Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 3, Covid 19 Quarantine

We are still here. Alive. Breathing fine. Gilbert has a cough but even that’s getting better.  He had antibiotics and de worming. I’ll see. May need another trip to the vet to follow up. I’d like to get him groomed. The last time he coughed like this he was getting burs in his throat and needed steroids.  He has a heart murmur too. This has come and gone for years.  That and the bad back and blindness. He’s a real trooper.  We sure do a lot together. Now that I’m home working in the virtual clinic he thinks I’m here to throw the ball and get him treats. He used to come to the office but he just slept there. This is his home and I serve him here.
Not much new on the Covid 19 front. Dr. Bonny Henry said they were loosening restrictions. That’s the right move.  Parks and camping opening up.  I’m looking forward to getting away camping. Laura and I talk about it most every night.  I’m pretty satisfied here but getting out by a lake or stream away from the city is always a joy. 
I’ve been bad ordering off Amazon.  Just clothing and books but there’s that impulse element. I can’t deny it. I see something advertised on Facebook and check it out on Amazon. It’s only $20 and then it’s only $20 again.  I don’t need more underwear but it’s coming. I did appreciate the alcohol wipes and masks.  Now I’m waiting for the cloth masks. Going to the Post Office is always a treat as often there is something I ordered a month back. Last time it was the liquid soap.  They’ve got all kinds now at London drugs but it was looking grim a month ago.  I love that supply lines are still going. Some delays but things are still moving.  I was sorry to hear about the back ups in the agricultural industry.  
Everything was so simple and now thanks to China and the WHO and some say the Democratic Media is to blame as well, we have this economic crisis now coming after the extraordinary viral panic.  I still believe with what we knew due to the corruption in the Communist China and WHO a lockdown for three weeks was essential.  The health care system wasn’t overwhelmed thanks to the likes of Mr. Horgan and Aidrian Dix.All around the world, good men and women rose to the occasion and doctors and nurses made amazing sacrifices on the front lines.  Now we carry on.
I’ve been working virtual and it’s quite exhausting.  They say that in video there’s a lack of cues which makes the interview more stressful. It’s been good. Everyday I’ve felt like I’ve helped people who needed help. A lot of the unessential visits seem gone.  So many people feel they need to see a specialist to satisfy some third party agency.  I see the need for the assessment and follow up but there just got to be so many forms and requests for interview data. Now it’s much more focussed and important. I like that.  
I’m actually pretty thankful for everything. I like wearing skirts and kilts and shorts and sweats and that’s all possible in virtual. I felt I had to ‘dress up’ for work. Old school. Now I have to have a shirt on. That casualness is more appealing with some. I’ve enjoyed seeing people I know in their home environment and seeing them more relaxed sharing.  It’s safer and less formal and that’s good.
I’m still struggling with getting through to pharmacists and wish there was an email or texting equivalent to the fax machine. I once used online fax but that was too cumbersome. I’m thankful for the clinic staff who are staying on top of everything, making appointments and getting charts ready and making sure the patients are notified and the billing goes through..  I’m amazed at how much I have to do just keeping to schedule with all the incoming emergency phone calls. 
Still, I’m blessed. I’m well. I »m helpful. I’m serving. I’m working. It’s spring in BC.The weather is mostly incredible. Sunny sky with a mid day downpour and now more sun again.  
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord. Thank you.  

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