Saturday, February 19, 2022

Spawn of Smegma

“It’s a terribly gawdy sort of trophy, don’t you think, Mary?”
“Indeed it looks like the jacket of that North Korean fellow, the communist chap who starved his people so he could shoot million dollar missiles off as fireworks when he was drunk and trying to impress a child prostitute.”
The two of them were at the capital walking through the National Museum.  They’d just come from the display of politicians underwear.  The Hillary Clinton Stanfields were still very popular.  Putin’s PVC pair were almost as popular as Xi Jinping’s Chanel.  
“I think what made them so successful was that in their privacy they so often looked elsewhere for solace.  Much has been written about how they didn’t trust their own industry or the need to betray that is so common in the personalities that seek higher office.
“The Spawn of Smegma” award became the most coveted among the godless communist religion. A bit like the days where earlier dictators competed for nasty names like “Ivan the Terrible’ taking pride in his moniker.  
‘Trudeau, indeed his whole family, going back to the grandfather, earned it’.  
“I remember there was that whole business about his mother’s drug addiction and promiscuity and the though his gay father had to ask another communist leader to impregnate her for him.  Some Castro fellow out of the south who took pride in his ability to have sex with anything male female or ameba apparently.  
‘Some Freedom rally in the day spread after a pandemic started in a Communist lab shut down the world.”
“But I remember, Trudeau at the instruction of his handle Klaus wouldn’t let go of all the dictatorial powers and dirty money he’d taken at the height of the crisis. Every one else an the greatest of the doctors of the day were letting up restrictions.
‘Why the name of the grotesque award.
“It probably began with T. S. Elliott’s Hollow Men. It was the era when substance was sacrificed for fashion.  A show called the Kardasian which was the kind of mindless rot the likes of Mr. Bean and Monty Python once took on suddenly dominated.  The money men had actually got ahead by taking nobodies in music and marketting them after the era of the greatest music since Mozart only to figure they could do it with politicians.  They picked this idiot and gave him an ear wig and someone in the back room fee him his lines while his only responsibility for years to attend to his hair.  An insider said they’d had a palace revolt wit their political star and had to give him more responsibility so he was allowed to choose his socks.  Hair and socks. “
“He liked little girls too. That was the time when Epstein’s island was exposed and the politicians who liked that sort of thing had to take rather drastic measures. Even the Prince had to cough up a lot of money to pay off the Honey Pot. While the rest of the world was realizing that Jesus never talked about sex and masturbation turned out to be good for you the Communist craze for religious necrophilia and child marriage with the Muslims expanded to included ladyboys in Malaysia it all was rather passé on the political front. DNA testing showed half the fathers of the divorced weren’t who they thought they were so sex was very much in politics. The Climate activists were demanding their own sex robots claiming natural sex produced too much heat.  Everyone had progressed materially so teen girls flaunted their status with ruby studded vibrator dildos and new waves of protest blockaded traffic as the poor were still dependent on batteries for their sex toys and the rich used renewable power like solar panels and wind generators. The wind generators outside government buildings were a standing joke in the day especially as they killed the birds.

“We should move along there’s an exhibit of dog poo from a Hollywood producer’s poodle I wanted to see. They have preserved the smell with the latest technology.” 
“As long as we can see the throw up of the CBC producer’s cat the one whose litter box cost a millions dollars of tax payer money and was reportedly made by the producer’s child lover. “
“Yes but that was when inflation rose to a thousand what a dollar had bought before the Trudeau regime.”

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