Saturday, May 16, 2020

May 16, Covid 19, Camping

Covid 19  came from  a leak (a virus spill) during gain of function experiments in the Level 4 Communist Chinese Military  Virology Lab in Wuhan. The unusual genetic sequencing shows unusual fucin insertion that have Nobel Prize winning scientists convinced that it did not develop naturally.  The Communist Chinese Party tortured and killed whistleblower doctors and continue to refuse to share patient zero, ‘bat girl’ information.  A lab assistant working with the horseshoe bat virus has been mysteriously missing along with others since late November, early December,  2019.
December the CCP knew a deadly human to human transmitting virus was lose in Wuhan, did not stop planes leaving the monstrous Wuhan festival.  These people flew to all corners of China and on to the rest of the world.  The CCP capitalized on the condition locking down Hong Kong, stopping the million strong revolt of leading citizens and subsequently arresting millionaire Hong Kong business who are now also missing. 
 In the Chinese Communist Party papers on ‘unconventional warfare’ they state the need to destroy the US and other Democracies by internal division and conquering and the use of propaganda and disease to gain ascendancy. The end of communism has always been perpetual war till the communists triumph.
The WHO was coopted to support the Communist Chinese Party narrative propaganda.  Suddenly a ‘wet market’ which never sells bats was implicated in the origin of a virus which oddly required a pangolin to explain it’s peculiar lab created appearance. There is absolutely no evidence that the virus originated in a wet market or could not have been in the Wuhan lab.  
Millions of dollars of funding was given to scientists who insisted they knew with 100% certainly that the virus  came from the wet market. Only 97% of the genetic make up was ‘normal’. 3% was highly suspicious but anyone who questioned the Chinese Communist Party narrative was mocked and ridiculed or disappeared. A massive, millions of dollars, Communist propaganda  campaign began while dozens of countries sued China for financial damages and loss of life. 
In the January, the fog of war, with China denying the million deaths and WHO downplaying the danger, Iran lying about mass graves,  the west was un prepared for the onslaught that killed so many in Italy as the virus spread in a huge wave around the world.
Lockdown ensued. If the health care systems, ICU’s and respirators were overwhelmed deaths multiplied 5 to 10 times more.  The disease lasted 3 weeks. An Israeli scientist charted its spread as 8 weeks to peak and trough, apparently most unusually independent of the response. Sweden took the unprecedented approach to encouraging early herd immunity to reduce the overall long term morbidity and mortality.  At risk people remain quarantined. Their excellent health care system wasn’t overwhelmed and their numbers are still far better than Belgium. Brussels the seat of the European Union has had the most sickness and death, Italy, Spain, France, Britain all doing more poorly than America and Canada. Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, South Korea all have done better with their early closing of airports, aggressive quarantining of migrants, social distancing and masks.  
Antibody testing in Iceland showed half the population is infected but shows no expression of disease. Of those who express the disease 80% of cases are mild. 
Mainstream media, continuing to use arts students ignorant of science and statistics almost universally fail by constantly reporting deaths as absolute numbers rather than numbers per hundred thousand or per million which is the correct and useful way to present scientific data rather than the fear mongering and emotive manner used to fan the mass hysteria which sells news and gives politicians unprecedented peace time power increasingly abused.  Stanford Studies show that positive tests are over reporting disease rates by hundredfold. Perhaps 20% of the west coast are already infected. Cruise ship data confirm all the evidence that the virus is 10 times deadly in susceptible populations, old and sick already ,but 1/10 as illness producing in 20 to 50 year olds. The computer projections have been off again most likely because of the amazing response of doctors and nurses and the cooperation and work of billions under attack. 
Taiwan the most successful and best of all has like most of the eastern democracies maintained work and managed the economy to the best of their ability. Lockdowns in Singapore and elsewhere have varied with close adherence to social distancing and safety. China has ramped up production in a further attempt to gain economic dominance over the west already foreclosing on the massive loans that they had extend and acquiring property thereby.  China’s neighbours, used to her aggression, see little doubt that she is in an all out economic and unconventional war.
What I was taught in urban combat military training was that the first terrorist bomb is for the civilians and that the second bomb or sniper attack is for the first responders, doctors and nurses. China’s personal protection gear, according to the Netherlands was 90% defective.  It has killed care workers surely.  250 respirators were defective and would have killed patients in Canada. Thermometers under registered temperature.  Trudeau gave 16 tons of high quality personal protective gear in exchange for China’s deadly returns. 
CSIS , the Canadian spy agency said that Chinese Communist Party had infiltrated government, media and universities to the highest level.  Left leaning politicians and others from the west have had unprecedented investments and special back room sweet deals that have made them millions of dollars and helped them become what Lenin called them, ‘useful fools’.  Only when their ‘conflicts of interest’ and investments are exposed does the truth come out. 
Even now the Canadian government is in league with the Chinese Communist Party in testing a vaccine, not surprisingly made for this specific virus and ready to roll before all the competing vaccines are coming out.  Vaccines are a many billion dollar business. They have attracted Bill Gates the greatest financial shark of the era who has committed billions to the production of vaccines in China.  
The flu vaccine, unlike previous vaccines before it, was of highly dubious value.  Yet it was associated with draconian measures of enforcement and indeed threw into question the previous successful vaccines that saved so many lives. 
Today some are encouraging fascist tyranny and totalitarian state power in keeping businesses closed and people out of work until a vaccine can be developed. People now must  remain prisoners at the whim of governments indefinitely.  They  claim that a vaccine and social chipping are necessary. Social chips are mandated in China, tracking and monitoring at it’s finest and increasingly celebrated in the mainstream .  ‘Chipping’ is celebrated in the west by those who prefer it to carrying credit cards.  My dog has such a chip.  Cattle and slaves were branded. It was called the ‘mark of the beast’ . 
Democrats have said that they would rather America die than the Republicans remain in power.  Liberals in Canada have all but erased democracritic gains of a century. Free speech is gone with Comedians fined, broad definitions of ‘hate speech’, censorship in social media and increasing censorship with words like Islamophobia and ironically Homophobia and now Racism. Meanwhile the Climate Change Cult had also used computer ‘projections’ which wrongly overstated their concerns by a thousand fold suggesting that tomorrow the end would be nigh when indeed the computer errors were in numbers of zero.  The Climate Change fear mongering  prophecies were for a hundred years or a  thousand years hence.  I never mattered that their prophecies like the disappearance of ice caps never occurred because all that mattered was the brand. .  
A great spiritual war of the profundity of Revelations is waging.  Godless aetheist communists and dilute Christians and greedy Jews and Ferrari driving Buddhists and Hindus who have rejected family all are vying for cosmetic appliances and surgery in the greatest ‘denial of death’ movement known.  If I keep my head in my ass I may not die, ever, the adherents argue, screaming on social media from inside their prisons. Never before have so many had so much and now they are imprisoned in guilded cages while the Third World citizens begin  to starve. HIV killed a few million in the west and hundreds of million in the Third World. Well the west is on holiday the third world dependent on commerce, trade and travel slowly dies.  We were bloated with cheap trade with Communist China which arrested a million spiritual Falun Gong to steal their body parts for the extension of life of the leading CCP members.  Millions of ethnics in Gulags.  Slave labour and poverty all contributing to Amazon owner Jeff Bezo’s becoming the worlds first Trillionaire. It’s just business.  Virtue signalling girls and boys in downtown Toronto and Montreal flouted their latest blood stained garments from Wish and showed off their blood diamonds. 
Meanwhile leaders like Trudeau flip their pretty hair and virtue signal and put another wing on their palaces.  In face of plague, the world descends into medieval’  as criminals stockpile weapons, militias acquire military hardware and common hard working citizens are taxed to pay for the increasing legions of criminals and unemployed. The good citizens are disarmed too for the benefit of the evil and bad.  Disarmament has historically always been a precurser  used by dictators moving to all out war on the citizens.  Like the Nazi’s they insist everything is done ‘for your safety’.  
Thèse are strange times.  In the Bhagavad Gita the boy king Arjuna objects to Krishna that the war is between his family members and Krishna says that is always the way with war. The only question is whether to join in or not. To be a monk and isolate or not to be a monk and participate.  Even that choice is taken from us in Hotel California, ‘We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.’
People are so scared and unwilling to admit it, the media fanning fear to the level of 1984 group speak and mindless parroting of propaganda catch phrases.  They even trust the government.  They would rather  Communist China’s Xi Jinping than America’s Trump. Meanwhile Trudeau calls for another bong and party goes on. 
 It’s 60’s psychedelic with China providing fentanyl killing hundreds more than their other favourite export Covid 19.  
I simply don’t know. I calm psychotic people. I reassure the anxious.  I agree with the paranoid and they are comforted. I recommend Monty Python’s « Look on the Bright Side of Life Utube Clip ».  
In an act of civil disobedience I’ve driven off into the wilderness, like the dessert father’s before me. I hope to survive longer than the Mad Trapper of Canada the last hermit, killed for wanting to be away from the maddening crowd.   
Maybe in solitude with healing nature I will be able to return to the city, where the lemmings crowd desperately together rather than live freely apart and face the absurdity of life Camus so well described in his classic, the Plague.  
I remember my WWI patient who survived 4 years of trench warfare telling me. ‘The bullet must have your name on it’.  Go ahead, sunshine, if hiding away helps, hide away.  The generation of « Carpe Diem! » has come full circle to the generation of  « Be safe. »   No wonder the young never listen.
Somewhere a couple is loving against the law, a modern day Romeo and Juliet. . 

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