Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Gratitude for Wednesday

Thank you God for this Wednesday, this ‘hump day’. Thank you for the full moon and rain through the night. Thank you for sleep and awakening. Thank Jesus love and sacrifice. Thank you for Gilbert who joined me this morning, his little cockapoo body cuddling up against mine after I pressed the snooze button on my iPad alarm. Thank you for George the cat who rubbed against me as I walked into the living room. Thank you for the coffee, especially this Ethiopian Sidano. Thank you for Shreddies. I bought these yesterday not having had them in decades.I enjoyed the nostalgia and flavour. Thanks always for the yoghurt.
Thank you for my clothing and vehicles. Thank you for showers and soap.  Thank you for heat and hot water. Thank you for family and friends. Thank you for what is here and what is there. Thank you for discernment and learning and ideas and empathy. Thank you for the Holy Book.  Thank you for inspirational writing. Thank you for spirituality. Thank you for social media. Thank you for news. Thank you for distribution channels. Thank you for all who work and serve. Thank you for the air and the wind.
Thank you for plants and forests. Thank you for camping.Thank you for ice cream. Thank you for the Kreb Cycle. Thank you for the periodic table. Thank you for string theory. Thank you for levitation and telepathy and intuition.  

Please God guide me today. Show me what it is you want me to see. Help me in my reflection. Help me in my healing. Help me do for others what they need. Help me help reduce their suffering, those who come to see me. Help me see your light and be a beacon to others. Help me be uplifting. Help me help others overcome their addiction and their self defeating ways.

Help me Lord.  Show me. Teach me. Succour and comfort me and those I serve.  

Help me to see the positive and focus on the positive. Help me to be in this day and not be distracted by the resentments of yesterday and fears of tomorrow.  

Thank you Lord. 

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