.  The dog wasn’t nearly as excited. His food was like a wage. He begged for tips and when he had all his tips he’d consider the regular fare.  Today would be bacon and easy over eggs.  She liked to eat what he ate and has happy to join him taking the fresh made expresso.

I give thanks for each day, he said.

I do to.

The aetheists would have us believe there is no god. I feel like they are colour blind. I simply experience myself ‘in’ God. This is creation and I co create within this greater reality of energy and life.  

“I like the animals, ‘ she said.  Sipping the morning coffee and scanning her emails. She looked for messages from her kids.  I was an accessory to her long life. We shared now but her past was full of birth and life. I was certainly there for countless births and deaths. Not my own.  Thankfully now.

“I”m thankful I awake. I’m thankful I’m still mobile and have breath and energy. I live with the pain and believe Buddha was right when he said Desire is Suffering.”

‘A bit early for philosophical, she said.

“It’s theological. Philosophical is passe. Theological is ever new. And I do give thanks. I say Thank you for the day. I don’t know what it would be like to not awake. But I wake and I’m happy to go again another turn of day. I’m thankful for the mutt too. He’s usually the first encounter, staring at me wishing me awake. I say thank you for you of course3 and family and friends and all of earth’s creation.

I was taught the ‘mystery’.  No matter how much we know the mystery grows. That’s what different between us and the aetheists. They think the more they know the less mystery there. Intellectuals are not scientists by any means.’

Did you like the bacon , he said.

“It was burnt. Of course I did. You know i like it burnt.”

I’m that way with coffee.

The cat had climbed up on the counter and needed to be shooed away.

Outside the Hover Harley with the tiny nuclear reactor engine that was sufficiently encased in the new lead polymer that had been found on meteori 25781 in 2025 waited. He figured he’d take it for a ride.

“Wind therapy calls”. 

It’s okay if you open the visor but leave you’re helmet on.  You can already be thoughtless at times I really don’t want you any more so.”

He was flying over the cars below enjoying the breeze on his face as he skimmed along heading into the city.  It had taken so many decades to teach the politicians and lawyers to think in dimensions.  Scientist were forever limited by the visions of accountants.  Yet the artists revolt had lead to disaster back in 2043.  Not a practical thought among them.  Silly ideas and adolescent party craze save for the few.They were still with us. In the cabinet adding to the wealth of knowledge and leadership.  Each person was chosen from a work tribe.  There was still a marketing agent and a banker but they no longer dominated politics and reduced it to the rubble of the early 21st century.  Representation has been all but extinct with one party all the same and rapidly ruling that the only ideas were their fashion of the month climate change, covid, whatever fear could be promoted and packaged and sold.  

He slowed to take a turn passing a hover ski doo on the inside lane.

‘ Thank you , ‘s he said to the plant as she watered it in the living room where the sun was just the way she liked it. The plant and her went back a long time.  Christmas cactus.  The flowering happened at least once a year.  Sometimes two.  Christmas was special when the plant synchronized it’s celebration with the humans. 

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