Saturday, May 9, 2020

May 9 Covid 19 Letting up the Lockdown

The Monday Morning Quarter backs are at it big time. « It was just a flu, » they say.  What we didn’t know then, we know now.  The American military has ‘permanently disqualified’ anyone who has had the pneumonia of Covid 19.  They don’t know if the fibrosis of the lungs will interfere in future exercise. They don’t know if this virus is like Dengue, the mild form first but next infection worse.  The American president has called this an ‘attack’.  

The Chinese Communist Party made a clear decision not to contain it and killed the doctors who were whistleblowers and tried to warn the world.  They then arrested and jailed the leaders of the Hong Kong revolt, not students, but millionaire businessmen who had lead the million strong movement.  Trudeau uses this opportunity to give himself a raise, release prisoners, protect prisoners and take the legal hunting rifles from conservative citizens after trying to spread the disease by destroying the personal protection equipment of the doctors and nurses.  The first bomb of terrorism is for the civilians and the second bomb is for the first responders.  Trudeau continues to send tax payers money to China and give them land to build in Canada.  It’s so peculiar. Such intrigue. Trudeau really should get rid of the sharia compliant beard and sport a paper thin moustache.

The first viral  wave has peaked and is passing.  There is little doubt now that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab.  It wasn’t meant as a bio weapon.   Whether it was man made remains to be seen.  Several Nobel prize winners for HIV research and genetics say it was.  The Chinese paid media says it couldn’t be. The lady protestest too much.  The French who designed the lab say the Chinese refused to follow their specs.  There have been several breeches but the media insists a virus that last 5 days on a metal pen could never have escaped from a lab.  That’s what they said about Chernobyl.  It could never happen.  China pays big money for big propaganda.  Goebbels taught make the lie unbelievably big and tell it over and over again. People have always prefered stupidity to truth. Stupidity is cozy like sitting in your own soiled diapers and waiting for mommy. The party girls are already gearing up to switch allegiance to the winners.

There is no compelling proof to the contrary Covid 19 didn’t escape from the lab.. The Chinese cover up , destroying research documents, killing people who working in the lab, and continued refusal to release ground zero documentation, points directly to a lab experiment gone wrong. That ‘s what Intelligence says. Not just American. All Intelligence except China’s. That also justifies the massive economic loss as the lockdown took place. If Frankenstein is lose and the leaders of the world believed that might be true on the evidence then it’s batten hatches time.  Especially since the continued behaviour of the Chinese is aggression, 250 respirators that are defective, thousands of thermometers that register 36 degrees not 38 , and masks that would ensure wearers get the virus. 

The Communist socialists continue to lie and cover up. Thirty countries lead by Australian have demanded the Chinese Communist Party tell the truth for once in their lives.  Instead they attack Vietnamese fishing boats taking over the China Sea all the while they imprison millions in Gulags and do medical procedures the likes the world hasn’t seen since Josef Mengele.  Trudeau continues to sing the Communst Chinese Party’s praises.  Even Merkel is appalled at their behaviour.  

Why are we trading with Hitler and Lenin? Why are we trading with a regime that is the principal polluter on the planet? Why are we trading with a tyranny that harvests body parts from prisoners?  Why are we trading with the mass murderers of the Tibetans? Why are we trading with the most racist nation since the Nazi? Why are we so greedy that we will do deals that will allow the subjugation of millions and corruption by thousands to persist in a country that has now unleashed disease and economic destruction on the rest of the world. This is the country that kills all the endangered species. These are the people who are behind the destruction of the environment.  The Chinese Communist Party are aetheist who have reigned terrror on Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus.  Communists are the most deceitful people whose core belief is perpetual war and world domination.  Has everyone forgotten John F. Kennedy!  He would be rolling over in his grave today to see countries like Canada celebrating communism.  Was the death of JFK for nothing?  

The lockdown is letting up.  We are getting together again with lovers and family.  The economic crisis has begun.  Highest unemployment since the Great Depression.  Trudeau continues to give away millions.  Quebec corruption is at an all time high. Biker gangs and mafia rule. SNC Lavalin gets military contracts despite the greatest scandal in Canadian history. The attorney general would not countenance the criminal deeds so Trudeau threw her to the wolves.  She rose and came back.  Aboriginal posses war throughout the praires. In Surrey the UN Gangs shoot each other with illegal weapons.

I am talking to anxious people. I’m writing lots and lots of prescriptions for antidepressants and anti anxiety medications and in some case antipsychotics. I’m continuing to help with harm reduction programs as the Chinese Fentanyl épidemic of overdose reaches an all time high. One hundred deaths per month in DTES. Despite constant diplomatic pressure from America on the Chinese to stop the flow of fentanyl into North America nothing was done.  Trudeau gives the Chinese Communist Party  money but their victims in the DTES still go without housing and medicine. There is no federal assistance of note for building a long overdue asylum  or providing the long overdue psychiatric and addiction medicine monies for doctors and programs.  It was just announced that Trudeau is giving more money to ISIS.

Reality is stranger than fiction.  The PM started out on marijuana but it sure seems he’s moved up to LSD and mushrooms.  Whatever he’s smoking is not good for the country.  

I’m walking my dog. I wear women’s clothes like KLINGER on MASH and don’t want another war but everyone forgets Chamberlain and hates Churchill.  History repeats itself.  It’s always about timing.  Taiwan and India and Singapore and Australia, the closest neighbours of this violent aggressive dangerous government of China are saying what Eastern Europeans said when the National Socialist Nazi’s invaded only to be followed by the International Socialist Communists.  Immigrants came to Canada to escape totalitarians and all my friends now say they are terrified that Trudeau is turning Canada into the countries they escaped. The wonderful Vietnamese people and the boat people know too well what the Communist Chinese will do. 

 No freedom of speech, Islamaphobia laws, hate laws, anything you say can be held against you,  comedians fined for political incorrectness, the CBC news bought and sold as a Trudeau newsletter, everyone who disagrees called racist, no democracy, despite being a minority government wide sweeping laws unrelated to the pandemic, but the old saws of the party, suddenly imposed.  

I love the flowers of spring. I sit and meditate and consider death in time. I re read Camus, the Plague and appreciate the absurdity.  The latte drinking girls doing their make up celebrate Trudeau because he has nice hair.  Ther sisters and mothers question why women got the vote. Meanwhile latte drinking men like Trudeau  because he’s given them money not to work. They just worry they’ll have enough money in their basement suite for their wine and their dope. The government Is even supplying marijuana as edibles as Sophie Trudeau and Maggie Trudeau laugh, saying, Let them eat cake! Never before have more video games been played.  More children move home to their parents who voted Liberal.  He has such nice hair and his father was a Nazi/communst celbrity.

I’m condemned for being critical of Dr. Tam ,the WHO flunky , whose errors are obscene.  Thankfully I’m in BC.  Premier Horgan and Health Minister Dix have done incredible jobs.  Dr. Bonnie Henry is a doctor’s doctor.  They represent the good people in the world and when  Trudeau and Tam were still doing China’s work of destroying the country, in addition to lying,  Dr. Henry pointed out that there were more deaths due to the lock down than due to the Covid 19. Premier Horgan and Dr. Henry are building the province up after the destruction that Chine wrought.  I’m looking forward to a weekend camping soon.  I’m tired.

It’s a terribly stressful time and everyone is acting as if it’s ‘normal’. It’s not.  We are in an unprecedented unconventional war with disease and economics as the weapons. We survived oil spills and we will survive virus spills. New Orleans rebuilt. People are resilient. We have the greatest scientists and doctors ever known in the world. Locally we have the best leadership. Internationally American, Britain, Taiwan, Australia and France and Italy and Germany and India and the nations of South America are all working to restore society after this terrible and tragic attack and horrible scare. Who doesn’t recognize Frankenstein! Who, when Frankenstein is lose , says let’s see if we can capitalize on this. Maybe if we let Godzilla lose we can get more building contracts. Psychopaths and sociopaths.  

God is good. God is good all of the time.  Thank you Jesus. Thank you spiritual saints of all religions.  Thank you good people. Thank you for those who are providing wisdom and heart in tough times and are being adults when maturity is needed.  Thank you for all my friends and family for their love and care.  God bless the good!

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