Monday, January 24, 2022

New Day, new week

Madigan and I just saw Laura off. Having her over for the weekend was wonderful.  Good excuse to do little, chat, watch tv, do errands and eat great meals.  Madigan was in heaven. Laura is his mommy but he forgets at times with his psychotic puppy brain and thinks she’s his girlfriend, trying to hump her leg when I’m not watching.  Aim called Gilbert ‘the humper’.  I’m thinking this is why young males get kicked out of the cave.  In fairness he’s actually learning the commands ‘no’, and ‘down’. 
It really was great having this time together. The Saturday outing was a trip to a couple of Bosley’s looking for his favourite Tikki food, specifically Greece, and a new water bottle attachment for trips in the truck
Linda Nankov at Flight Centre organized our holiday accommodation with no penalties if we had to cancel 48 hours before. With Covid and quarantine rules I didn’t want to be ‘locked’ into a hotel room.  
Thaun Vo at Rand and Fowler who takes care of all my vehicle insurance is arranging for us to have travel insurance .  It was exciting to be planning with Laura.
Then the two of us began thinking of camping this summer.
Last month it was so bleak. I had difficulty getting out of bed and getting through the day.  It’s the sun’s effect. 
I even charged the battery on my Harley. It was a time as usual to try and find how to remove the seat to get to the battery but I found the battery charger without difficult and the ratchets and screw driver. The whole process went without a glych.
We were sorry to hear a friend had a heart attach when the heart arteries were already too small for a stint. He had emergency open heart surgery and now has a 6 month recovery period. We’re so glad he lived. He’s a wonderful man.  So many of these guys with a ‘big heart’ seem to care for everyone till their actual heart bursts.  I’m pleased he didn’t work himself to death and I’m really pleased the scientific advances in cardiology are so advanced.  
We got more gummy vitamins. Laura turned me on to them.  Candy medicine.  I could only find Vitamin D in the Sesame Street brand so that’s what I’ve got.  When I was a kid everything that was good for you tasted terrible.
We even bought Madigan a new thin dog bed he hasn’t eaten yet. He eviscerated both the stuffed ones.  I changed the sheets and comforter covers and pillow cases because Laura was coving over. It really was nice to have clean sheets. I blame her for the work, like I blame her for all the comfort and luxury I add in my life not admitting I really enjoy it too. The joke is the guys call the camper, ‘Laura’s camper’ because she’d done her time tenting and wanted a shower and more protection from the bears.  I love the camper and was pleased to learn this weekend that it will be ready for spring and summer camping.  
It’s so hard to believe how good I feel when before Christmas I was literally crawling on my belly to the finishing line, so disheartened and depressed and fatigued with such a daily grind of chronic pain  Then Harrisons and the hot springs and more time with Laura and now I’m actually feeling joyful and hopeful.
Dr. Bonnie Henry is rolling back the pandemic to endemic status.  The tracking and tracing has finally stopped. I’ll be glad when the lockdowns are totally lifted.  It’s happening in Europe.  
I’m very thankful.  The weather is supposed to be warm like this for a few more days. We had fog with the inversion.  
It’s a new day, a new week, a new year. I wrote a song and played it and recorded it and was thankful people were kind.  I even played guitar again this week.  Too much time is spent on social media.  I’ve been reading a lot of books and watching tv, often with a travel perspective. The History of Modern ARt, the History of Scotland, the Stuart MacBride Scottish detective novels set in Aberdeen, the Louvre.  I completed my MOCOMP cycle successfully again despite 2020 Covid restriction. I may attend the positive psychology conference here in the summer or go to IDAA or both. I’ve so enjoyed attending the IDAA meetings on line, seeing all the old friends, feeling connected.  I’d not realized how disconnected I’d become. It was a bit like early days covid when the Rolling Stones ‘living in a ghost town’ summed it up. Now it’s just the tedium.  The Trucker Drive on Ottawa is taking place. I think Trudeau winning the election was the point when I lost faith in elections and concluded that the digital elections were open to fraud . If smart guys can hack everything else it’s got to be no difficulty hacking elections. Obviously Trudeau is who the Communist Chinese Army wants as Prime Minister.  I think of Wallace Freedom and realize the majority of recent immigrants unlike refugees are economic migrants who don’t share the ‘values’ that we knew as Canadians, « True North Proud and Free. ». Just like every other third world country we have this dictator want to be with all the corruption we once thought was Africa or Asia’s but is now the Canadian model. I talked to South Americans’ and they’re only surprised that we were optimistic.  We watched Matrix Resurrected.  
The truth is within.  The storms come and go like on the boat but the sun shines and fair winds and following seas eventually arrive. Spring is always so beautiful in Vancouver. The daffodils and crocuses and the returning birds.  It’s all so uplifting. 
I’m so blessed. Thank you Jesus. Thank you God of God. Thank you Lord of Lords.  Hallelujah!!!!


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