Sunday, May 17, 2020

May 17, Contined State of Emergency, Politics versus Science

My mother always taught me there were people who if you gave a little would want it all. There are takers and there are givers. There are well manner people and there are bullies. The state of emergency is past but government always, reasonably suspect given the abuses of power through history,just doesn’t seem to want to let a crisis go to waste.  Sad.

I’m here in an act of ‘civil disobedience’.  I’m camping this weekend. I have a camper with it’s own bathroom and Laura is the only other person I have physical contact with. Gilbert and I have been socially distanced for two months from her, reunited last week. I’ve continued to work virtually. The forest or ocean has been my medicine.  

I’m denied groups hugs and coffee shop discussions.  Too many FB people are too quick to take offence, looking for a fight, name callers or self proclaimed sheriffs. They don’t know that discussion is like a game of ping pong, or perhaps tennis. Love One.  Even debating is beyond them because they don’t have the least knowledge of ‘proof’ but instead consider the ‘mob cry’ as appropriate statement of ‘opinion’.  

Sadly watching parliament I’ve seen a whole lot of adolescent behaviour from the Prime Minister with his ear fob directing him.  I watch Pierre ask him appropriate questions or counter his arguments and then the PM rants tangentially or circumstantially gaslighting and generally being an uncivilized boor with pretty hair and lots of virtue signalling and posturing.  

I’m weary. I did nothing yesterday. I’m reading an excellent Western, Bunnell’s Stonecraft saga of two men with flintlock weapons and bows exploring the Wild West.  Lots of good history and even bible passages as that was the common language of the day and the author is a pastor.  Great period writing. 

But then I’m looking over at FB hoping for some of the really good intrigue about this Covid 19.  Why ever are they continuing states of emergency, outrageous police powers, dubious fines, and all in name of the Nazi creed “its for your safety’.  

Unlike others I accepted the lockdown. I believe our leadership knew it was from a lab and it was possibly a bioweapon experiment gone awry, released intentionally or unintentially but certainly not stopped when it could have been.  It was also associated with a major cover up and massive deaths in Wuhan.  What to do in such a situation.  Retreat!  So we did and we learned an immense amount of information in 2 months.

It’s not a bioweapon.  The virus likes asian and blacks most, whites next but doesn’t like Latins. If it was a bioweapon it was developed by Mexicans.  Not the Communist Chinese. It was likely an lab error, like Chernobyl and countless other examples of experimental errors. The Iranians last week shot one of their ships with a mission Maybe it was just religious Islam stupidity that had them shoot down a commercial flight only months back. 

The Wuhan Virology Lab had a history of errors.  The WHO lied. Like the Communist Chinese who knew better they said it didn’t spread human to human.  My friend was in Wuhan and had pneumonia and everyone knew this flu virus spread by coughing. Why would the Communist Chinese and WHO lie if everyone knew and by January even the western intelligence agencies knew they were lying. So unconventional warfare had begun and the lockdown began. Nobody wanted to have their health care resources overwhelmed.  

Other than in major cities people were not particularly at risk. In most cases the people who died were old and sick in nursing homes.  When I was a country family physician we quipped that ‘pneumonia was the old man’s friend’.  It was a relatively easy way to die and  a principle cause of death in the very old.

I researched masks again when I heard that Dr. Fauci like Dr. Tam had said , against all medical evidence, against all scientific evidence, that masks in the community shouldn’t be worn.  Both reversed their positions but the data proving that masks protected communities came from the SARS and MERS epidemics.

 All the leading Virologists in the Asian democracies recommended masks. So were Dr. Fauci and Dr. Tam racist.  I know that at international conferences I have encountered the rare arrogant western physician who belittles the excellent work of Third World Nation Colleagues. But the head of public health from Taiwan and from South Korean aren’t Third World. Why doesn’t the WHO acknowledge Taiwan who has to date done the best of all. It’s like having a hockey all star team but refusing to let Goretsky play.  The WHO has become a horribly unscientific political body just like the Red Cross became in the Aids Epidemic. 

Now I’m sitting outside at a picnic table. The wilderness campgrounds were closed but this set of spots was open along the river. We’d hoped to go to our favourites further out but they were closed .  There were a half dozen campers here and no sign, the entrance open.  The other campgrounds had gates and saw horses. This didn’t. Laura was concerned we were 2 and a half hours away from my place . I drove slowly.  She’s never had a speeding ticket. She is a really good girl.  The private campgrounds told us they were accepting RV’s and campers but no tents because their washrooms were all closed and there was no use of public community services.  

We’d planned weeks ago.  Then suddenly after being told we could travel in BC we were told we had to go only 2 hours and that day camping was okay but no overnight camping. It made no scientific or medical sense.  Political and military.  The dictator always takes away little things and torturers play similiar dominatrix games.  No warning.  I give. I take away.  I am your Queen.  You peasants have no rights.  

I just had a hunting rifle I bought legally and owned for years suddenly declared a military assault rifle by a PM who couldn’t find his ass with both hands and knows nothing about the guns that surround him protecting him and his arrogance.  

I’m a good boy. Not like Laura is a good girl. But I’ve lived a righteous life. Not necessarily sexually. I’ve a number of divorces and I swear. I have a penchant for the word ‘fuck’ and wonder if it’s my own personal canary in the mine. If people don’t like the word ‘fuck’ they’re going to find a lot more they don’t like while turning a blind eye to worse behaviours that they themselves do but don’t own.  Passive aggressive, covert aggression and negligence are the principle failings of the politically correct. 

I am a good citizen. I’ve carried wood and hauled water for years. I’ve served on boards and manned soup kitchen lines, volunteered to serve at high cost and high risk in the worst of areas. I’ve served my fellow man and God and I’ve respected my government and participated in it. I don’t break the law normally and don’t like breaking the law.  I think too if someone who is as ethical and moral as I have worked to be is having a problem then frankly the majority of people might well have cause for concern. 

But I’m here and what have I done. Nothing. I’ve sat inside in the rain and read a western. I’ve even engaged in a few political arguments on facebook.  It’s deplorable.  I don’t do it normally because I’m working 10 hours a day debating with someone who wants to kill themselves or others or drink or drug. I’m presenting pros and cons and doing literature searches. I read a half dozen scientific papers yesterday, a few hours of worthwhile work. I was curious about what the CDC knew.  Marvellous organization in my experience. Love reading what UBC is doing.  

Loved Dr. Bonnie Henry and thought so well of Mr. Horgan until he extended the State of Emergency. Now that was scarey.  The emergency is past. With all the stress I feel I’ve been working harder. Now obviously people like Trudeau have been on a long vacation coming out for little posturing  in speeches and refusing to open parliament while spending a lifetime of money on cronies and giving a bit to the people to keep them in rapt adulation of his hair.  

I’m losing my hair.  Laura is beautiful. Gilbert is a gift. He injured his back, lost his eyes, has a serious heart murmur and is now taking treatment for congestive heart failure but he just keeps on. 

I really should be more grateful. I’m nit picking this government.  They’ve done so well. My natural and very healthy fear of government has stepped up.  The communists have invaded Canada and we’re rapidly on the way to a police state.  Civil war has already begun.  Montreal and Toronto versus Canada. 

It’s all above my pay grade. I watched a stellar jay a moment a go.  The sun is truly lovely. An ant has come  to visit.  There’s something comforting about old picnic tables. Takes me back to the best of times camping with my family.  I also liked the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Church and YMCA camping  experiences.  The picnic table has so many fond memories.  

Random thoughts from a mind that is winding down.  I slept so well. I actually dreamed of holy men and lakes.  Gilbert woke me early. He loves to be helped up on the bed so he can get Laura to give him a morning tummy rub. I went back to sleep only to have Laura wake me thinking there was a bear outside. I think it was a crow that got into the green bag of garbage I’d hung at the back of the camper. I cleaned it up and took Gilbert for a walk. He’s on furosemide and peed longer than I’ve ever seen him pee.  He’s been enjoying drinking more water so the meds must make him thirsty. He’s such a happy little dog. An example to me. I’m more dour. I enjoy life and am happy but he’s much more ready to play and I am slow to play. I miss the puppy some days. We are both a whole lot slower. I’m old like my grandfather and don’t feel it except in the aches and pains.  

I used the generator yesterday to charge all the electronics but today I’ve just run the truck.  

Hallelujah Praise the Lord. Thank you Heavenly Father for all your blessings.  

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